The 28th Love God From The Clone Shop

Chapter 4 Follow Bai Feng Back to the City of Shen

Chapter 4 Follow Bai Feng Back to the City of Shen

I didn"t know what kind of mood I was in. I hoped I could see Bai Feng"s father so that I could understand what was wrong between them, but I couldn"t bear to see Bai Feng"s unwilling and unavoidable look.

We entered the gate. Four black Rolls-Royces were parked in the garden in front of the house. Eight bodyguards in black robes were like eight bronze statues. They stood firm and without facial expression.

A sudden gust of cold wind blew on my face, which made me stop.

"Bai Feng, I . . . I don"t need to go in, do I?" I asked carefully.

"Don"t be afraid, follow me." Bai Feng said these comforting words absent-mindedly.

The atmosphere in the living room was more solemn. I saw the men sitting on the white sofa, and one was Uncle Mo, the other—he turned out to be my father. My father!

He was not wearing his usual robe, but a suit and leather shoes. His face was iron-blue, and he was not looking at me, but Bai Feng.

I was shocked, and the word "Father" just blurted out, but Bai Feng called out first. Actually, he called, "Father"!

Shocked enough.

The man—what should I call him?—who was called Father by Bai Feng gave me a faint look, and then his eyes fell sharply back on Bai Feng.

Cold perspiration sweated all over my body. I could believe it wasn"t my father. In the eyes he had just directed at me, I saw two totally different feelings from my father. But how could there be two people who were so similar in the world? What was the weird world outside? Would there be another me one day? I was totally upset.

"Why didn"t you tell me that you arrived in Malaysia safely?" Bai Feng"s father asked in a very dull voice.

"Uncle Mo will tell you, won"t he?" Bai Feng said coldly.

"Are you still angry?" Mr. Bai asked.

"No, I hate you!" Bai Feng answered.

They were not like father and son at all, but like old enemies.

Uncle Mo seemed embarra.s.sed, and he said slowly, "Well, well, what happened between you two? How much hatred can there be between father and son?"

Obviously, even Uncle Mo did not know the problem between them.

Bai Feng and his father looked at each other for a long time. One was as cold as ice and the other was as fierce as fire.

I dared not look deeply again into Mr. Bai"s eyes from that moment. The uncomfortable misery over my whole body made me nearly unable to breathe.

Finally, Mr. Bai broke the silence, and said, "Since you are all right, go back to the City of Shen."

"What do you want me to do?" Bai Feng asked sarcastically.

"Wanyi is still waiting for you to go back to the City of Shen. Your mother also talks about you every day. Do you want to hide in Malaysia all your life?" Mr. Bai"s sharp eyes were fixed on him.

Bai Feng turned away and did not reply.

"Do you want me to send you back?" Mr. Bai seemed to have exhausted his patience and his tone was abnormally gloomy.

Uncle Mo hastily changed the atmosphere in the room. "Look, why do a father and son have such a stiff relationship? Bai Feng, it"s not that I want you to go. No matter what happens, escape is not the path to take. As you know, Uncle Mo, I regretted my life for not having the courage to pursue a loved one. . . Of course, I"m far along the now. Mr. Bai, it"s your fault, too. The child is still young. What can"t be forgiven? He dared not even return home. . ."

Although Mr. Bai still had a frosty expression, he seemed to be able to hear Uncle Mo"s words. He sighed and stood up, and then said, "You should consider carefully whether you should go back or not. I"ll go first."

"I"ll see you off." Uncle Mo sent Mr. Bai out of the living room, and Mr. Bai"s bodyguards left one after another.

Bai Feng still stood there. His expression was not a mild melancholy, but deep sorrow.

Outside the door, I could still vaguely hear Uncle Mo’s persuasion, but the persuasion just relieved the anger of Mr. Bai, which seemed to have nothing to do with the disagreement between him and Bai Feng. Because I noticed Mr. Bai’s last gaze looking at Bai Feng before he left, Uncle Mo did not realize that it was a sense of enveloping oppression. It seemed that Bai Feng"s destiny would be decided with one look, which made me shudder.   

"Are you going back or not?"

On the way that Bai Feng and I went back to my bedroom, I asked this of him warily.

Bai Feng stopped. He looked at me with a tired expression, and then shook his head.

"I don"t know," he said.

I was glad that he had not completely rejected the possibility of going back, so I advised him, "Then go back."

Bai Feng"s weary eyes went back to me and he suddenly asked blankly, "Why?" At that moment, I felt that Bai Feng was as helpless as a lost child.

"I want to see snow. Didn"t you say that there was no snow in Malaysia? What about the City of Shen?"

