Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 731: Confirming the Enemy on Sight

Chapter 731: Confirming the Enemy on Sight

Dustin’s office, however, was empty.

Luke picked up the call, and Dustin’s voice rang out quickly. “Luke, Number 2304 on Cicero Street on the east side. Hurry.”

Luke suddenly stood up and said to Elsa in a low voice, “Dustin’s in a gunfight. I’ll give you the address and more details later.”

Putting in his wireless earpiece, he sent Elsa the address once he got it on his phone, then ran out of the office with Selina.

A moment later, their car rushed out of the parking lot and sped east.

Dustin didn’t hang up, but he was clearly occupied and could only talk to Luke occasionally.

He had run into an attack by armed criminals in a luxury apartment building.

Their firepower was very fierce, and there were about twenty of them.

Many of the patrol officers who had rushed over were overwhelmingly suppressed by the criminals.

After determining that the situation was critical, Dustin called Luke as soon as possible.

n.o.body in LAPD could compete with him.

However, the criminals he was facing were indeed extraordinary. Although they didn’t look like they had any sort of professional training, they were very good.

Two of the patrol officers who had rushed over to help after hearing the gunshots had already fallen.

Dustin could only pray that SWAT’s helicopter arrived soon, or that Luke was quicker.

Otherwise, he would probably be killed today.

“Dustin, take the files and go.” A determined female voice rang out behind him.

Dustin shot twice at the criminals to deter them from charging forward without any qualms. He said, “Jennifer, why don’t you go look for some flammable items to throw out and slow them down?”

“It’s no use. They’re here to silence me. They drew away the nearby police force on purpose. I won’t survive,” the woman called Jennifer said bitterly. She had a black satchel on her back and was holding a pistol.

Dustin grabbed her pistol and gave him hers. “Help me reload. The clip is on my left belt.”

Jennifer shook her head helplessly, but quickly reloaded the gun.

Dustin cautiously took out a mirror.

This thing had become very popular recently, and many police academy students said that it was practical.

When the gunfight first started, Dustin had gotten Jennifer to give her the small mirror she was carrying.

He checked the situation on the other side, calculated the angle, and stuck his gun out.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

“Ah!” One of the criminals was unlucky enough to be hit by this blind shot and screamed as he rolled back into the corner.

“Don’t worry. I called LAPD’s strongest backup. He’ll be here in ten minutes,” Dustin explained, in case Jennifer gave up.

Jennifer: “SWAT?”

“The man who single-handedly killed more than thirty criminals during the Nakatomi Plaza robbery.”

Jennifer was stunned for a moment, but then immediately stretched out her arm and fired two shots as she cooperated with Dustin and forced two criminals to retreat. She couldn’t help but ask, “Is it that King of Kills detective that everyone in the department has been talking about?”

Dustin reloaded his gun. “That’s right. As long as he gets here in time, I guarantee that all the criminals here won’t last more than ten minutes.”

Jennifer said, “How can you… Forget it. I’ll look for some alcohol and see if I can make some Molotov c.o.c.ktails.”

Dustin grunted and fired twice more. “You better hurry. They’re getting impatient.”

In fact, the criminals weren’t just impatient, but super annoyed.

Initially, their target was a woman who lived alone and was only a lawyer.

Logically speaking, killing her wouldn’t take more than a minute.

Their main mission was to search her place and retrieve important information.

In the end, when they swaggered out of the elevator, they met Dustin’s eyes just as he was walking out.

From that gaze alone, they instantly confirmed that they were enemies.

Dustin yelled, “LAPD, don’t freeze!” before he suddenly jumped back into the apartment.

Sure enough, the criminals didn’t waste any time. They simply opened fire and destroyed the nearby wall.

Dustin didn’t back down. He drew his gun and fired a few times, and managed to hit a criminal.

He had been a detective for a long time, and had worked many major cases with his old partner, Roger.

Even though he hadn’t partic.i.p.ated in a frontline battle for a long time, he had kept up with his shooting practice and hadn’t lost his gun sense after twenty years of training.

Coincidentally, a tenant downstairs had just happened to call the police about being robbed.

A patrol car thus arrived at the scene behind the criminals.

When the two officers heard the gunshots, Dustin yelled for reinforcements from inside, and they immediately joined the battle.

The criminals had no choice but to attack both sides at the same time.

Even if someone had made some arrangements in the neighborhood earlier and there weren’t many police officers patrolling the area, four to five police cars arrived in five minutes, including two detectives from the Major Crimes Division.

Furthermore, all police cars in Los Angeles were stocked with rifles and enough ammo to deal with intense violence.

The firepower of ten armed police officers was no less powerful.

Both parties instantly tangled together.

Luke turned on the police siren in a rare move and shot forward in the car.

Thankfully, there wasn’t much traffic in L.A. today.

A large number of people had gone to hide in the surrounding areas, and there were also a lot of people who had taken leave from work, so there were fewer cars on the city streets.

Going at 140 kilometers per hour in the city, Luke reached the address which Dustin had given him in seven minutes.

The car screeched to a stop twenty meters away from the apartment building. Luke got out and ran.

He didn’t want to park his car at the entrance of the apartment building, where the police and criminals were already engaged in a fierce battle.

The car was bulletproof, but he didn’t want to have to repaint the car or replace the bulletproof gla.s.s unless necessary.

Taking a running leap, he started to climb up the side of the apartment building to the fifth floor.

Dustin had already briefed him, and Luke had a basic understanding of the situation in the building.

Upstairs, Dustin and Jennifer were in desperate straits.

Dustin had run out of bullets. Even if he had been carrying a few extra clips in the last two days, he only had five.

Under the pressure of more than ten rifles, he had no choice but to increase his gunfire to slow the enemy’s approach.

It was thanks to Jennifer’s Molotov c.o.c.ktails that the bullets had lasted so long. She lit them and threw them at the elevator, blocking one of the criminals’ attacks.

But the criminals were also anxious.

Two more police cars had arrived. At this rate, they would be surrounded by more than a hundred police officers in less than half an hour, who would most likely be SWAT.

LAPD had been in a bad mood for the past two days.

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