Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 869: A Detective Running Into a Police Detective

Chapter 869: A Detective Running Into a Police Detective

Haley paused and thought for a moment, before she continued, “This man is quite daring. He actually didn’t order Molly to stay silent. So, it should just be a matter of time before Molly can tell us what happened in the past few months, including whatever she knows about him.” Luke nodded silently

“He’s either a lunatic or confident in his hypnosis skills. You better be careful if you investigate him. His hypnosis skills might be very good, and definitely have a much stronger effect than that of an ordinary psychiatrist.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. “Can you break the hypnosis he put on Molly?”

Haley hesitated for a long moment before she nodded. “I can try and take it slow. Ultimately, time is on our side.”

Luke nodded. “Thank you.”

Everybody was about to leave.

At that moment, a young woman walked over. She surveyed the people at the door, and her eyes finally stopped on Christine. “Excuse me, are you Nurse Christine Palmer?”

Christine nodded. “That’s me. Can I help you?”

The young woman gestured at her, and they walked away. She said in a low voice, “Do you have a Molly Johnson girl here?”

Christine was stunned. “You are?”

The young woman said, “Her parents hired me, and I’ve been looking for her for a while. I heard there’s a Jane Doe who matches her description who was brought here yesterday, so I came to take a look.”

After a brief hesitation, Christine waved at Luke and the others.

When Luke and the others arrived, she introduced them to the young woman. “This is Detective Coulson, Detective Hayek, and Dr. Haley. They should be able to help you.”

The young woman frowned and turned around uncomfortably, and her expression wasn’t great when she looked at Luke and Selina.

Luke stretched out his hand. “What should I call you?”

“Jessica.” The young woman ignored his hand and simply gave him a name before getting straight to the point. “What do you want with Molly?”

Luke looked at Christine and Haley, and after exchanging glances, he said, “Miss Jessica, I need to confirm your ident.i.ty and purpose first.”

Jessica repeated what she had said to Christine.

Luke nodded. “Can you prove it?”

Frowning, Jessica took out a picture from her pocket. “Her parents gave this to me.”

Luke looked at the picture of a happy family of three in front of a birthday cake. The girl in the middle was indeed Molly Johnson.

Flipping the photo around, he saw a line of words on the back: Happy fifteenth birthday, baby. May you always be happy.

After handing the photo to Selina, he looked at Jessica and asked, “Jessica, you have Molly’s parents’ number, right?”

Jessica hesitated, then nodded.

“Can you give it to me?” asked Luke. “You found her. Her parents will probably still pay you, but I can’t hand Molly over to you since you’re not her guardian, can I?”

Jessica glared at him for a moment. “Where’s your badge? I need to confirm your ident.i.ty.”

Smiling, Luke pulled out his badge.

After making sure that Jessica had seen it clearly, he put it back.

Selina did the same. “This is my badge.”

Jessica only glanced at her badge before she looked away.

Luke’s badge was fine, so it didn’t matter if Selina took hers out or not.

Jessica took out a business card. “This is her phone number. Her father’s name is Richard Johnson, and her mother is Novena Johnson.”

Luke gave the name card to Selina and returned the photo to Jessica. “Molly is in the ward, but she’s in bad shape. You’ll have to ask for their opinion on how long you can talk to her and what you want to talk about.”

He gestured to Christine and Haley, who were on the side, then walked over to listen to the conversation between Selina and Molly’s parents.

On the other side, Jessica talked to the ladies for a while before she was brought into the ward.

Relying on his keen hearing, Luke didn’t hear Jessica ask too many questions. After confirming Molly’s ident.i.ty, she walked out and asked Christine and Haley about Molly’s condition.

“Is that man called Kilgrave?” Jessica suddenly asked. “Someone who likes to wear suits and has an English accent?”

Everybody immediately looked at Jessica.

After a moment of silence, when Luke didn’t say anything, Haley spoke first. “We don’t know who ‘he’ is yet, but it’s possible that he has an English accent. When Molly mentioned him, she used certain phrases that were clearly English.”

Noticing the awful look on Jessica’s face, Luke suddenly asked, “Miss Jessica, do you know who he is?”

Jessica s.h.i.+vered, and her face changed for a moment. She suddenly turned around and left. “I’m sorry. I have something to do.”

She staggered and almost fell.

However, she didn’t stop. Instead, she sped up and soon disappeared at the end of the hallway.

Christine looked at Luke. “You’re not going to stop her?”

Luke shook his head and looked at Haley. “What do you think?”

A thoughtful expression flashed through Haley’s eyes. “She should know something. Her reaction… was a little excessive.”

Her eyes met Luke’s. After a brief silence, they both looked away.

Luke said, “Alright, at least we found Molly’s parents.”

Haley suddenly said, “This might be a little troublesome.”

Christine was puzzled. “What’s wrong?”

Luke explained helpfully, “Molly’s parents are already on a plane back from San Francisco. They might arrive at the hospital in the afternoon. It’ll be up to them whether or not Molly stays.”

Christine was confused. “Their daughter went missing in New York, but they went to Los Angeles? They live in Ma.s.sachusetts, right?”

Luke said, “They’ve been looking for Molly for the past few months. They rushed over when they heard that a girl’s body was found in California.”

After a brief silence, Christine nodded. “At least they can relax now.”

For a daughter to still be alive to reunite with her parents was better than being turned directly into a corpse with only her remains to say farewell.

After that, Luke talked to Haley for a while to learn more about the “him” whom Molly had mentioned.

It was only a few pieces of information, but Haley’s explanation was very detailed, and she took half an hour to finish.

“That’s all I can do for now.” Haley exhaled. “The rest is up to you, Luke.”

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