Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1556 Digging Up Dirt, and a Meeting with the Tyc.o.o.n

Chapter 1556 Digging Up Dirt, and a Meeting with the Tyc.o.o.n

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

As Luke’s top “spy” in NYPD, Elizabeth had indeed picked up a couple of practical tricks from him.

They were simple, but effective and practical enough — especially when she was targeting someone in the department.

The reason why she hadn’t leaked this explosive piece of news was that not long after she received it, this former supervisor was dismissed and then jointly investigated by the FBI and Homeland Security.

Compared with the crime of covering for Sacks Industries, the scandal that Elizabeth had gotten wind of was too trivial.

It was only today that she could take it out in Luke’s secure little hideout and talk about it, since it was no longer of any use.

However, Luke used his ability to hint to Elizabeth not to use this sort of method unless it was absolutely necessary, so that she didn’t become NYPD’s “king of dirt.”

But as a frontline supervisor of the Internet intelligence department, she indeed had access to a lot of things.

When Elsa dropped names and Elizabeth chased them up, they were able to find out all sorts of things about the higher-ups in the department.

There was no need for conclusive proof during this sort of idle chatter, but speculation alone would be enough to get all these senior NYPD executives dismissed.

It was a good thing that the two women had good characters. Their careers were developing steadily and they didn’t lack money. Otherwise, it would be too easy for them to use this dirt as blackmail.

At the height of their conversation, Elizabeth excitedly revealed some “dirt” on Dustin.

It had purely been happenstance.

It wasn’t complicated, and it wasn’t really dirt. It was just that Dustin had been driven out of Jennifer’s place at two in the morning. At that time, he had only been wearing his underpants and had been clutching his


The other three got strange expressions on their faces.

There was an awkward silence for a moment, before Luke asked, “But it seems that the boss went to a candlelight dinner with Jennifer today?”

Elsa said with a vague smile, “Yes. Also, it’s possible that there’s a diamond ring in the box he’s carrying.”

This time, it was the other three who were shocked.

Selina said, “A proposal? Isn’t it too soon? They’ve only known each other for a year… Wait, the boss is 42? He’s indeed a little old.”

The other three had nothing to say.

Luke felt that he couldn’t let this private gathering turn into an “expo” on digging up dirt on the boss. He coughed and said, “Okay, let’s change the subject. Hm, Elsa, look at the boss’s face tomorrow and let me know.”

The other three looked disdainfully at the guy who clearly wanted to watch the show.

Luke said, “Hehe, what if he fails and needs guidance? I’m probably the only one who can talk to him.”

The three women: “…”

There was nothing wrong with what he said.

Unless they were interested in Dustin, it was impossible for Selina and Elizabeth to comfort an old man whose proposal had failed.

Elsa was still single at her age. She didn’t even have a boyfriend, so she wasn’t qualified to comfort Dustin.

Only Luke… Well, actually, he wasn’t suitable either.

Dustin, who was enjoying the sea view at night with Jennifer, suddenly felt a little cold.

Jennifer noticed and pulled him up. “Let’s go inside.”

Dustin said, “Do we have to rush?”

Jennifer didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “What are you thinking? I’m just afraid that you’ll catch a cold. You’re not a kid anymore, okay?”

As she spoke, she dragged Dustin into the seaside cabin. He didn’t resist, though he still tried to defend himself. “It’s just that your hair tickled my nose. What cold? My body’s fine…”

“Then don’t pretend to sleep for the next hour,” Jennifer said unhurriedly.

Dustin said, “…Fine, | might have caught a cold.”

On February the 15th, everyone took leave, including Dustin, who took sick leave.

Who knew how “sick” Dustin was, but it was a normal hangover for the others.

However, Luke and Selina still got up and trained on schedule, while Elsa and Elizabeth, who had gotten seriously drunk, slept in the respective guest rooms.

In the end, Luke had escaped first last night, because the three women got really drunk after drinking six bottles of alcohol.

He had drunk four bottles on his own. Apart from needing to pee once, he didn’t feel drunk at all.

This was the side effect of a super strong physique and resistance to toxins.

Tobacco and drugs couldn’t do anything to his body.

He could only taste these things, and wouldn’t get addicted at all.

The only thing smoking could do was make him look cool, alcohol was like soda water to him, and drugs just tasted bad.

After morning training, Luke and Selina had breakfast as usual.

Gold Nugget was also munching along next to the table.

Sensing Selina’s gaze, it looked at her inquiringly. “Huh?”

Selina took a sip of sweet soybean milk to wash down the bun she was eating. “You ran off in time last night.”

Luke picked up a piece of bright red tofu and stuffed it into his mouth. He had a mouthful of the octopus congee and said, “That’s because you weren’t just betting with money, but also with your clothes. If I hadn’t left,

Elsa would be flas.h.i.+ng her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.”

Selina blinked. “Then you could have just lost.”

Luke said, “…I was only wearing a tank top and shorts. If I lost three more times, I would be naked, right? If I lost twice, I would only be in my underwear.”

Selina said confidently, “You actually knew that Elizabeth was going to lose, right?”

Luke quickly shook his head. “No way.”

Selina was right.

But there was no way he would admit that he had been using a program to peek at their cards.

That was why he knew he had to play dirty.

Elsa and Elizabeth would have definitely doubled their winnings with their cards.

Even if Luke changed his cards to beat them, at least one of them would lose.

Thus, he decisively withdrew from the game, and the game naturally came to an end.

tt was none of his business what the three women did in the living room after that.

Out of sight, out of mind. As long as they were happy to do so, it didn’t matter if the loser had to run 5 kms naked in the training room.

n any case, Gold Nugget would protect them from anything dangerous.

After breakfast, Luke went to Paland Academy to look for Elena.

Selina and the other two went on an outing, which included lunch, shopping, and a movie.

Luke drove Elena to New Jersey’s countryside to go camping and for her to collect materials for her drawings.

She hadn’t drawn any premonitions recently, which was a good thing.

They spent the night out in the countryside and didn’t return until noon the next day.

At that moment, Tony sent him a new message.

As Luke sent an exhausted Elena back to the college, his clone went to pay the tyc.o.o.n a visit.

He was very curious about how the tyc.o.o.n and Pepper’s Valentine’s Day went..

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