Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 509 You Dare Shoot My New Car?

Chapter 509 You Dare Shoot My New Car?

Most RPG users in the world were actually far, far worse than a regular person could imagine.

Some turned their partners behind them into roast chicken, and some even held the RPG the wrong way round when they launched it; to run into someone getting himself killed here wasn’t odd at all.

After getting rid of these two hurdles, the soldiers let out huge breaths of relief.

Now that they had broken through the enemy’s line of defense, they only had to be wary of attacks from the sides and behind them.

The captain said into the walkie-talkie, “Whip, how much longer do you need? We have a lot of hostiles on our tail.”

Someone replied through the walkie-talkie, “We’ll reach the rendezvous in five minutes. Get ready.”

The captain: “Copy that.”

Which meant that they had to hold on for five minutes.

A moment later, Luke stopped the car near the river. “This is the place?”

The captain said, “You should move your car to the side so that it doesn’t block the line of fire.”

Luke drove the car twenty meters to the side behind a large tree before he jumped out. “This isn’t a bad spot. If your boat doesn’t come… Forget it, pretend I didn’t say anything.’ Quickly arranging a defensive perimeter, the captain turned around and asked Luke, “Who are you?”

Luke tilted his head and thought for a moment. “An American. I was entrusted by the DEA to look for their missing agent, Lisa Feng.” The captain frowned. “That’s all?”

Luke shrugged. “That’s all. Don’t forget to take her with you when you retreat later.”

The captain nodded. Then he grew suspicious. “What about you?”

Luke pointed at the Hummer not far away. “I paid 200,000 bucks for this new car. Would you just leave it here if you were me?”

Lost for words for a moment, the captain said, “It would be hard, but I would throw it away. As long as I’m still alive, I can make another 200,000.”

Luke chuckled. “I’m choosing to keep it and my life. If I hadn’t run into you, I would be off the mountain by now.”

The captain was speechless. Are you saying you’ll be carried off the mountain after your body’s turned into Swiss cheese?

As they spoke, they were surrounded by thugs again.

Holding his AK, Luke started shooting before the soldiers did. After a burst of gunfire, the cars in front all instantly slowed down.

The drivers of the three cars had been killed. A lot more thugs in the cars were dead as well, and the enemy instantly lost their momentum.

Discarding the empty clip and reloading with the last one, Luke pulled the bolt handle and smiled. “See? It won’t be hard if I want to get


The captain was rendered speechless.

Clearly, there was no need for a person who could fire an AK consecutively with such precision to be scared of some small fry.

After Luke’s barrage, the thugs fell quiet for a moment before they switched tactics.

They stopped their cars and scattered before they slowly pressed forward.

With his keen hearing, Luke realized that the thugs had reinforcements coming; it was close to a hundred men.

The sniper fired and killed a thug every now and then, so they didn’t dare move too fast.

These thugs clearly didn’t have much guts; the fastest and bravest of them were basically all lying on the ground, their bodies still warm.

The thugs could only surround Luke and the soldiers with their overwhelming advantage in numbers.

“My new car!” Luke suddenly cursed and shot twice at a thug.

That idiot had been about to launch an RPG at Luke’s new Hummer. He certainly couldn’t allow that.

He turned to the side and asked again, “Where’s your evac? They’re practically right in front of us now.”

The captain fired a string of shots before he abruptly crouched down in a hollow.

The incoming bullets instantly kicked up the soil around the edges of the hollow, covering the captain in dust. He shouted, “Whip! Hurry up! We can’t hold on for much longer.”

As he yelled, Luke’s ears p.r.i.c.ked up.

Amidst the gunfire and screams, he heard the sound of motorboats.

Several seconds later, two SOC-Rs swung around a bend in the river and charged forward.

Luke couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise.

The moment the boats rushed forward, it was as if he could hear the whirring of the Gatling guns at the front of the boats.

In the next moment, the Gatlings’ barrels turned at high speed and their muzzles sparked as a dense spray of bullets instantly covered the trees on the riverbank.

Two seconds later, the heavy sound of M240 machine guns joined the battle.

On the two special combat boats, the two Gatlings and three twin M240 machine guns unleashed dazzling firepower.

The thugs who had been like hungry wolves just a moment ago immediately plunged into a h.e.l.l of blood and fire.

The gunfire was deafening as countless bullets were shot at them ferociously, and mixed into it was tracer ammunition that created numerous lines of fire amidst the trees like a storm.

In the forest, tree branches and bark were sent flying. So were the bodies of the thugs.

Those whose reactions were a little slower, or who didn’t have suitable cover nearby, were directly shredded to pieces by the storm of metal.

Once they started firing, the two special combat boats showed no signs of stopping.

One of the boats slowly approached the bank which Luke and the others were on. The gunfire from the stern stopped for a moment so that they could get on the boat.

The other boat circled round and didn’t stop firing at all, not giving the thugs any chance to catch their breaths.

Where Luke and the others had been on the riverbank earlier was a spot which protruded slightly out onto the river. That was why he had said that it wasn’t a bad spot.

If the special combat boats didn’t show up, he and the soldiers would’ve been easily surrounded by the thugs.

But now that the thugs had swarmed the area, they died even quicker.

Firepower plowed through the trees again and again, as if the shooters on the two special combat boats were doing a clean sweep. In less than twenty seconds, not a single thug was left standing in the forest.

They had either been killed or were sticking low to the ground to avoid death.

Watching the captain and his team settle Lisa Feng on the boat, Luke said to them, “I’m leaving. Good luck to you.”

The captain turned around and shouted, “You’re really going to head down the mountain on your own?”

Luke got in the Hummer with a smile. He closed the door and started the car, before he gave the captain a thumbs up. Then, the Hummer quickly turned around and drove down along the riverbank.

Two thugs had just crawled out of the trees. They barely caught their breaths, when they saw a car fly past them.

Bang! Bang!

Luke pulled back his left hand and put his pistol back into the holster.

On the other side, looking at the still bodies of the thugs on the ground, and the Hummer vanis.h.i.+ng quickly into the forest, the captain rubbed his mouth and didn’t know what to say.

This person didn’t feel right!

He had very professional skills, but he was very laid-back.

It’s just killing people, do you really have to show off? the captain mumbled to himself, before he patted his teammate in front of him. “Alright, let’s go back.”

The special combat boats which had picked up the squad turned around unhurriedly and headed off in the direction that they had come.

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