Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1752: A Sorority? Ursa Minor

Chapter 1752: A Sorority? Ursa Minor

After Selina told Luke that she had already “educated” Claire, Luke waved his hand and let Claire go.

Of course, if she was still interested, she could still partic.i.p.ate in investigating Joseph’s little secret operation after this.

After thinking for a moment, Claire gave up on this unwise choice. What if Luke told Selina to test her on something else tomorrow?

Then, should she torment Joseph or let herself be taught a lesson? Claire wasn’t that stupid, and quickly slipped away.

Wasn’t it good to be with Stacy? Why should she shoulder responsibility for Joseph?

On the other side, Joseph wasn’t having it easy either.

If the boys at Dalton Junior High knew that he was training with three former cheerleaders, they would definitely be envious.

After experiencing it for themselves, however, most of them would probably avoid it.

Not every man could take being taught a lesson by three girls one after another. It hurt their pride.

Joseph was mature and rational. He wasn’t ashamed that he couldn’t beat the three girls.

Before he met them, he had only been slightly better at exercising than an ordinary boy in a big city.

Even after more than a year of training, he was still half a head shorter than Mindy.

When he faced the tall Monica and Nikki, it wasn’t just their busts that were outstanding; they also had a lot more defined muscles than he did.

He wasn’t even ten yet, and was far from reaching the end of p.u.b.erty. Working out to build up muscle wouldn’t do him any good.

Also, he knew very well that these three girls weren’t “normal.”

As a peripheral male member of this “sorority,” he could share some of their secrets.

For example, they had taken Joseph with them during this summer break to go and beat up hooligans and increase their combat experience.

He had mentioned this to Luke before, but had barely said anything before Luke nodded in agreement and just told him not to get carried away.

When he asked Luke why, Luke said offhandedly, “I was going to get you to beat up cla.s.smates, but that would mean dealing with their parents. As for beating up hooligans, I guarantee that n.o.body in NYPD will arrest you for it.”

Joseph immediately got it. Didn’t this person used to be a NYPD detective? He had beaten up dozens of hoodlums. Naturally, he wasn’t afraid of people looking for trouble with him.

Also, Joseph knew very well that the reason he as a guy could join this “sorority” was because of Luke’s endors.e.m.e.nt.

It was only because of Luke that the three girls trained with him.

In fact, if Luke wasn’t his brother, Mindy really wouldn’t have roped Joseph in.

After an hour of training, Mindy deftly tossed Joseph out again, and Monica shouted for everyone to take a break.

The four of them sat in the living room and talked business as they wiped their sweat with towels.

Mindy said, “Let me say first, I pulled in my father’s support for the initial investment. Joseph, are you sure your plan can pull in subsequent funding?”

Joseph carefully wiped his sweat and nodded. “I’ve already developed a program. You can give it a try now. If there’s no problem with it, we can officially embark on the project.”

As he spoke, he took out a laptop from his bag and copied a program onto the girls’ phones.

After he returned their phones, the three girls opened the program and quickly started tapping.

A few minutes later, Mindy and Monica started giving comments. “The graphics are very ordinary.”

“Hm, but the content is interesting.”

“D*mn it, again!”

“Haha, I did it. I’m on the sixth level.”

Joseph didn’t say anything. He simply waited for ten minutes before he clapped. “Ten minutes are up.”

The three girls put down their phones reluctantly.

Joseph asked, “Is this game alright?”

The three girls nodded.

Joseph said, “Then I’ll leave the rest to you.”

The three girls looked at each other and nodded again.

Mindy said, “Joseph and I are still minors, so Monica and Nikki will complete the paperwork to register the company, which will be under your names. The profits will be used to establish the Sorority and for daily expenses. Is everyone fine with that?”

This was something they had discussed before, and she was just confirming it officially.

Monica and Nikki had no objections.

Joseph slowly raised his hand. “I have a question.”

Mindy waved her hand. “Say it.”

Joseph lowered his hand and took a sip of water. “Since we’ve established a company, should we change the name instead of using Sorority?”

Looking at Mindy’s wide eyes, he raised his hand and gestured for her to calm down. “First of all, the Sorority will make people think that we’re only recruiting female members, when I can be considered a male founding member. Secondly, there are too many sororities in America. The sorority in Dalton Junior High is also an established inst.i.tution with decades of history. What if everyone thinks that this ‘Sorority’ is the same as the others?”

The three girls looked at each other, unable to respond.

When it came to fighting, three Josephs couldn’t beat any one of them.

When it came to brains, the three of them combined couldn’t compare with him.

Otherwise, why would Mindy rope in a “man” like him, even if he was only nine years old?

With Luke’s help, Joseph had learned a lot of psychology in the past year.

Looking at their expressions, he knew that his words had worked, and he was instantly relieved. He finally wasn’t going to be a member of a sorority anymore.

Joseph had been quite tempted when Mindy first suggested setting up an organization for them, because, like him, they weren’t ordinary people.

But if he had to become a “girl” before he could join, he would still withdraw in the end.

After all, this might become a black stain on his path to success.

“Now, think of a nice new name.” He said patiently, “It shouldn’t sound like a company name. After all, the company is just a tool for making money. The goal of our organization isn’t to make money.”

The three girls discussed it excitedly.

Half an hour later, Joseph barely managed to control his breakdown as he helped seal the victory for Mindy.

After all, the names that Monica and Nikki came up with, like Lavender Love or Violet Heart, sounded more like women’s makeup.

Mindy, on the other hand, had come up with Ursa Minor. It wasn’t very grand, but at least it didn’t sound feminine.

Monica and Nikki had no interest in each other’s choice of names, so they simply chose Ursa Minor.

After everything was decided, Monica and Nikki drove off to handle the formalities for the company.

Mindy would send Joseph home.

They went back to Mindy’s house first and took two bicycles to Manhattan.

On the way, they discussed the development of Ursa Minor.

When they reached Luke’s house in Clinton, Mindy suddenly asked, “Why is the villain in that game a pig head?”

Joseph was stunned. “Because… it’s cute?”

Mindy was confused. “Shouldn’t the protagonist be the cute one? Wouldn’t it be better to make the villain a big bad wolf?”

Joseph shook his head decisively. “What I mean is that the game style has to be cute. A wolf as the villain doesn’t fit this setting. Also, there’s nothing special about it.”

Mindy snorted and mumbled in a low voice, “Just like your brother. You’re no fun at all.”

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