Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1134: Repair and Healing’s Superpower

Chapter 1134: Repair and Healing’s Superpower

Indubitably, Peac.o.c.k Blue had some inexplicable resonance with this primeval soul weapon. It was a rather strange feeling. Peac.o.c.k Blue’s roots were in Xia Fei’s right arm, and this was why his right arm was more sensitive to energy compared to his left, as if his two hands held an item each with unequal weight. His right felt light, while his left felt heavy.

“Strange. Could healing also work on soul weapons?” Xia Fei muttered to himself.

Xia Fei had always believed that healing was reserved only to treating other sapient lifeforms, but today, he had made a shocking discovery: Healing also resonated with soul weapons!

“Have you ever had this feeling when you were repairing soul weapons in the past?” Radix asked inquisitively.

Xia Fei shook his head. “No, this is the first time, perhaps due to this soul weapon being from the eons past.”

No matter what, this was a huge discovery. Healing was already a potent yet extinct power in the Alpha Universe, so if it could be used to repair primeval soul weapons, then that would be truly incredible!

Everyone knew that primeval soul weapons were different from the soul weapons of today. Each one was unique, all thanks to the lifelong research the ancient Spiritualists had devoted themselves to.

This was like cla.s.sical symphonies, how as time pa.s.sed, and technology developed, there was no longer anyone that could create complex and profound symphonies. This was because such things could only be created in specific eras and in certain environments.

The ancient Spiritualists lived very solitary lives, and they had coincidentally stumbled upon the might of Dark Energy. However, they had no one to share it with, unlike today, where the existence of the Spiritualist a.s.sociation meant any new discovery could easily be spread across the universe.

Indeed, the Spiritualists of this day and age were stronger, and the research and studies were even more systematic, but no one could deny that those Spiritualists’ works when they were developing the field of Spiritualits were valuable than their own. At the very least, the Spiritualists then still had the spirit of exploration and were much fond of forging unique and special works.

Shaking his head, XIa Fei put away the many irrelevant thoughts that popped into his head and turned serious.

This wholeheartedness that Xia Fei was now demonstrating could be said to be another important trait of his. There were many people who could not concentrate while they were working or studying and would soon find themselves wanting to listen to music or watch a movie, but Xia Fei did not have such concentration problems.

In fact, he had once spent several months in seclusion so that he could cultivate without being distracted by external factors. Every time Xia Fei became serious like today, Avril would admire him from the sidelines, for she adored this side of him.

Retracting his left arm, Xia Fei discovered that stroking the soul weapon with his right hand could actually make sense of every point that he needed to repair.

“Peac.o.c.k Blue!” After he was done with his inspection, Xia Fei sent out his plant-type Immemorial Mystical Armament.

Thirteen gra.s.s blades created a furnace and enveloped that Four-star Buffeting Winds. Xia Fei’s Spirit Energy was transmitted through Peac.o.c.k Blue as it acted like a repair tool, except that it was not an actual one but was rather an authentic weed of mysterious nature.

Peac.o.c.k Blue moved around the soul weapon at a rapid rate, the blue color completely condensing. The entire room also turned turquoise green, making it look like they were surrounded by nature. It was a very soothing sensation.

This was when a miracle happened!

Those hair-thin cracks slowly closed up, with Xia Fei not even needing to use any of the repair techniques Fuchen had imparted to him. It was simply the ability Peac.o.c.k Blue could demonstrate whenever this most tenacious weed in the entire universe worked in concert with Xia Fei’s Spirit Energy!

“Heavens! Isn’t this far too miraculous?!” Radix gasped with bewildered eyes, excited.

“Hmm?” Ulan, who was still fiddling with the strange aquatic lotus root, furrowed his brows. He was not surprised when he felt Spirit Energy coming from Xia Fei’s cultivation room. After all, a huge amount of Spirit Energy had to be used when attempting to repair a soul weapon.

What had given him shock was the lotus root in his hands growing rapidly!

The Jade-belted Aquatic Anaconda was a plant-type soul weapon, which Ulan had spent decadesnurturing from a mere plant to something usable in battle. It could bring ruins to the other soul weapons through a long process of genetic mutation. So far, no Spiritualist of Botany had managed to create a plant-type soul weapon that was truly capable of battle, and everything they developed was either below par or useless in combat.

Even the Golden Sunflower, the precious treasure that the Spiritualist a.s.sociaton’s fourth base had staked its fame, was merely an explosive soul weapon that could only be used once and was also just a top-grade food that had plenty of benefits. Old Fuchen hardly regarded the fighting capabilities of the Golden Sunflower as anything worthy and merely treated it as a nutritious and delicious food. This was something that had angered Master Ulan to no end for a very long time.

To a Spiritualist of Botany, the greatest sorrow was slowness. Plants had powerful lifeforce and vitality, but they were regrettably all slow to grow. If even a normal tree would take roughly several decades before reaching adulthood, what more of these higher-grade soul plants?

However, something was different today! The moment Xia Fei attempted to repair the soul weapon with Peac.o.c.k Blue in Ulan’s cultivation room, it was as if every plant in the botanical garden had received stimulation, and their growth rate climbed rapidly!

Of course, there was a limit to this growth, and it was actually only because Ulan was a Spiritualist of Botany, who had spent so much of his years with these plants, that he could sense the change.

After wiping dry his wet hands, Ulan made a beeline for the cultivation room with tightly knitted eyebrows. This was also when that sensation teeming with Spirit Energy abated sans a warning, followed by Xia Fei walking out of the room rather excitedly. In his hand was that primeval soul weapon, Four-star Buffeting Winds.

