Time had stopped.

All attention was diverted to the boy that just came into view.

The Kelandians gasped.

The Audience were shocked.

The other big 3"s Kings stood up from their thrones, they too were shocked, but that"s for another reason.

All eye"s were bulging as they looked at this boy.

All was silent...

"Wooow, so that"s an airship..."

Until Jun"s voice broke it.

The people then regained their senses.

"W-who is that?"

"Whose is that kid?"

"He can"t be..."

As the audience were trying to figure out who this little boy is, Lilian said something that cleared up their doubts.

"Sweetie, could you introduce yourself?"

All the turned quiet as they focused to the boy"s introduction.

Jun looked at the magic broadcasting device and said.

"Hi everybody, My name is Jun Valheim Kalek, 1st Prince of Kalend, nice meet you all!"

Jun said with a smile on his face whilst he waves at the broadcasting device. (AN: Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave)


"Keland has a Prince?!"

"Great G.o.ddess what is happening?!"

Those were the voices of the women.

Let"s next see the reaction of the men.

"He, he is..."


They were crying.

"A Prince...we have a Prince!"

"All Hail The Prince!"

"Long Live Keland!"

Now it was the men"s cheers and cries that drowned out that of the women, the introduction of a Prince meant that male equality to women in this country might have a chance changing.

They have been feeling oppressed and humiliated by being subservient to women, their male pride didn"t allow them.

But Jun didn"t care, he already knew that his birth was a secret ever since the System sifted through Orena"s memories after killing her. He was surprised at first, but then didn"t care, he had just been isekaid, why would he waste his time caring about that relatively more trivial stuff.

As for what people care, i f.u.c.kin lived in the 20th century, the age where the internet is supreme, I was a keyboard warrior, i"ve strolled through the battlefield called Discord, survived the Xbox live chat rooms, dealt with the most toxic of players from a variety of games, been bombarded by hentai, s.h.i.tposts and downright hara.s.sed, i had to have pretty thick skin to have survived all that.

I just simply don"t give a flying f.u.c.k no more.

I"m just here trying to achieve my dream and anyone who"s not willing to cooperate will just have to turn to my exp.

Not caring about the people no more, Jun jumped down and walked to the ship ramp, of course with the 7 following him.

Lilian and Vivian just followed.

Waiting at the ramp was Christopher.

"Wanna go see the ship?"

"Yes, but which ship is this?"

He said as he marvelled at the ship, it was handsome ship!

It was 140ft long, 25ft high and 40ft wide, it wasn"t made of gold or anything shiny, but the wood was an alluring black, i had no other way to describe it, it was just a type of black that looked really alluring, it was contrasted by white outlined engravings that look like runes.

"The 10th"

"The 10th, so this is a new ship?"

Jun asked a little confused as he didn"t know there were 10 instead of 9.

"Yes, and it"s name is..."

Christopher paused for a second, then continued.

"The Prince"

"The Prince?"

Jun pointed to himself as he instantly got an idea as to why it was named that.

"Hahaha, we had it commissioned when you were born, it was supposed to be for your 10th birthday...but i guess the 6th will have to do"

"This is, My ship?"

Jun then pointed to The Prince while he pointed at himself with his other hand and an expression of disbelief on his face.

Christopher just nodded with a smile this time.

Jun turned to look at ship again and still couldn"t believe it"s his ship. (Another AN: I can"t believe it"s not b.u.t.ter, idk why i put this, just wanted to)

"Alright, let"s inspect the ship shall we?"

Christopher ruffled his son"s hair before ascending the ramp to the ship.


Jun followed enthusiasticly while the 7 followed him like ducklings.

As they got into the ship, Christopher started recounting how the ship was built and it"s functions.

"The Prince is powered by the third most largest but the most purest mana crystal Keland has found in it"s history, it has the magic capacity of 150,000 normal crystals"

So to explain to you how relevant that is, a normal magic crystal can power a normal household in this world for an entire week.

So that crystal is essentialy the equivalent of a nuclear reactor in this world.

"Next is propulsion system, it"s a newly invented thing called "Propellers", well it was invented 25 years ago for the development of airships, it"s still quite a new concept..."

Propellers are advanced? I guess their mechanical engineering skills is lagging behind magical ones but come on, you just invented the propeller 25 years ago? I guess i should expect that of a fantasy world, i read to many novels with the same situation as this.

Not caring for the clearly obsolete propulsion system, to me at least, i started thinking.

"Since this ship is mine, i can change it however i like right, i should make a list first of what i want"

First is definitely, the propulsion system.

Second is...

Looking at the deck area, it won"t hold any battleship cla.s.s artillery, but it can definitely hold some powerful guns.

"System, can you make it into a flying battleship?"

(Of course i can)


(But you have to unlock artillery first)

"...When can i unlock that?"

Suppressing the urge to cuss off the System, Jun asked.

(...Level 7)

"How about propulsion?"

(Vehicles and Vehicle Customization are unlocked at level 5)



Mentally stared at the System for a while to confirm it"s credibility.

(You don"t believe me?)

"I"d be a fool to trust you immediately"

(Your words hurt me, Host, you"re breaking my gentle heart)

"Like h.e.l.l you have a heart and even if you did have one whay kind of heart will it be?"

(The heart of a little girl)

Suddenly Jun had shivers run up and down his spine as he said.

"Get lost you Degenerate System!"

(Nooo~ I love Host so im staying~ hehehe)

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