Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1721: Ruthless Successor

Chapter 1721: Ruthless Successor

Planning a counterattack, Blonsky reached out to grab an approaching car.

He was strong enough to tear the car apart and throw out the pieces.

Even if they couldn’t kill the Dark Knight, they could send him flying, and Blonsky wouldn’t be completely helpless.

Only then would the playing field be level.

The next moment, there was a sudden rumble under his feet, and he was lifted up by a strong force, his outstretched palm just missing the approaching car.

Blonsky’s eyes widened. He tried to grab the “weapon” that was within reach, only to be disappointed.

The nanosuit under his feet, which had completely transformed, burst with intense flames, and he was sent flying back onto the golf course.

The owner of the car who had escaped the disaster was still in a panic. He had just hit the brake, when he heard a furious roar in the night sky. “No~”

Blonsky, who was flying again, was furious.

Luke had moved him by air at the very beginning.

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After experiencing the effects of Luke’s strange equipment, he was a little scared.

If he was in the air again, he would be a sitting duck. The Dark Knight would have enough time to throw that disgusting equipment in his face.

Thus, running while sticking close to the ground was the best option.

But why was he flying again? Blonsky roared and reached for the culprit under his feet.

He didn’t feel anything unusual – it was as if there was nothing there.

He tried to twist his head and look at his heels. Finally, he saw his own black feet and the flames that spurted out from under them.

It was this thing that had sent him flying.

Blonsky’s eyes flashed fiercely as he tore at the black footplates.

There was an unpleasant hiss as he tore open a few large wounds on his feet, from which greenish-yellow fluid flowed.

Nevertheless, the nano device that had fused with his skin was also destroyed, and the thrusters went out.

As he had hoped, Blonsky fell to the ground and smashed out another crater in the golf course.

He struggled to climb out of the crater, only to see the black armor descend from the sky again. It stopped not far away and crooked a finger at him. “Come at me.”

Blonsky: “…Ahhhhhh~”

For the next ten minutes or so, the golf course echoed with wails and howls. “Boss, don’t touch me.

“I’m leaving.

“Get lost, get lost.”

More than ten helicopters, dozens of TV vans, and hundreds of reporters arrived one after another and aimed their long focal lenses at the golf course to watch.

Blonsky had lost his ferocity.

Struggling to crawl over the gra.s.s, he looked up to see freedom within reach, and tears flashed in his eyes.

The demonic black armor appeared behind him again and grabbed his foot to drag him back. “No, the time we have for experiments today is too tight. Sorry, Blonsky.”

Blonsky clawed at the ground. “No, I don’t want to.”

“Yes, you do. A thorough examination is good for your body and mind,” said Luke as he dragged him back to the golf course and pressed him to the ground.

Then, Luke raised his metal foot and stomped on the back of the man’s head.

Dong dong dong dong!

It sounded like the m.u.f.fled booms of a pile driver, and the ground within 100 meters shook.

The huge wounds on Blonsky’s hands and feet had yet to recover much, and he gradually lost the strength to struggle.

He wasn’t the Hulk, nor did he have infinite physical protection.

Even he couldn’t endure the back of his head being stomped on five to six times a second.

The hundreds of cameras around them silently witnessed this rare “savage” act of the Dark Knight’s. No one said a word.

n.o.body stopped Luke, even though the Dark Knight was a “successor” who had inherited the “no killing” principle.

That was because Batman had long set a precedent — anomalies weren’t human.

Not to mention, the battle between Blonsky and the fiery men on Park Avenue had killed more than 50 people and injured more than 300 of them.

Only a lunatic would sympathize with such a monster.

Sensing that Blonsky was losing consciousness, Luke jumped up and stomped down with both feet one last time before he finally stopped.

Gaze sweeping over the nearby cameras, he sighed. He couldn’t reveal s.p.a.ce 2 here. These hundreds of professional bystanders would let the whole world know about it.

Grabbing Blonsky, Luke went to the beach.

In order to ensure that Blonsky couldn’t recover before he entered the ocean, Luke had to continue hitting him so that he didn’t come out of his concussed state.

Thus, in front of the reporters and countless viewers in front of their TVs, the Dark Knight wrapped one hand around the greenish-yellow monster’s neck and continued punching it in the face with the other.

In this way, one person and one monster climbed a slope, crossed the sand, and disappeared into the ocean on the east side of the golf course.

Countless people heaved long sighs of relief. After a brief silence, they finally cheered.

The people watching TV had already learned about the casualties caused by the monster.

The Dark Knight had been a little more ruthless this time, but just like how Batman had killed hundreds of thousands of Chitauri on his own, this was clear proof that these two heroes were protectors of mankind.

A murderous monster should just die!

However, there was still a small group of viewers who were shocked.

The most frightened ones were the New York gangs and the professionals who committed all kinds of violent crimes. Conversely, the small hooligans weren’t that scared.

They knew that compared with how strict Batman was, the current successor didn’t really care about small fry like them.

It had been a long time since New York’s orthopedics departments had seen hoodlums with broken fingers – the Dark Knight’s base line was broken limbs.

Those who were taught a lesson were severely injured at the very least.

Conversely, the hooligans who relied on stealing or peddling weed were at low risk.

Over the past year, most of the hooligans in New York had gradually become casual or even hardcore fans of the Dark Knight.

Using “physical shock therapy,” Luke brought Blonsky into the ocean and immediately put him in s.p.a.ce 2.

It wasn’t as easy for him to deal with this guy as the reporters and audience thought.

In fact, in addition to certain taboo and inconvenient lethal weapons, Luke had even used credit-enhanced Telekinesis and Annihilation.

Blonsky’s head hurt, but so did Luke’s.

However, Blonsky’s pain was physical, while Luke’s was caused by repeated bursts of mental energy.

Even then, the Annihilation energy at full force couldn’t completely split Blonsky open.

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