Stunned, Ulan pointed at that soul weapon in Xia Fei’s hand and exclaimed, “You actually managed to repair the primeval soul weapon?!”


This old man was quite impatient, and before Xia Fei could even reply, he had already grabbed the soul weapon and carefully examined it.

Ulan equipped his hand with the Four-star Buffeting Winds and threw a punch at the wall!


The explosion was great; the entire wall had caved in witht that punch. There was also this strange white undulating shockwave, which spread across a great distance.

Xia Fei wrinkled his forehead. This primeval soul weapon’s attack was very unique. At that instant, a thought came to his mind. Ulan, despite being a fairly unknown Spiritualist of Botany, actually possessed a rather frightening combat strength. Judging from the movements he had made as he thrust and retracted his fist, Xia Fei reckoned that the man at least had eight Soul Marks!

“You really repaired it! You’ve actually successfully repaired it!” Ulan expressed with glee.

Xia Fei shrugged. “I might have repaired it, but I still ended up spending one standard unit of Spirit Energy. The price I paid is rather high. I’ll set up a soul array next time to prevent Spirit Energy leakage, for if I don’t, I’ll end up spending much energy just to earn that bit of points for repairing a soul weapon..”

Presently, Xia Fei only had 120 standard units of Spirit Energy; this was already the lowest it had been since he entered the Alpha Universe and learned the secret behind Spirit Energy. Energy was the foundation to everything and also Xia Fei’s trump card. Excessively using energy had never been the best practice.

Ulan interjected. “You probably don’t know it yet, but what’s known as points in the Spiritualist a.s.sociation can actually be converted to Spirit Energy standard units, so 10,000 points equal one Spirit Energy standard unit. Spiritualists can exchange Spirit Energy for points and vice versa, so you have at least not made a loss on this job.”

“Ah, so that’s how it is.” Xia Fei mused this fact. He was never the sort that would be willing to take a loss, so if he failed to make a profit, he already considered it a net loss. Repairing the Four-star Buffeting Winds did not appear to be very bad for him.

“What are you stalling for? Quickly go setup a soul array. Preventing Spirit Energy from leaking is a very important thing to do.” For some reason, Ulan had urged Xia Fei to carry on.

Returning to the cultivation room, Xia Fei set up a simple Spirit Energy Conservation Array and sat down crosslegged. He carefully examined that primeval soul weapon, and as he did, he took detailed notes.

His eyes gradually glistened, as Xia Fei realized that he had profited greatly this time!

On the surface, he had spent one standard unit of Spirit Energy only to earn it back in points, but in fact Xia Fei had learned a lot from this!

Primeval soul weapons were not something anyone could examine whenever they wanted, and most who could get hold of one were Spiritualists of certain status or collectors like Tong Jinliang.

It was as the saying went: ‘One who sees more knows more.’ Knowledge enrichment was very important to Spiritualists. Having just successfully repaired a primeval soul weapon let Xia Fei experience the already lost Spiritualist techniques, so this was not an average enrichment at all.

Aside from that, Xia Fei delighted in the development of the Soul Mark in his seventh brain region. He could vaguely sense his third Soul Mark forming; his attempt at repairing the soul weapon was akin to cultivation, which had helped him advance!

Earning money, enriching his knowledge, advancing. With all these three put together, it was easy to see why Xia Fei had gotten excited!


Xia Fei finished recording everything in his notebook. He quickly dashed out of the cultivation room and entered the holonet so that he could return the primeval soul weapon to its owner. The system determined that the repair was successful, and so Xia Fei’s account was accredited with 20,000 points.

Although he had earned some points, Xia Fei was not in a rush to spend them. Instead, he went through the trade sector looking for prey, targeting those primeval soul weapons that others could not repair.

Soon, Xia Fei found yet another apex soul weapon. According to the information, this soul weapon had already been displayed by its owner for a very long time, but no one had bothered to accept this commission.

The owner of this soul weapon was very generous, only requiring a deposit of 15,000 points, while success would generate 50,000 points!

Perhaps this Spiritualist had done this as a last resort; knowing that perhaps there was no way for his primeval soul weapon to be repaired, he did not set too high an insurance and attached an astronomical reward for a job well done, instead. Even so, despite this, the person still failed to draw the Spiritualits’ attention since his item was a primeval soul weapon; after all, no one was confident that they could repair it.

Retrieving the soul weapon, Xia Fei returned to the cultivation room and shut himself in again. With the Spirit Energy Conservation Array in place, it would not be like the last time, where the operation had expended an exaggerated amount of Spirit Energy.

Ulan quietly stood at the entrance while hugging that snake-shaped lotus root. The moment Xia Fei started his repair of the soul weapon, that lotus root’s growth sped up, but its speed was not as significant as the last time, most likely because of the Spirit Energy Conservation Array, which prevented most of Xia Fei’s Spirit Energy from leaking.

Ulan frowned. He carried his precious and went a little further away, only for the plant to stop its accelerated growth!

He brought himself closer to Xia Fei again, and the speed of growth in that lotus root sped up once again!

After experimenting with it several times using plants of varying attributes, Ulan came to the conclusion that every plant in his laboratory could be influenced by Xia Fei’s healing Spirit Energy! Of course, Ulan had no idea that Xia Fei was a Spiritualist of Healing, for this was something Fuchen had not told him.

“Oh, my gos.h.!.+ So this has really been because of Xia Fei?!” Ulan muttered, his eyes s.h.i.+ning with shock as he stood rooted to the spot.

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