Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1845: Not Bad, Young Man

Chapter 1845: Not Bad, Young Man

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Natasha suddenly remembered what she had wanted to ask earlier. “Aren’t we going to stop the Baroness beforehand?”

Luke shook his head. “No need. They’ll have to go to Paris in the end to make that big news.”

After saying that, they couldn’t help but look at the tall metal structure not far away. For example, this thing was very suitable.

Natasha was a little uncertain. “It won’t get that far, right?”

There were a lot of tourists around the Eiffel Tower. If anything happened, a lot of people might die.


Based on her understanding of Batman, he wouldn’t ignore the lives of innocent people just to catch a big fish.

Luke said, “Don’t worry, I called for help.”

Natasha was surprised. “Your team? Who is it?”

Luke smiled. “No, just an old friend I don’t see often.”

Natasha was instantly curious.

But no matter what she tried, Luke didn’t reveal anything.

It wasn’t like he was beating around the bush; it was just that it was purely unnecessary to tell her.

This was just a trump card. If he didn’t need it, there was no need to explain it in advance.

As for Cobra’s ambush earlier, Luke and Natasha didn’t get involved.

The secret base that had been raided in North Africa was full of European soldiers, not civilians.

Luke wasn’t their father, and didn’t care about them.

Thus, he and Natasha were now having coffee and snacks on the balcony of an apartment near the Eiffel Tower.

Luke wasn’t idle as he secretly set up a trap, unbeknownst to Natasha.

It was better to have more trump cards than to be caught unprepared when the time came.

The reason he didn’t tell Natasha was because they were at most just ‘friends.’

Few agents were easy to fool. This Black Widow wasn’t a teammate in the system – how could he dare trust a light green ‘friend’?

This light green had only been achieved after Batman gave her the armor in New York and went off to destroy the nuclear missile.

She had been a light red enemy in the beginning, which proved that the bald director had never had good intentions toward Batman.

Only Phil, this uncle, was reliable. He had already been a 2-star teammate for the past two years.

Luke didn’t like people sticking too close to him, and Batman’s friends.h.i.+p wasn’t cheap.

Since she was so wary of him, he naturally wouldn’t play at being open and frank. They just needed to maintain a pure business relations.h.i.+p.

The third day in Paris was as sunny as ever. Many tourists started appearing on the streets at eight in the morning.

Luke felt it was a shame.

If the weather was bad, like strong winds or rain, Cobra would be much less likely to create even more havoc.

Unfortunately, the heavens weren’t on their side today, and he and Natasha could only work hard to keep an eye on Cobra.

At that moment, Luke and Natasha were following the Baroness and the Asian guy, because the box with the warheads was in the black Hummer that the Baroness was in.

Looking in the direction of the Hummer, Natasha couldn’t help but say, “Wow, you said before that Mr. Baron was clean. They’re now approaching the Baron’s lab.”

Luke asked, “Is it very hard for bad guys to get ordinary people to do things for them?”

Natasha naturally understood that ordinary people who had a gun pointed at them could only admit defeat.

She asked directly, “Then, should we watch them break into the lab to kill people?”

Luke said, “Don’t worry, we have backup.”

Five minutes later, the black Hummer stopped in front of the DeCobray Science Inst.i.tute on the outskirts. The Baroness and the Asian guy walked in with two of their men and the box of warheads.

The Asian guy was surprised to see one lone security guard at the front desk.

The Baroness asked in a low voice, “Shall I do it, or you?”

The Asian guy said, “I’ll do it.”

Walking to the front desk, he gave a cold smile. “Good morning. It’s very quiet here today.”

The security guard didn’t answer his question. Instead, he craned his neck to observe the woman and two men behind her. He then took out the registration book and placed it on the counter before he said impatiently, “Please write down the name of the person you want to see…”

His stomach gurgled as he spoke.

The four people had strange expressions on their faces, and the Baroness subconsciously took a step back.

The bodyguard clutched his belly and cursed in a low voice. “F*cking Pierre. Did he give us rotten fish?!”

As soon as he said that, his stomach gurgled again, and he could only urge the Asian guy with a pale face, “Hurry up and register. I need to use the bathroom.”

The Baroness stepped back again.

The Asian guy tilted his head. “Sorry to trouble you.”

As he spoke, he flicked his wrist, and a kunai shot out and pierced the security guard in the throat.

The security guard’s eyes widened. He covered his neck and opened his mouth, but couldn’t make a sound, and his body collapsed back into the chair.

“This way, you don’t have to hold it in anymore,” the Asian guy said as the four of them hurried to the elevator.

The Baroness couldn’t help but cover her nose. “Let’s go. I can already smell it. Ugh~”

All four of them looked uncomfortable.

It wasn’t that they had poor endurance, but that the sounds from the man’s stomach earlier subconsciously evoked disgusting thoughts.

After they entered the elevator and it started to descend, the security guard who had collapsed at the front desk suddenly sat up. The pained expression on his face completely disappeared and was replaced with a calm expression.

Pulling out the kunai from his neck with one hand, he took out a spray from his pocket with the other and sprayed himself and the bloodstains caused by the kunai. The blood turned into light red powder.

At the same time, the wound on his neck automatically closed up until only a thin line of blood was left.

Playing with the kunai for a moment, he cleaned up the light red powder on the floor and sneered. “Tsk, tsk. This kid isn’t bad. He’s very decisive when it comes to killing.”

He then got up and went to the bathroom.

Outside, Natasha was a little curious. “How did you do that?”

The security guard’s performance was too strange.

Besides, the lab was an important inst.i.tution with a particle accelerator. There would be at least four security guards in the hall, and at least two of them would be armed.

In the end, Luke silently arranged it so that only one guard was left.

Running into a situation like this wasn’t necessarily suspicious, but even to her, that security guard’s diarrhea problem was too realistic.

Luke said, “I told you, I found help.”

Natasha’s heart itched. “Who?”

Luke smiled and didn’t say anything else. I won’t say anything. You can keep itching, you heartless female agent.

Half an hour later, an alarm suddenly rang out in the building.

Looking at the surveillance feed as the Baroness picked up the warheads and left, Natasha found it strange. “They were found out? Hm, is it thanks to your friend again?”

The alarm sounded just as the Baron activated all the warheads in the box with the particle accelerator.

It was a very familiar feeling, just like with the security guards earlier.

Luke said, “Let’s go. It’s going to be a lot of fun later.”

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