Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1315: Three Shadows vs the Boogeyman

Chapter 1315: Three Shadows vs the Boogeyman

Luke, however, had no plan of letting them go.

Turning the daggers in his hands, he resumed his steady pace and walked in the direction where three criminals were gathered.

Listening to the faint sound of footsteps, one of the criminals couldn’t take the fear in his heart. He suddenly stood up and yelled as he pulled the trigger in the direction of the footsteps.

After emptying the submachine gun, he realized that there was n.o.body around.

In that one dazed second, Luke walked past him and slashed at his throat.

The criminal was terrified. He dropped the submachine gun and covered his neck.

But the blood instantly covered his hands and half his body.

Another person who was crouched a meter away saw Luke and was about to pull the trigger.

Luke suddenly stepped to the side and brushed past him, and another dagger slashed the man’s neck.

Following in his partner’s footsteps, the man covered his neck helplessly, collapsed against the wall and watched the black figure leave.

Another criminal who was hiding three meters away heard the noise and sucked in his breath. He looked around in horror behind the counter, and his gun shook.

A dagger appeared gently in front of him from above. He felt a chill at his throat, and hot liquid gushed out.

With a low yell, he struggled to his feet before collapsing on the counter.

Under the dark green light, dark liquid quickly covered the counter’s gla.s.s surface.

The first floor gradually fell silent.

The heavily wounded criminal was either dead or out of breath. His scream was almost inaudible.

The thick scent of blood filled the dark air, and the eyes of the three people in the shadows were bloodshot as they stared at Luke’s back.

They watched as he snuck up and killed another criminal. Then, he threw out two daggers and killed the last two criminals.

Luke raised his head and let out a long breath, as if to relax.

Then, he walked toward the criminal who had been the last to die, reached out, and picked up the submachine gun that he was carrying.

At that moment, there was a rumble, and a black figure crashed through the vent in one corner of the ceiling and dropped to the floor several meters away.

In the eyes of a normal person, this shadow would only be a fleeting illusion in this dark environment.

But to Luke, who had been waiting for a long time, this shadow wasn’t fast enough.

He raised his MP7 and fired.

The shadow didn’t dodge at all. The bullets. .h.i.t him with m.u.f.fled thuds, but his speed and movements weren’t affected.

Luke raised his head in surprise. He let go of the MP7 and stepped back hastily.

The man missed. Pus.h.i.+ng off of his toes, he flashed toward him again.

The hands that the man had been hiding in front of his chest suddenly stretched out, and two hands with large claws slashed at Luke’s head.

Luke rolled to the side awkwardly and dodged the attack, but his movements were clearly a mess.

The person in the shadows was as nimble as when Luke had been attacking the criminals earlier. The shadow stayed close to the ground; it was as if the two attacks earlier were just an illusion.

Silently, another shadow fell from the ceiling vent behind Luke.

Different from the first shadow, it quietly moved away while Luke was being chased by the first shadow.

Its movements were very soft as it approached Luke from behind.

Acting like he had been pushed into a corner, Luke suddenly stepped to the side and grabbed a s.h.i.+eld that was more than forty centimeters long and thirty centimeters wide from an ancient suit of armor.

There was a rifle in the suit’s other hand, but Luke had no time to grab it.

Picking up the s.h.i.+eld, he turned around and covered himself as he quickly retreated.

He picked up a weapon from a shattered gla.s.s case with his other hand and threw it at the first attacker who was pressing forward.

Although the second attacker’s ambush came to nothing, he was still behind Luke, who didn’t seem to have noticed.

The first attacker brandished his claws, and Luke struggled to block with his s.h.i.+eld. The moment they clashed, there was an ear-piercing metallic screech, and sparks lit up the dark room.

It turned out that these long claws were metallic weapons, not fingernails.

The second attacker behind Luke moved quickly and stayed behind him the whole time. When he was close enough, he stabbed at Luke’s back.

As if he had sensed something, Luke swung the s.h.i.+eld to the side. As he twisted, he exerted strength in his legs, and clashed with the claws of the second attacker.


A crisp metallic sound rang out, followed by a faint crack.

The attacker screamed in pain as his forearm was suddenly bent backward.

Luke had broken his arm.

Even as the second attacker screamed, however, he stabbed at Luke’s waist with his other hand without hesitation.

Luke abruptly stopped moving, and the attacker was sent flying, the claws missing their mark.

Turning around, Luke swung the s.h.i.+eld at the head of the first attacker.

Alarmed, the first attacker crossed his arms.


With another loud bang, the attacker was sent flying as well.

A thought flashed through both attackers’ heads: How was that possible? How did his strength and speed suddenly increase so much?

Given Luke’s speed and strength, it was impossible for him to beat them back.

They couldn’t help but look above Luke’s head.

A black figure hung upside down like a snake, with claws aimed at the top of Luke’s head.

Luke had just sent the first attacker flying with the s.h.i.+eld. He turned around, seemingly with his guard down.

He reached out with his left hand to another suit of armor in front of him and took the chain mace it was holding.

The claws of the third attacker were about to pierce Luke’s head, when the attacker suddenly turned vigilant.

It seemed like Luke had pulled the chain mace too hard. When he pulled it out, he didn’t stop, and the chain mace swung upward.

The mace, which was the size of a baby’s head, flew straight at the third attacker’s chest.

The attacker was still hanging from the vent, and it was too late to pull back.

He could only do the same thing as his two companions had previously — block with both hands.


The mace, which had hideous spikes on it, hit his crossed arms.

The third attacker flew out like a cannonball and crashed into a counter ten meters away. He knocked over three counters before he stopped.

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