Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 873: Let’s Talk Business

Chapter 873: Let’s Talk Business

Naturally, NYPD wouldn’t file a case.

It wasn’t unusual for a girl to run away.

After this incident, there had been no news of Molly, and the card had never been used again.

Richard had gone to California because he suspected that his daughter might have been taken to San Francisco and murdered there.

The couple went over, only to discover that the girl wasn’t their daughter. As they rejoiced, they received a call from Luke and hurried back.

Staring at Luke, Richard said fiercely, “Detective Luke, I don’t have any other requests except that you tell me when you find that b*stard. I want him in the electric chair.”

Luke nodded and smiled helplessly.

The father was muddled by his anger.

While New York still had the death penalty, it hadn’t been used in a long time, while Ma.s.sachusetts had abolished it completely.

Thus, whether this lunatic attacked Molly in New York or Ma.s.sachusetts, the possibility of him being sentenced to death was practically zero.

But there was no need to mention that.

Luke asked again, and Richard said that he would let Molly continue being treated at Metro General until her condition cleared up.

It would take at least a week.

After that, Luke gave Richard his detective name card and said that he could contact him if anything happened, before he left.

Night had fallen, and the streetlights were on. After a busy day, Luke and Selina finally took Gold Nugget home.

Luke had just heated up their roast meat leftovers from lunch, when his phone rang again.

Seeing the number, he slapped his forehead and picked up the call. “Haha, good evening, Miss CEO.”

“It seems you still remember you have a CEO who works for you? How difficult for you,” said Jenny.

Although she was mocking him, her tone wasn’t mean.

Luke chuckled. “Never.”

Jenny said, “Alright, we can talk when we meet up. As the secretary, I need to report some work to the chairman. I wonder when I can make an appointment? After all, you’ve been in New York for ten days, and didn’t call even once.”

Luke sweated. “Fine. I admit, it was my fault. I should’ve called you a few days ago.”

Most angry women didn’t like to speak reason, not to mention that he had neglected her this time.

Jenny nodded and waited for him to continue.

Luke checked the time. It was half past eight.

He said, “If you have time tonight, can you meet me?”

Jenny snorted. “You know the address. Come and see your secretary yourself.” Then, she hung up.

Lying over the table, Selina asked lazily, “Are you going out to meet the young miss?”

As Luke nodded, he took out the heated roast meat and placed it on a trolley. Gold Nugget immediately pushed it to the table.

He took out a food box from the kitchen and quickly packed two pieces of roast goose before walking out. “I haven’t contacted her in almost half a month. I should go and find out how many shares we have in Stark Corporation.”

Selina was clearly in a much better mood as she ate the suckling pig, but she wasn’t too interested in this topic. “Okay.”

Luke didn’t say anything else. He returned to his room and put on a new gray hoodie and a cap. He also brought the box of roast goose with him.

Selina glanced at him. “What? Are you delivering takeout to the young miss tonight?”

Luke said, “What are you thinking? I’m going to eat this on the way over. There’s nothing to eat at Jenny’s except mineral water and wine.”

Selina sniffed. “No wonder she’s so flat. Isn’t she starving?”

Luke was lost for words.

With Selina’s C+ abilities, she would only be crushed by a Cla.s.s B player like Jenny.

Also, Jenny controlled her diet, and didn’t even have any snacks at home.

To say that she was starving really wasn’t unreasonable.

“You can rest early today. We’ll probably be busy tomorrow.” He waved goodbye and went downstairs.

Instead of driving, he munched on his roast goose as he walked through a small black alley and out of the Clinton area. When he reached Times Square, the entire box of roast goose was in his stomach.

Throwing the bones into a trash can, he entered an underground parking lot. A moment later, he drove a Toyota SUV out and headed straight for Whitestone Park in Queens.

Jenny’s new residence was a three-story building near Whitestone Park. There were no high-rises nearby, and the house faced a wide bay.

This place was close to the t.i.tanium Phone Company’s new headquarters in Na.s.sau County. There basically wasn’t any traffic here, so going to and from work every day was easy.

When Luke got to the third floor, he saw Jenny looking out at the bay.

He went straight to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, before he stood next to Jenny and gazed at the night view as well.

After a long moment, Jenny finally said, “Alright, I know you’re busy. Let’s get down to proper business.”

Luke hugged her and said, “Looking at the night view with you is also proper business.”

Leaning against him, Jenny said lazily, “That’s right. To you, several billion dollars aren’t important at all. We spent half the money to obtain a seven thousandth of Stark Corporation’s shares. The most optimistic estimate is that we’ll have 1.5% shares by the time we spend all the money. That’s a lot more than we expected.”

Luke hummed in acknowledgement and said, “That’s enough. You spent so much money hiring that support team, you should let them do more. You can refocus on your phone company now.”

He knew that Jenny wasn’t particularly interested in pure financial operations.

Her mother had made a fortune in the science and tech industry, and had left that money to Jenny.

Most of Jenny’s talent in business came from her mother, not her father.

Finally feeling better, Jenny glanced at him. “So you still remember our cell phone company!”

Luke nodded solemnly. “The Stark Corporation shares are just to protect us. The cell phone company is our foundation. I’m looking forward to it becoming the largest cell phone company.”

Of course, that was just his hope. He didn’t know if it was possible.

After all, there was too much advanced technology here. Somebody might come out to steal a piece of the pie someday.

Luke wasn’t lying.

He did value the t.i.tanium phone, because it would be the foundation of the growth of a multifaceted intelligence system.

Once smartphones became mainstream, the multifaceted intelligence system would easily be able to gather information, whether or not t.i.tanium phones became the best in the industry.

When people used smartphones in the future, whether it was the t.i.tanium brand or not, they would become Luke’s eyes and ears.

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