Super Gene

Chapter 2978 Fulfill Your Wishes

Chapter 2978 Fulfill Your Wishes

Han Sen thought, “Is an Annihilation cla.s.s G.o.d Spirit’s authority just wealth? Those G.o.ds used to say they could do anything and fulfill any wish they wanted to. That is such a big scam. According to the G.o.d Spirit rules, G.o.d Spirits could not give fake information. If they lied, they would not be able to finalize a trade. They would not receive the life spans they sought. To compose a trade, G.o.d Spirits would use everything they could. I really don’t understand why they seem to be so keen on seeking out years.”

Sky G.o.d Crown’s message had not included that. Therefore, Han Sen was unable to find out.

That aside, G.o.d Spirits had the authority to leave the G.o.d temples. They were not able to leave the G.o.d temples for long. During that period, the G.o.d temple was sealed up so they could not be challenged.

Unless the G.o.d Spirits possessed a creature of the universe, they would not be able to leave for a very long time. If they did do that, they would not receive protection from the G.o.d temples anymore. If they died, they died. Unless the G.o.d personality was taken back to the G.o.d temple, they could no longer be resp.a.w.ned. There was still one very important thing. G.o.d Spirits were allowed to challenge G.o.d Spirits that were a higher level than them, but that was pointless for Han Sen because he was not a real G.o.d Spirit. He could not level up his position any higher.

Even if he could challenge them, Han Sen was already Annihilation level. He could only challenge G.o.d Spirits that were at a higher level than him. Han Sen could not fight an enemy that was the same Annihilation cla.s.s as he was. To challenge a Reboot cla.s.s G.o.d Spirit was a death wish. Han Sen would never have tried being so bold.

Han Sen looked at G.o.d and wished to say something, but G.o.d winked at him. He looked at the door of the G.o.d temple and said, “You have business to attend to.” “What do you mean?” Han Sen looked at the G.o.d temple’s door. He did not see anything. He turned around and looked at G.o.d, but he was gone.

While Han Sen was wondering what was going on, he saw someone fly into the G.o.d plaza area. They were flying toward his G.o.d temple.

Han Sen wondered, “It cannot be this much of a coincidence. I have only just become a G.o.d Spirit, and a creature in the universe already wants to challenge me.”

According to what Han Sen had been inspecting, the universe creatures only dared challenging Destruction cla.s.s G.o.d Spirits. No one dared to challenge Disaster cla.s.s. Why would a creature go and challenge him, who was Annihilation cla.s.s?

That body was coming straight for Han Sen’s G.o.d temple. It soon entered the radius of the G.o.d temple.

The G.o.d palace and G.o.d temples were situated in a realm that was between reality and s.p.a.ce. No matter where one was in the universe, if one’s mind was in G.o.d’s palace, one could go there. A creature that was able to fly in the universe could just use an airs.h.i.+p to go to a G.o.d palace. It did not matter how far or near one was.

Han Sen stared at the body. He was shocked. It was someone he knew.

“Why is Fox Queen coming here for?” Han Sen thought.

Fox Queen was the wife of Ghost Bone General. As far as Han Sen knew, her power was not very strong when compared to most deifieds. She was not able to fight a destruction cla.s.s G.o.d Spirit. How could she hope to tackle an Annihilation cla.s.s G.o.d Spirit?

While Han Sen was making guesses, Fox Queen was already in the plaza of the G.o.d temple.

By the rules of the G.o.d Spirits, Han Sen had no choice but to fight. Otherwise, Fox Queen was able to replace his G.o.d Spirit flag. As long as the Sky G.o.d Crown was not broken, he would not die.

Fox Queen came before the G.o.d temple and kneeled as if she was praying to a G.o.d. “Mister G.o.d of Wealth, I want to make a wish to you. Please help me.”

“It looks like she is not here to challenge a G.o.d Spirit.” Han Sen was shocked. He said, “If you have come a for a wish, then come in and


“Thank you, Mister.” Fox Queen entered G.o.d temple.

Han Sen’s heart jumped. The G.o.d temple’s gate closed down, leaving only him and Fox Queen, the two of them, inside.

“Tell me about your wish. I will fulfill your wish.” Han Sen stood upon the G.o.d altar. He looked at Fox Queen with a very serious look as he spoke.

Fox Queen was the wife of Ghost Bone General. She must have known all about G.o.d Spirits. There was an 80% to 90% chance that she knew there was a consequence for the formation of wishes. Han Sen wondered why she had still come there to make a wish.

Fox Queen kneeled again. Her fox eyes stared at Han Sen. She spoke very softly. “I only have one wish. Please help me get back my Fox race’s race weapon Nine Spin Destiny Mirror. If that can be done, I am willing to do anything.” Because the Sky G.o.d Crown had a light above, it made Han Sen look like a G.o.d enveloped in rainbow G.o.d light. Only his body was visible. One was not able to see his face. Fox Queen was not able to tell that he was Han Sen. That fact made Han Sen feel strange.

After Fox Queen made a wish, Sky G.o.d Crown sent a message to Han Sen. It said that if he was able to fulfill Fox Queen’s wish, he would earn a life span of 300.

The Sky G.o.d Crown showed that if Han Sen finished the wish, he could at least get 300 life spans. It was not just 300 life spans. He actually was able to get more than that.

It was like if Han Sen picked up the Nine Spin Destiny Mirror and gave it to her, he would only get the lowest amount of life spans available. If he went and stole it from some scary elite and returned the Nine Spin Destiny Mirror to her, she would pay with a lot more of her years. Aside from that, she would also get karma. She would have to pay the price.

Han Sen’s G.o.d Spirit power was just wealth. Fox Queen’s wish was not in his power to fulfill. Han Sen had to find a way to finish Fox Queen’s wish. If he was unable to finish it, his life span would be damaged.

Accepting a wish was a double-edged sword. If G.o.d Spirits accepted the wish, they had to find a way to finish it. If they could not complete it, they would have to scam the wisher to get and keep the life span. G.o.d spirits employed every dirty trick in the book.

Fox Queen’s wish was something Han Sen wanted to complete. That was because he had the Nine Spin Destiny Mirror. Han Sen still hesitated. He did not know if the Nine Spin Destiny Mirror was worth the 300 years.

To universal creatures, life span was very important. Han Sen was not a real G.o.d Spirit. He was not immortal.

Now, Han Sen had a life span of 2,000. That seemed like a very long time. To many creatures of the universe, it was nothing.

Fox Queen was nervous. She had taken a big risk coming to make a wish. There was nothing else she could do. She had to do this.

Going to the G.o.d temple to make a wish was a dangerous prospect. If the G.o.d did not want her to make a wish, they could simply kill her. She would have been killed.

Fortunately, Han Sen had allowed her to enter the G.o.d temple and speak her wish. Her life was safe, but it was unknown whether or not Han Sen could fulfill the wish or how he would even go about trying. It was certain that it would affect her a lot.

If a G.o.d Spirit finished her very difficult wish, she would have to pay with a lot of her life span. She was afraid that her life span might get all spent.

Han Sen looked at Fox Queen and coldly said, “I can fulfill your wish, but I have a condition.”

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