Bai Feng suddenly laughed, and it was a helpless, bitter laugh.

"Is that funny?" I asked.

Bai Feng"s laughter faded away gradually, and his face was glum. He had been frowning tightly ever since he saw his father, as if he was suffering endlessly in his heart. At last, he sighed calmly and said slowly, "Okay, I"ll take you to see the snow."

I laughed, but I suddenly found that the feeling of Bai Feng sighing was very similar to that of Mr. Bai.   

This was the first time I had seen an airplane so close in my life. The airplane that my father defined as an "evil bird" flying over Huoyi Island was really as big and hard as Bai Feng had said.

I lingered at the window for a long time, until I was thoughtlessly dragged by Bai Feng to the security checkpoint. I finally realized that I was afraid. I resisted and refused to enter.

"Will it fall down and kill all of us?" I asked hesitantly after Bai Feng’s three consecutive questions about, "What"s wrong?"

Bai Feng was not like Kuayu. If it had been Kuayu, he would laugh heartlessly, and then make up stories to frighten me. Bai Feng simply comforted me by saying, "No, I am here." His gentle smile was as warm as the sunshine in the waiting hall.

"I believe in you," I said. Formerly I had believed in him so much. So I took the risk of losing my life and flew to the City of Shen. It turned out to be as comfortable as flying along the smooth ground.

But when I got off the plane, my stomach began to roll. Then I rushed into the bathroom and vomited. Bai Feng looked at me anxiously, and said, "Let"s take a rest in the neighborhood and drive back then."

Bai Feng arranged for me to stay in a nearby hotel, and then said that he had something to do and had to leave for a while, but would come back immediately.

However, being alone in a foreign country, I couldn"t bear his leaving for a while. So when I felt some hunger in my empty stomach, I left the room and went to the first floor of the hotel where there was catering service. I saw a vacant seat near the window. Just as I was about to walk over, a chef holding a cake came up to me and he b.u.mped into me. The cake fell on the chef, totally destroying the cake.

The young chef was nervous. He looked at me and asked anxiously, "I"m sorry, miss. I"m sorry. . . I didn"t dirty your clothes, did I?"

I felt I was wrong, too. I was embarra.s.sed and shook my head.

The chef leaned over to pick up the broken cake that had fallen to the ground, and two cleaners came to help him. When I was about to leave, suddenly a blunt girl stopped me from retreating. "Wait a minute! You"ve ruined my cake and you need to pay for it!"

I turned around and saw a beautiful girl dressed in gorgeous clothes. She seemed to be my age. She looked at me angrily, and said, "You b.u.mped into my cake. Do you want to go now without apologizing?"

It seemed that I met a vixen type of girl. I looked at her quietly, and still stubborn, I kept silent.

The lobby manager came to deal with us in a hurry. He laughed at the girl, and said, "Miss Meng, don"t be angry. It"s our negligence. Shall we have someone make a new one for you to take away? Don"t embarra.s.s our customers. Hha. . ."

The girl shook her hands and declared, "I don"t want it anymore. I want her to apologize now. She"s wrong!"

I laughed cynically in my heart. I thought I was wrong, but now I was so reproached by this tough girl in the public, that I went to the corner like a bull and decided not to admit my fault.

"Do you apologize?" she asked me in a challenging tone as she stared at me.

"You"re so obstinate and erratic that you"re making trouble. You should apologize to the customers here. You"ve ruined their appet.i.te," I returned fiercely.

She apparently didn"t expect me to say that. She pushed the manager aside and approached me. Her delicate cheeks were red with anger, her big eyes stared at me brutally, and she said, "Dare you say it again!"

"You should apologize!" I said, without missing a beat.

She was angry and suddenly raised her hand.

Now I did not expect that such a beautiful girl would really strike me, and her eyes looked at the left side of my face, so I was caught off guard . . .

But the slap did not come down on my cheek, and her hand was firmly held by another big hand.

At that moment, I felt the dark in front of me. The man who held her hand had black hair and a black face and wore a black windbreaker and black The beautiful lines of his cheeks were outlined perfectly in black. He put down his hand, and said to the girl, "Stop making noise and go."

"You brother!" the girl scolded.

The man in black never looked at her again and left. When he pa.s.sed me, a light wind came and raised my purple hair. I could feel the eyes under his sweeping across my face. The unusual feeling made my cheeks blush.

The girl finally gave me a severe look and walked away.

I just noticed that there were four bodyguards behind the man, and to my surprise, the clothes of these men were exactly the same as those bodyguards of Mr. Bai. I saw it clearly that day. Suddenly, I felt that it was no coincidence. Later, my feelings were proven right.

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