Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1283: I’m Talking to You About Technology, You’re Talking to Me About Feelings?

Chapter 1283: I’m Talking to You About Technology, You’re Talking to Me About Feelings?

What Takagi said back then wasn’t wrong; these Gruber brothers weren’t really terrorists, and were just after money.

Thinking that, Luke couldn’t help but shake his head in amus.e.m.e.nt.

More than 90% of cases in America had to do with money.

That was nothing new for this country.

At that moment, Tony sent a message. “I’m on Wall Street. n.o.body will know I’m here, not even you.”

Stumped for a moment, Luke asked Alfred with a strange expression, “Where’s Tony?”

Alfred: “He hasn’t appeared again since returning to Stark Tower.”

Luke exclaimed in surprise.

Alfred wouldn’t make such a rudimentary mistake and lose track of Tony.

But Tony said that n.o.body would know he was here, including Batman.

Could it be that this guy…

Luke said, “You made an invisible suit.”

Tony: “…You guessed it?”

Luke rolled his eyes. “Of course. I would be more surprised if you snuck over dressed as a woman.”

Tony said, “Get lost.”

As Luke expected, the tyc.o.o.n indeed didn’t have the courage to dress as a woman. After he flew back to Stark Tower, he put on a professional stealth suit nicknamed “Sneaky.”

Sneaky’s real number was actually Mark 15. Tony had just developed it and hadn’t officially used it yet.

It was also Tony’s first armor with a nickname.

After Luke’s disdain, the tyc.o.o.n decisively took out this “secret weapon.”

For Batman to be the first to witness the debut of this new suit, it hadn’t been in vain that Tony had given it this nickname.

On the other hand, it was also because of Batman’s influence that the model was specially developed for low-intensity special combat in the city.

The suit’s armor and mobility weren’t very strong, but it had a lot of support equipment, including many non-lethal weapons.

It was useless against tanks, but most suitable for dealing with defenseless criminals. At the very least, it wouldn’t launch a missile to blow up the criminals and the entire ground with them.

Luke didn’t know what the tyc.o.o.n was thinking, but it wasn’t important.

He could make invisible armor, and Tony had personally seen him enter and exit invisible mode several times.

It was very much like Tony to act like n.o.body else could show off in front of him.

Luke just sent Tony a 3D map and marked out the locations of the criminals.

Although Tony seemed unreliable, he never failed at critical moments.

For the safety of tens of thousands of people, he wouldn’t act rashly.

Luke asked a few minutes later, “You in?”

Tony said, “I’m in the southwest corner.”

Luke actually had a complete handle on the tyc.o.o.n’s movements, but he could only pretend that he didn’t, in case this guy grew suspicious.

“I’m in the southeast. Get ready to move!” he said.

Tony asked, “Are you sure that Simon is in the vault?”

Luke simply transmitted the surveillance feed from the drone.

Looking at the leader of the criminals who walked through the vault door, Tony had Jarvis compare the image with the photo of Simon from the intelligence they had, and only after Jarvis confirmed that it was the same person was Tony rea.s.sured.

Targo and Simon couldn’t be allowed to escape. They had to be captured alive.

n.o.body could relax until they learned the whereabouts of the bomb.

Now that the barrier between the vault and the subway station was about to open, Luke gave his drone permission to share the criminals’ movements with Tony.

Ten seconds later, the guy suddenly said, “This thing is interesting, but it’s too crude. It looks like it was made in a workshop. Hm, wait, is this really handmade?”

Luke hummed lazily. “I’m already very satisfied that someone else is willing to make it for me.”

Tony snorted. “This level is a lot worse than mine.”

Luke chuckled. “They don’t charge me for it.”

Tony choked.

Batman had saved him a few times, but it was Batman’s principle not to charge for saving someone’s life.

Tony needed Life 1, but it wasn’t absolutely essential.

The chances of him dying from surgery were low, even without Life 1.

Tony knew that Batman had offered him Life 1 purely so that he would be rea.s.sured about doing the surgery.

On the other hand, this proved that Batman and that “bigshot” who sold everything were also good guys who only talked about friends.h.i.+p and not money — the kind that was even better than the Bat / Iron CP that the public believed in.

Otherwise, Batman wouldn’t have gotten a dozen Life 1s from the bigshot, one of which he gave to Tony.

The most important thing here was favors.

As for the possibility that Batman was the creator of these products, Tony had already ruled it out.

Unless this guy didn’t need to sleep or had lived for hundreds of years, it was impossible for him to reach the top in both combat and technology R&D.

It was impossible for an all-rounder to exist on Earth.

Even though Tony thought highly of himself and didn’t think that anyone could compare with him, he knew that was only in terms of technology.

He didn’t have that much time to learn so much knowledge, and it was impossible for Batman.

He had only been discussing research out of habit, but now Tony was a little stuck.

Given his personality, his relations.h.i.+p with Batman wasn’t as close as the outside world imagined.

Several seconds later, he finally said, “I can make you a suit too.”

“I’ve already switched out several sets,” Luke replied lazily.

Tony: “…”

He really couldn’t reply.

To be honest, his one set of armor was just as good as ten of Batman’s suits in every aspect, but he couldn’t compare with the other party’s ability to constantly “replace the old with the new.”

Batman’s combat ability was too high. The armor was just a support item, and didn’t have high requirements in every aspect.

Thus, the Mark suit really wasn’t attractive to Batman.

Luke said the words casually, and then realized that the tyc.o.o.n seemed stifled

Congress wanted nothing more than to take the armor from the tyc.o.o.n, but the tyc.o.o.n was actually willing to give him a set. He was really generous.

Luke was only using Life 1 and the Light Dagger as consumable “magic items.” He didn’t think much of it.

The tyc.o.o.n’s armor, on the other hand, was like his little wife. Giving it away was like being cuckolded.

It had been very difficult for him to say those words earlier. If the conversation hadn’t gone down that path, the tyc.o.o.n absolutely wouldn’t “give his wife away.”

Mind whirling, Luke simply said, “If you really want to give me something, remember to give me all the research on Life 1. You can use that to repay me.”

“Okay.” Tony was relieved to hear that.

No matter how good Life 1 was, it didn’t belong to him.

Nor would he clash with Batman and the even more mysterious bigshot who sold everything for the sake of monopolizing Life 1.

Tony’s att.i.tude returned to normal at the condition that he just needed to hand over research information on someone else’s product.

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