The 28th Love God From The Clone Shop

Chapter 3 Arriving in Malaysia

Chapter 3 Arriving in Malaysia

Someone lifted me up and I opened my eyes. I saw a white pill in Bai Feng’s hands to be delivered to my mouth.

I swallowed the pill obediently and drank a lot of water. I kept asking the same question on my mind: "Will I die? I"m about to melt. . . “

“Don’t say that.” Bai Feng said impatiently, “You have taken medicine now; the fever will soon subside. You need to sleep now. After waking up, everything will be all right. I will take you to Malaysia"s most interesting place, where the world"s most beautiful . . . ”

I couldn"t hear what he continued to say, and my body continued to sink. I saw many strange shadows wandering in an endless and tortuous tunnel. I saw many fierce faces and sad eyes. . .  I heard my brother"s call again. He said that you should stay in it and not run out. I didn"t know where I was, but I saw a big iron cage. I couldn"t get in and out of the cage. I saw that Chu Yu"s playful eyes became aggressive and appeared on a vast gra.s.sland. Yin Lianfei laughed so happily beside him and looked at me with mocking eyes. So strange. . . Suddenly I heard a voice humming lowly and saw a pair of human eyes, which were full of hatred and sadness, embedded in the face of the beast. A strange voice had been stabbing my eardrums, and the people said: Save me, save me, I am Bai Feng, I am Bai Feng. . .

“Bai Feng! Bai Feng!” I sat up on the bed, screaming. The cold sweat on my forehead soaked my hair. The shock of my nightmare had frightened me.

Bai Feng quickly appeared in front of me and asked, in a voice full of doubt and concern, “Are you awake?”

I grabbed him and asked, “Are you okay? What"s wrong with you?”

Bai Feng was very confused when I asked him this, and his beautiful eyebrows arched high. “That"s what I should ask you. Are you having nightmares?”

“Well. . . ” I became absent-minded. And when I saw Bai Feng again, I found that he had changed into a black and white outfit. My bed seem to be getting bigger and softer, and the cabin had become very s.p.a.cious and luxurious. So I asked, “When did you take care of the cabin?”

Bai Feng could not help laughing, and said, "This is Malaysia, my princess.”

“What . . . ? Where?”


After I was sure I had heard right, I jumped out of bed and ran to the window.

The beautiful and thick curtain that showed only a slight crack of what lay outside. Bai Feng came over and touched the b.u.t.ton on the wall. The curtain slowly and automatically opened, and then a huge piece of the gla.s.s that reached the ground without any intersecting breaks appeared in front of me. Through the gla.s.s, I finally saw the modern city with tall buildings,, vehicles, crowds, and so much more, just as Bai Feng said.

I moved close to the window and stared out it for a long time before I could respond. I couldn"t believe what was happening in front of me, as if I was in a dream. Once so far away, is it within reach now?

Bai Feng laughed. “There is no doubt that this is Malaysia; it’s the new world far from the Huoyi Island.”

I was very excited—I was ecstatic. Because of that excitement, I couldn’t say a word. Because of excitement, I almost shed tears. I ran back to embrace Bai Feng. I thanked him deeply for letting me see the outside world that I thought I would never see in my life.

“I. . . How many days did I sleep? How could I . . . be here?”

“Two days.”

“Is this your home?”

“This is my uncle"s villa. He is the richest man in Malaysia.”

“Where"s the snow ship?”

“Stopped at a safe harbor.”

“That. . . ” I still had many questions to ask. A maid came into the room with a dish in her hand and respectfully said to Bai Feng, “Master, the lady"s medicine is hot, and there are some cakes here. If you have any other orders, just call me and I"ll attend.”

Bai Feng responded softly with a young master"s manner, and the maid stepped back in a regular manner, which was no less powerful than the owner of the Huoyi Island.

Bai Feng turned to look at me, and said, “Although the fever has gone down, the medicine still needs to be taken.” He considerately tested the water’s temperature on the back of his hand before offering the cup to me.

“Did you tell anyone about my history?” I asked.

“No, I"m just saying you"re my girlfriend from Singapore. n.o.body knows about Hawaii. . . ”

“Oh. . . ” I was so curious about the complexity outside the window that I didn"t listen carefully to the next words from Bai Feng. I stared closely, until my eyes were a little overwhelmed. Then I suddenly said, “I want to go out!”

Bai Feng brought me to the crossroads where the crowd was surging. I stood vacantly in the middle of the crowd with an unusual sense of oppression. The world was so complicated, and I was so small. This feeling of oppression was totally different from sighing that life is short when facing the vast sea. It was a feeling of heaviness, awe, even fear.

Bai Feng, seeming to know my mind, suddenly took my hands, smiled at me happily, and then softly said, “Follow me; I am here, don"t be afraid.”

I nodded and laughed. . .

In the following days, I began to learn to adapt to such a busy environment.

I met Bai Feng"s uncle. He was a senior entrepreneur who was over half a century old but still had extraordinary bearing. He was very hospitable and loved to laugh. And he let me call him Uncle Mo, just like Bai Feng.

However, Bai Feng never mentioned his parents to me, and I still didn"t understand why he didn"t go home. He chose to live in Malaysia, which must have had something to do with him falling into the sea. But he didn"t say, so I didn"t ask.

On that day, Bai Feng woke me up early in the morning and let me go to Maple Leaf Forest with him. He interrupted my dream, so I gambled and refused. Bai Feng kept persuading patiently. Finally, I got into his red sports car an hour later.

Maple Leaf Forest was very beautiful. We climbed up the stairs, and red was everywhere. The road was full of fallen leaves, fragmented, but beautiful. Sunshine warmly shined on our skin, and the smell of vanilla filled our noses.

“Why is there no one in such a beautiful place?” I asked.

“Every day is crowded, but today is not the same.”

I looked at him doubtfully.

Bai Feng smiled and said, “I bought all the tickets.”

I wondered, “Why?”

“In order to give Snow Jin a quiet place.” Bai Feng was facing the sunshine and his voice was very gentle.

“Bai Feng. . . ” I was overtly flattered.

He said, “In fact, if I can, I really want to buy a sea area to build a Hawaiian island for you.”

“Bai Feng. . . ” I said, “You don"t have to do this for me just because I saved you—”

“I"m not repaying grace, Snow Jin, I"m. . . ” Bai Feng did not finish his sentence, because his cell phone suddenly rang, in a hurry and with no good intentions.

Bai Feng helplessly answered the phone. I saw his expression go from calm to doubtful, then turn into anger. And finally he left off by saying coldly “I know,” and then hung up the phone.

When I asked what had happened, Bai Feng looked at me with an apologetic expression and said we had to go back.

It wasn’t until the car stopped at the door of the villa that Bai Feng told me dejectedly, “It"s my father. He"s here. He’s inside now.”

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