Looking at the sword swinging down at me, i didn"t even try to dodge, i just waited for it to connect with my body.

"Got you, you dwarf!"


The blow was infused with mana so it wasn"t just some ordinary sword strike, as soon it connected it blew dust and debris everywhere while also working as to alert the people in the other 2 floors.

"Hahaha, how do you like that?!"

The bandit leader thinking he was triumphant gloated arrogantly, but reality proven otherwise.

"Nice work System, the Diver series light full-body armor is working excellently"

(Of course, i used the King slime blob as the material while also changing its molecular structure to make perfect graphene to significantly up the defense value and even im not sure of its defensive capabilities, but for reference, perfect graphene can take 7000 tons of force before breaking)

He was unscathed with only his military fatigues ripped, cause its only made of normal dark blue fabric.

"G.o.dayum this armors OP, oh wait, there"s still you... umm, System how much damage did he do?"

(Around 1 ton of force)

"Tsk, tsk weak, too weak, ill just put you out of your misery"

Saying so i grabbed the m48 cyclone sheathed in my duty belt while thrusting it to his chest and slowly twisting it.


Coughing out blood, the bandit leader looked straight at the now blue glowing eyes of the monster that suddenly appeared and killed his men, regret, that was the only feeling he can feel now before the monster pulled out his knife while a fountain of blood gushed out and finally letting death consume him.

His body dropped dead on the floor, the same as his men.

(Killed 1 Bandit Leader gained 50 exp. (550/1000)

"First floor cleared"

I once again grabbed Luxus from my holster and loaded a new mag.

(There"s still four signatures in this floor)

"And im betting those four signatures are women"

Walking to one of the private rooms, the door was slightly open, so i just gave it a push and it revealed a room colored entirely in the color red with wax candles dimly lighting the room.

In the room was a woman covering herself with a bedsheet hiding in fear in the corner.

"D-don"t kill me..."

The woman said while shivering in fear, i didn"t answer, i just stared at her.

"What are you gonna do to me?!"

The woman this time mustered her courage and asked loudly.


Finally closing the door as i left i thought to myself.

"Is my costume that scary?"


Distracting me from my thoughts however were the sounds of metal boots. .h.i.tting the wooden floor. The men from the 2nd floor finally noticed something was up, so i waited for their arrival and my blue lights chaging to red.


"New lambs for the slaughter"

****************Richards"s POV***************

"Don"t worry. Sir Geon the new batch is just down in the bas.e.m.e.nt just like the other ones"

"Good work, Richard, you do not dissapoint"

"Always doing my best to please sir"

"Right your rewar-"


Suddenly the building slightly shook as an explosion came downstairs.

"What the f.u.c.k is going on down there?!"

"It seems you have some trouble Richard"

"Sigh, don"t bother yourself. Sir Geon ill take care of it"

"No, let my men help, it will be dealt with much faster that way"

"Thank you for your generosity, Sir Geon"

"No problem"

*******************Jun"s POV*****************

Right now im being surrounded by 14 mercs clearly way better equipped than the bandits were and a knight in full plate armor and wielding a greatsword.

"I am Ghil, a knight of Sir Geon, identify yourself!"

A knight that identified himself as Ghil stepped up from the rest.

"...And who might be this Sir Geon, you are talking about?"

The knight"s looked at each other with peculiar expressions on their faces before bursting out laughing.

"Hahaha, midget your not from around here aren"t you, cause n.o.body from these parts hasn"t heard of our boss before"

A merc with a tall build and a bald head said.

"Yeah, ar yeh a dwarf that never left the mountains or somthing laddy?"

A merc thats clearly a long way at home this time said.

"Alright enough, all you need to know is he is the Big Boss around here, cause your dead soon, get him!"

The knight Ghil ordered and so the 14 mercs charged at me.

"Sigh, no, your wrong, it"s you who"s dead soon"

Time has again turned to a crawl and is under my control.

"Now die all of you"

*************Back to Richard"s POV***********

"It"s been 5 minutes now and it"s real quiet, do you think they ran into problems Sir Geon?"

"No probably just a little tougher opponent, it"ll be over soon"


"Sir, it"s Gihl, the pests been dealt with"

"See... well done, dispose of it well"

"I will Sir, but right now i got something to show you"

"Oh, then bring it in"

"I would Sir, but it"s big so i have to carry it with both hands and its quite fragile, im afraid ill drop it"

"Is that so, Richard please open the door"

Sir Geon was starting to get intrigued by this thing that his knight wanted him to see and politely asked Richard to open the door.

"Yes Sir Geon"

Richard walked to the door and opened it revealing not Gihl but someone small wearing dark blue, covered in blood and has red glowing eyes aiming something at them.




*Sl gunshot*gunshot

(Killed 1 Bandit Lord gained 100 exp. (325/5000)

(Killed 1 Big Boss gained 125 exp. (450/5000)

"Saved you a bullet each"

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