Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 470 Crushed Selina

Chapter 470 Crushed Selina

Dito Flores was finally dead!

But it hadn’t been Martin who did it. Because of Roger, Martin didn’t kill this drug lord himself.

After a long silence, Roger finally crouched down and took the handcuffs off Dito. He got into the car angrily and called out behind him, “It’s not safe here. If you’re upset, shoot him a few more times yourself. Or do you want to take a few photos?”

Martin took a deep breath, then shook his head. Looking at a dark corner that was already empty, he said in a low voice, “Thank you.”

System: You have received Martin Riggs’s appreciation. You may now learn all his abilities.

Martin Riggs’s abilities: Basic Firearms, Basic Combat… Basic Long-Distance Shooting

Luke, who was now walking out, simply smiled and didn’t think too much of it.

You can express your grat.i.tude by taking the blame for all this.

As he walked, he communicated with Selina. “You can come and pick me up now.”

He then took out the remaining handmade weapons from his inventory and threw them into the half-burnt weed fields.

With another series of explosions and fiery showers, all the weed fields were completely consumed in flames.

Selina had just arrived and she opened the door. Luke got into the driver’s seat and said with a smile, “Mission accomplished.”

Selina said, “Very good. Cars are headed this way from Tijuana. They’re still a little far away but there’s quite a lot of them.”

Luke laughed, turned the wheel, and drove southeast.

As the car sped along, Luke was feeling elated.

As the final weed fields caught fire, the system notification popped up.

System: Eliminate important members of Dito Flores’s gang and destroy the weed manufacturing base. Completed.

Total experience: 10,000. Total credit: 10,000.

Contribution rate: 90%. EXP +9,000. Credit +9,000.

Including his harvest from Dito’s manor earlier, Luke had earned more than ten thousand experience and credit points tonight.

A huge part of it was for destroying the weed.

Otherwise, he would’ve only earned five to six thousand experience and credit points at most for killing the three hundred or so criminals at the stronghold, a number of whom escaped.

In the system, the credit for disposing of the drugs and disposing of the gangsters were almost equal. That was simply fantastic.

In any case, the drugs were useless to him, and he didn’t regret burning the warehouse to the ground at all.

He had pretty much accomplished his aim to gain experience and credit points during this break.

When all was said and done, the mid-level gangs in Los Angeles didn’t really cut it anymore.

If he carried on like this in L.A., it might create a huge disaster this year.

So, he had to expand his sources.

After this secret jaunt to Mexico, he had earned ten thousand experience and credit points, which was way more efficient than cleaning up L.A. gangs.

After all, he had to pay attention to the impact it could have on a densely populated city like L.A., as displaced gang members might cause social unrest.

In Mexico? There were too many gangs, all of which were cancers of society; wiping out one wouldn’t have too big an impact.

The remnants would naturally join other gangs and continue their criminal careers.

Or they might run into Luke again and give him experience and credit points once more.

As the car sped along, Selina helped Luke take off his bulletproof vest and other equipment. She stuffed the gear into a bag and threw it into the backseat.

She then gave him a bottle of water with a straw. “Okay, you helped Martin get revenge; there’s no need to be so happy.”

Luke chuckled and drank the water.

He still had to help Martin and Roger wrap things up when they went back, which would be a little tricky.

But Selina was still too innocent.

Was he here to help Martin with his revenge? That was at most incidental. Besides, Luke killed Dito Flores in the end, and Martin and Roger had lost an important bargaining chip. If things weren’t handled properly, they could be suspended when they got back.

So actually, he had sabotaged them a little more than helped them, especially Roger.

For the sake of getting revenge, Martin didn’t care whether or not he could continue working as a police officer.

But Roger was doing well as a second rank sergeant.

The black baldie was old but a good person. It didn’t seem right for him to be punished for this.

The car didn’t stop as it continued southeast.

Selina quickly fell asleep.

She wasn’t Luke, and after hurrying through the night and fighting and hurrying back, she needed some rest.

Before dawn the next day, Luke and Selina returned to the Mexican mountains on the opposite side of Big Bend National Park. Sinking the car in a river, they set off once again.

With Selina on his back, Luke climbed the mountain as casually as if he were walking on level ground. Selina suddenly sighed.

Luke asked, “What’s up?”

After a brief silence, Selina said, “It would be easier for you if I hadn’t come along, right?”

Tonight, she finally understood what Luke was like when he was at full power, and she suddenly sensed the huge gap between them.

They had only worked cases before this and she hadn’t personally witnessed Luke in battle with many criminals, so she hadn’t sensed it.

But tonight, Luke and Martin together took down close to a hundred men at Dito’s manor, which was already very terrifying.

Later, Luke completely thrashed the three hundred men at Dito’s plantation on his own, to the point that they couldn’t even organize a decent counterattack.

It was completely beyond Selina’s expectations.

Luke chuckled. “You’re my partner, not my lackey. Why so sensitive?”

After a brief silence, Selina said, “You don’t have to comfort me. I’ll train harder so that I can help you for longer.”

Luke didn’t stop running, but he frowned slightly. Had she lost confidence in herself and wanted to retire?

Both of them sunk into a long silence.

Luke had never considered this issue before.

If Selina stopped being his partner and he got a new one, that would be a real problem.

Luke had always been a cautious person. Somebody who hadn’t been with him since the beginning and whom he hadn’t experienced life and death with so many times would be somebody he would never really trust.

He didn’t have anything that could improve Selina’s combat ability quickly; this wasn’t something he could get his hands on so easily.

If it were that easy, Obadiah wouldn’t need to copy Tony to create Iron Monger.

If it were that easy, General Ross wouldn’t be so obsessed with the Hulk.In this world, there were plenty of ways to make someone else stronger, but it wasn’t easy to get your hands on them.

Even if he managed to obtain something, it would probably have strong side effects.

Maybe… he could make a simpler version of Tony’s Iron Man suit?

That seemed to be a more reliable approach.

As long as it was a little uglier and cruder, Tony probably wouldn’t a.s.sociate the unrefined thing with his own technology.

But even a simple version of the suit would require a tremendous amount of money.

Money was still necessary! And it had to be clean money that was traceable.

The two of them were silent on the way back to Big Bend National Park.

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