Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 452 Heartbreaking Surprise and Triumphant Homecoming

Chapter 452 Heartbreaking Surprise and Triumphant Homecoming

Selina left with the case files; she couldn’t be bothered to wonder what Luke was up to now.

After she left, Luke closed the door and turned around. Approaching Elsa’s desk, he said boldly, “Boss, Selina and I have to go back to Texas in a couple of days. We’re taking leave.”

Mind whirling, Elsa instantly understood.

She rolled her eyes unhappily. “So that’s why you’re working so hard on cases now. Tell me: How many days are you going to be away for?”

Luke stretched out his hand grandly. “Five days.”

Elsa was shocked. “Seriously? You’re going back for the weekend and taking three days on top of that?”

Luke and Selina had never asked for such a long break before.

Luke chuckled. “The weekend plus five days of leave. So, we’ll be on break for a whole week.”

Elsa: “What the h.e.l.l?!”

Luke finally explained, “It’s going to be Selina’s birthday in a few days. I want to take her home to see her family. We’ve been away for almost half a year, you know. My family came to see me once, but Selina’s family really doesn’t have the time.”

Mario, Selina’s father, was engaged in long-term work on a ranch, and had to spend almost all year round there.

Sandra, her mother, had to take care of her younger brothers and sisters; it was impossible to bring three kids with her to Los Angeles.

Selina truly hadn’t seen her family for almost half a year after going to work in Houston.

Elsa pursed her lips and dropped her forehead into her hand. After thinking for almost half a minute, she could only nod her head in resignation. “Fine.”

Luke and Selina were her zealous and most capable detectives.

Technically speaking, she and Selina were even somewhat besties.

Selina hadn’t been home for half a year, and it was her birthday. Elsa was incapable of rejecting this request.

Besides, Luke and Selina were taking paid leave; informing Elsa was just out of respect to her.

Seeing that Luke was about to leave, a pleased expression on his face, Elsa couldn’t help but ask, “Have you told her?”.

Luke turned and smiled widely. “It’s a birthday surprise! Of course it’s a secret!”

Elsa snorted and bent her head to look at her files as she pointed with one finger. “Get out of here.”

d.a.m.n it, why hadn’t any of her partners been as considerate? The iron lady suddenly felt a little sad and heartbroken.

Wait! Luke used to be her partner too, but they had stopped working as such before her birthday, so she had never enjoyed such treatment.

Otherwise, with such a considerate and capable partner going back with her to Miami for her birthday to enjoy the sun, how wonderful would that have been?

Just like that, Elsa, this capable woman, sunk into a rare moment of sadness.

Luke started to make quiet preparations and spent the next few days working hard on cases, which could be considered finis.h.i.+ng beforehand the work they would otherwise have done during their leave.

If the situation permitted it this time, he might be able to check out another place on this trip home.

Selina could take one week off for her birthday and her family. Luke wasn’t the one celebrating his birthday; three days in Shackelford was a long enough break for him.

Selina was so busy running around in circles for the next few days that she didn’t realize that her 26th birthday was sneaking up on her.

On 21 April in the afternoon, Luke and Selina got off work early. “Let’s pack up and go home.” Selina: “Huh?” Weren’t they already at home?

Luke said, “Back to Shackelford. I miss Claire and Joseph. Don’t you miss Talia, Andrea and Julio?”

Selina: “What?” She was still feeling befuddled when Luke pushed her into her room.

Stunned for a moment, she then gave a loud cheer and quickly started packing.

She basically didn’t have to bring any personal stuff with her; she still had a lot of things at home.

Instead, she could finally bring back the various gifts which she had been buying for her family. Unlike Luke, who preferred to send his gifts home via FedEx, Selina liked giving them to her family in person.

Thus, a lot of gifts had piled up in her room, including shoes, belts, hats and for Mario; makeup, clothes, accessories and purses for Sandra; and toys and crafts for her younger siblings. All of it filled two big bags.

Thankfully, Luke only had a backpack that was practically empty and Selina only had a small satchel on her, so their luggage wasn’t much heavier than usual.

They drove to the airport and took a pre-booked flight straight to Dallas.

In the light of the setting sun, they finally reached Shackelford after renting a car in Dallas.

They had barely entered town when a police car caught up to them. A white, middle-aged officer turned his head; when he saw Luke and Selina, who had their windows rolled down, he greeted them in pleasant surprise. “Haha, Selina and Luke, it’s you! I thought this was an unfamiliar car!”

Luke and Selina greeted him with smiles. “Hey, Bob. Are you on night duty again?” Bob immediately pulled a long face. “I just got off work, alright? How can I be on night duty all the time?”

Both Luke and Selina laughed. “It’s fine. You can slack off and sleep on night duty anyway.” Bob didn’t know what to say.

After waving goodbye, Luke and Selina drove on to Selina’s place. Talia, Andrea and Julio were playing in the yard and didn’t notice the car coming over.

Their golden retriever, Dollar, was lying quietly on the porch, but it suddenly raised its head and wagged its tail, its eyes focused on the car.

It smelled a familiar scent: It was its young master, whom it had grown up with.

Letting out a couple of low barks, the dog stood up slowly, its gait no longer as spry, and jogged over to the car.

The three kids finally noticed the strange car and stopped playing to watch it come over.

Talia suddenly shrieked, “It’s Selina! Selina’s back!”

With that, she chased after Dollar.

Luke considerately stopped the car to let an excited Selina out first. He saw her hug Dollar and laugh happily as she rubbed the dog’s big head and said, “Did you miss me, Dollar?”With a smile, Luke closed the door and continued driving.

When he saw Julio, Selina’s youngest brother, he greeted him and said, “Hey, open the gate for me. Do you want your presents or not?”

Julio stopped. “Ah, Luke, you brought me a present?”

Luke shook his head with a smile. “No, but Selina got many presents for you!”

Julio turned around in a hurry and ran over to open the gate to the yard.

By the time Luke parked the car in the yard, the siblings and Dollar were already kicking up a fuss.

He got out with a smile and happened to run into Sandra, who came out to see what the commotion was about.

He hugged the beautiful mom with a smile and said, “Sandra, it’s been a long time, but you’re as elegant and charming as ever.”

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