As i watched Sophies back walking out of the the room, and finally closing the door, i breath a sigh of relief, "Finally some privacy" i thought as i sift through all of the information and organize them. First, the structure of this world is of a fantasy setting, as in magic, monster, G.o.ds, you know generic and cla.s.sic isekai novel stuff, you name it, it"s all here. Second, the countries, as i"ve there are only 4 you should really pay any attention to, and that is Kalend, Rulivs, Frevus and Tealsk.

For more context let me explain all of them, First one is Kalend, as i"ve stated previously is my country and has a "Matriarchal Monarchy" system government, the royal family, my family, is surnamed Kalek for Kalend and consists of The Queen, my mama, Queen Lilian Kalek, The King, my papa, King Christopher Valheim, The 1st Prince, me and lastly my baby sister, The 1st Princess, Vivian Valheim Kalek, (she"s so adorable).

The Queen, is judged to be a hard working, strong and independent woman, but to the former, she was a gentle, kind and loving mother, that always made just enough time for him and his sister. It"s weird suddenly getting parents like this, but you know gotta adapt quick to survive suddenly being isekai"d like i and possibly si many others have, so anyways.

The King, A man of few words, cold as steel and with a gaze of fire, but, hehe, to us, papa is a clumsy man that can barely keep us in check, and love us with all his heart, he"s always there when my clumsiness start to act up, and worries more than mama.

The 1st Prince, well you already know who i am, so no need for context there.

And finally, the final member of the family, The 2nd Princess, my baby sister, is only 2 at the moment so she has no definined character to speak of just yet, but currently she is just an energetic little angel, that follows me like a duckling.

She"s so adorable. (Sis-con in the making)

Now for the country itself is specialized in one thing, Mana Crystals, this is the main reason for the matriarchal society Keland is today, for it is a widely known fact in this world that women have more affinity for magic, This is how Keland became known as the Land of Mages.

As to why a five year old child would know this, coupled with highest education, mama and papa always answer all our little questions, including one time when the former asked what their job was, the former may have already forgotten about it, but i inherited all his memories, even forgotten ones shoved at back of the mind.

Now for the other three, all three nations have the more traditional kind of monarchy, being that kings are of the highest authority in the countries and also each country is specialised in an area.

Rulivs, has the highest dwarve to human ratio so thus dubbed the Country of Crafts while also having a large population, most industrialized cities and largest land ma.s.s, cause of course it is, it"s the otherworld version of Russia.

Frevus, on the other hand is known for it"s many different arts, the art of winemaking, painting, or making cheese for that matter is considered art as, "For every occupation is an artform", is there slogan, thus they are aptly named The Kingdom of Arts.

And so that brings us to our final contender.

The Kingdom of Tealsk.

They have the highest elf to human ratio in the 4 kingdom"s, and as we know elf"s are children of nature so they are natural farmer"s, they used to be a freedom loving nation, until "that" happened...

They discovered Tea...

Now, now let me explain, Tea in this world is not your typical tea, it is grown in very, very specific conditions, the soil, mana in the earth, humidity... so many things to factor in growing this Tea. But why do they care so much about tea?

Simple, it has Mind and Soul purifying effects, to which the upper echelons of the country, The High Druid Council desperately want, for in order to be druid you"re mind and soul must be clear so as to communicate with nature easier. But, as i"ve said lands to grow Tea are specific, so the supply of Tea is never enough.

But they won"t go crazy over Tea right?


See, the lands they need to grow tea is mostly in Rulivs territory, so what do they do? Send negotiations as to aquire the land peacefully? No, they go to f*ckin war over it, and that"s been happening for the last 250 years and it"s still going strong to this day, the relations between the two nation"s are now in an

irreparable state, the only hope for peace is when one is defeated by the other, and their at a stalemate.

So, those are the basic information that the former knew, but as to any specific things happening currently i have no way to know, im just a 5 years old, what did you expect?

Right now im more concerned about how to achieve my dream, aren"t isekai protaginists supposed to get red envelopes?

A ring?

An Old Grandpa?

A System?

(Yes, Host?)

"Holy Shi-!"

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