Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1419: No Mercy When It Comes to Power

Chapter 1419: No Mercy When It Comes to Power

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Rhodes was unable to respond. Wasn’t he already toilet paper right now?!

Even if he wrapped up this matter properly, he would be thrown away like a filthy rag afterward.

Tony patted him on the shoulder and said, “Don’t think about it. It’s better for us to leave it alone. Otherwise, how will we be able to live carefree lives in the future?”

Stumped for a moment, Rhode then understood.

They didn’t have any impact on Batman, and appeared incompetent.

But there probably wasn’t anyone who could affect Batman at this stage.

On the contrary, if he and Tony really were able to make Batman change his mind, the best way to deal with Batman in the future would be through them.

This was what the bigshots were best at.

The easiest way to control someone was to control what they cared about, like family, career, money, or friends.

Why did Batman scare so many bigshots now? Because he didn’t care about anything. Or rather, what he cared about wasn’t one specific thing — take the citizens of New York, for example.

Logically speaking, Batman should care about the “victims” who were used, but in the end… these people were basically out of luck.

Batman hadn’t given up on fighting back just because they were part of the

So, what Batman cared about was the “people” as a whole, and not any one of them in particular.

This terrified the bigshots even more.

Just like some people who cared about “peace,” what they did was completely different from normal people.

Batman had always appeared as a protector of the people and not a “peace-lover”; for the bigshots, this was even more frightening.

That was because peace-lovers could still be used.

On the other hand, there was nothing about Batman that could be used at all. On the contrary he could pull them out one after another and thrash them — just like that Senator Green.

No matter what social cla.s.s they were.

Hadn’t they wanted to ruin Batman’s reputation, just like that congressman?

But the bigshots weren’t expecting such a direct counterattack from Batman.

Previously, Batman had been friendly toward the authorities. At the very least, he had cooperated with NYPD and the FBI.

For example, after beating up criminals, he would inform the police and then leave the scene, never staying behind to make things difficult for them.

This time, the bigshots had crossed the line, and had gotten an unpleasant reaction.

Batman still maintained his principles when it came to these high and mighty figures. He returned an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth without fear or any sign of yielding.

Sure enough, Batman’s a lawless madman! Rhodes mumbled inwardly.

Tony had already given him a pair of binoculars. “So, this has nothing to do with us, unless you want to replace Batman. Come, have a good look at the scenery. You’ll feel better.”

Rhodes accepted the binoculars in bewilderment. “What?”

Tony turned around and raised his hand. “It’s the hottest month in New York. Look at the top of that building.”

Rhodes lifted the binoculars to his eyes and looked in the direction the tyc.o.o.n was pointing. Less than two seconds, he exclaimed, “Awesome, is that the reason why you bought this building? Because of the swimming pool on the roof next door, and hot girls in bikinis partying around? How wonderful for you.”

Tony shrugged. “I’m just bored. You know I’m no longer single.”

Rhode wanted to mock him, but he then recalled that Tony had almost had no scandals for the past year or so; there hadn’t even been a photo of a “suspected scandal.” He was unable to respond.

Looking at the hot girls in the swimming pool, he said casually, “Since you’re no longer single, should I get married and go home to have kids?”

Tony, however, stroked his beard. “Now that you put it that way, you’re indeed old enough.”

Rhode put down the binoculars and rolled his eyes. “You’re still living like a kid, and you have the cheek to say that I’m old?”

Tony shrugged. “I’m young and energetic. You’re old and withered. How can you compare?”

Rhode had to give him the middle finger. “Sure. Arrange something for tonight. I want to see hot girls; even better if they’re in bikinis.”

Tony raised an eyebrow. “Do you really want that, or do you want those people to think that I ‘bought’ you off?”

Rhode: “Of course I want it. Do you really think I’m old? I can make a whole bunch of girls laugh at my jokes.”

Tony: “…Do you mean that joke about flying to the general’s house with a tank and throwing it down in front of him?”

Rhode: “…That wasn’t a joke, alright?”

Tony shrugged and sighed. “It seems an old man like you really needs a hot girl to warm you up.”

He paused for a moment. “To make the performance more convincing, I can only go out and throw you a big party.”

Rhode rolled his eyes hard. “Are you sure you’re not using me as an excuse so that Pepper won’t tell you off?”

Tony said, “If you don’t know how to talk, don’t try. That’s the only way for you to become a general.”

As Tony, Rhodes, and many people with discerning eyes expected, things didn’t calm down.

A few days later, Senator Stern was also implicated.

Photos of Senator Stern and Senator Green meeting in private surfaced on the Internet, along with the girl who had been kidnapped.

In the photos that were released online, the little girl’s face had naturally been blurred out, but new information which the FBI agents received confirmed that it was her.

Tony laughed despite himself when he read the news. “Stern was dragged into this too? That’s really… good news.”

It was precisely because of Senator Stern that Congress had wanted to force him to hand over the technology for the Mark armor. Could Tony now watch everything go down with his arms folded?

Of course not. Now was the time to kick Senator Stern when he was down and trample all over him, as this circle was wont to do.

As for dealing with Batman? Not all the bigshots in America wanted to do that.

What was wrong with just sticking to R&D development?

Some people were jealous of Batman’s armor technology, and for various unknown reasons, decided to make a move against him, which didn’t have much to do with the rich and powerful in America.

For many people, Batman wasn’t someone who could make them money or curry favor with.

But some people, like those two congressmen, coveted benefits.

It was too troublesome for these people to make a move themselves, and would require too many resources.

The fact that the two congressmen were screwed over by Batman was their own problem, and had nothing to do with their compet.i.tors.

They couldn’t eat their prey, and were bitten to death instead. They could only blame themselves for not being strong enough.

There was no way these two would be allowed to keep their positions just because they put in so much effort to attack Batman.

There was no mercy in a world of power.

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