Super Gene

Chapter 2977 G.o.d Spirit’s Special Authority

Chapter 2977 G.o.d Spirit’s Special Authority

Han Sen looked at G.o.d and said, “You got here at just the right time. Why did I become a G.o.d Spirit for just wearing this Sky G.o.d Crown?”

G.o.d laughed and said, “You did not become a G.o.d Spirit. Because the Sky G.o.d Crown is here, you temporarily became a G.o.d Spirit. If you remove the Sky G.o.d Crown, none of that will exist.” After hearing that, Han took off the Sky G.o.d Crown and departed the G.o.d temple. When he put the Sky G.o.d Crown again, he returned to that G.o.d temple. The white G.o.d flag appeared in front of him.

“Is that all this Sky G.o.d Crown does?” Han Sen was disappointed. To him, becoming a G.o.d Spirit did not appear to be particularly useful.

G.o.d sat down on the G.o.d altar’s edge and casually asked, “Is that still not enough for you? You do not need to do what G.o.d Spirits do, but you get to enjoy the benefits of a G.o.d Spirit. Many G.o.d Spirits would like that.”

Han Sen’s heart jumped as he quickly asked, “What responsibility and benefits do G.o.ds have?”

“As long as you wear the Sky G.o.d Crown, if the Sky G.o.d Crown is not broken, you will be like other G.o.d Spirits,” G.o.d said. “You will have an immortal body inside the G.o.d temple. Even if you are killed, you will resp.a.w.n here in the G.o.d temple.”

Han Sen lifted his lips and asked, “What does that mean? I do not want to be stuck inside a G.o.d temple forever.”

“Of course, it does have meaning. For example, if you are up against a powerful enemy that you cannot beat, you do not need to be afraid of dying when you are in the G.o.d temple. You can fight them without fear.” G.o.d laughed.

Han Sen shook his head. “That does not make sense. If I were killed by my enemy, he would just take my G.o.d flag. Then, I would end up dead.”

“That is the power of Sky G.o.d Crown. Even if someone removes your flag, it will just break your Sky G.o.d Crown. You will still resp.a.w.n, but you will lose the authority of being a G.o.d Spirit.” G.o.d pointed at the Sky G.o.d Crown and went on to say, “Plus, when you’re a G.o.d Spirit, you have the authority of a G.o.d Spirit. You can trade with any creature in the universe and gain their lifespan.” Han Sen had always wondered that. The G.o.d Spirits were immortal existences, so why did they require the years of others?

Based on G.o.d’s method, they used a lot of effort. They would do anything for another creature’s life span. Han Sen did not understand why they did it.

“To the immortal G.o.d Spirits, what is the point of extending their life span?” Han Sen pretended to look disdained.

“About that, you will understand in the future.” G.o.d did not answer Han Sen’s question. He laughed and told Han Sen, “As for the responsibilities of G.o.ds, it is quite simple. There is only one task, which is to protect the geno hall and forbid it from being invaded by other creatures.”

“Protect the geno hall?” Han Sen asked with an obvious look of confusion. “Does the geno hall require protection? Let’s not talk about other things, but that woman inside the geno hall is invincible.”

G.o.d shook his head. “The G.o.ddess you talk about is one of the 12 Annihilation cla.s.s G.o.d Spirits. Those 12 Annihilation cla.s.s G.o.d Spirits guard the geno hall in sequence. Their responsibility is the same as all the other G.o.d Spirits though. There is no difference between them.”

“What about the geno hall? Does the geno hall have no G.o.d Spirits?” Han Sen quickly asked. G.o.d laughed but did not answer. “When you enter the geno hall, you will understand. As long as you have the Sky G.o.d Crown, you will earn the benefits of a G.o.d Spirit minus the responsibility. You can also give up the G.o.d Spirit ident.i.ty whenever you please. Are you still not satisfied with this good stuff?”

“Aside from all that, Sky G.o.d Crown has no battle abilities?” Han Sen still thought it was useless for him to become a G.o.d Spirit.

G.o.d laughed. “Of course! The Sky G.o.d Crown is almost indestructible. Its durability is stronger than most Annihilation cla.s.s G.o.d personality armaments. You can use it like a brick, but the item itself does not have battle power. OK, you should think of a powerful t.i.tle now. Once you have a G.o.d name, you can really enjoy the powers of being a G.o.d.”

“You said there were only 12 Annihilation G.o.d Spirits,” Han Sen said. “If I use the Sky G.o.d Crown, will I count as one of the 12? Will I have to go and guard the geno hall?”.

“You do not need to,” G.o.d answered with certainty. “Did I not tell you? You are not a real G.o.d Spirit. You do not take on the responsibilities of G.o.d Spirits.”

Han Sen knew that G.o.d was not a liar, but he was still disappointed. If he could go to the geno hall, he would like to see what the interior of that place looked like.

Seeing the empty G.o.d flag, Han Sen thought for a few moments and said, “I will call myself the G.o.d of Wealth. I love that name, and it goes with my name Dollar.”

“Huh?” G.o.d heard Han Sen’s G.o.d t.i.tle and laughed. He weirdly looked at Han Sen and said, “Your G.o.d name is very… Happy. It’s not bad and very creative.”

“I know, right? This t.i.tle is great!” Han Sen knew that G.o.d did not mean it, but he did not mind.

The front of the white G.o.d flag now had the word “Wealth” on it. The back displayed the words “G.o.d of.” The flag shone with a G.o.d light. It flew out of the G.o.d hall and stuck to the G.o.d temple’s door. The moment the G.o.d flag went there, the Sky G.o.d Crown on Han Sen’s head shone brightly. Many mysterious messages emerged from the Sky G.o.d Crown, which made him understand many things. “I see it now…” Han Sen was feeling mysterious messages. He suddenly seemed to really understand what it was like to be a G.o.d Spirit. He was not clueless anymore.

Aside from what G.o.d said, the G.o.d Spirits had other powers. It was better than what Han Sen expected.

G.o.d Spirits earned the buffs of a G.o.d temple, and the buffs did not merely apply to immortality. There was a G.o.d power buff. The higher level the G.o.d temple was, the more G.o.d power he would receive.

Han Sen had that Annihilation cla.s.s G.o.d temple. It gave Han Sen G.o.d power buffs. It made his battle power increase another level.

That buff only worked in his G.o.d temple area. If he left the G.o.d temple, the G.o.d power buff would be gone.

There was also a special G.o.d Spirit authority. That special authority only belonged to G.o.d Spirits. Every G.o.d Spirit had its authority. Different G.o.d temples and different G.o.d Spirit powers and different authorities. Han Sen did not know what other powers G.o.d Spirits had. The G.o.d Spirit authority he received was called “Wealth.” If any creature paid with their life span, Han Sen could bless them with some wealth and give them significant wealth for a short amount of time.

Of course, G.o.d Spirit authorities could only be used when that person paid a sum of their years. The scarier thing was that the wealth Han Sen gave did not just come out from nowhere. It used the wealth that the person would have in the future.

If Han Sen gave someone more wealth than he earned in his life, very bad things would happen to that person.

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