In front of my older sister, I"m raping the younger sister

Yuuki, who was a stepsister to me, but the biological elder sister of Mayuha, scolded me with a loud voice that could be considered as screaming.

「Move away from Mayuha at once! You d.a.m.n pervert!!」

Her grade in school was the same as mine, however, she was born eight months before me. I can with confidence say that for the time being, this elder sister does not consider me close as a family member. She sees me more like a cla.s.smate than a younger brother.

Yuuki is similar to her younger sister in that her face is easy on the eyes, but the appearance is quite different. I’d say that there is instead a beauty in her sporty and healthy look. The nature of her eyes is that of a powerful pupil, and her jaw forms a sharp line. Dark, long hair would normally reach her shoulders but was now tied up in a bundle behind her.

She is a member of the Track and Field club and is an active partic.i.p.ant of the national athletic conventions as a running high jump athlete. At the time of the previous compet.i.tion, she attracted attention as a 『Athletic Beauty』 and was interviewed by several TV stations.

「Irresponsible, what the h.e.l.l is thi……eh?」

Since the second “prey of small animals" has come out. I used the power of my ability without hesitation.

Together with Mayuha, our eyes looked to restrain her. She was not able to turn away. Moreover, my gaze that carried the 『Ability』 poured into her soul, and her body was forced into a state of strong s.e.xual excitement.

「Eh, what? Ah, Ahh! ?」

Too easy. Yuuki who was completely swallowed up by my ability trembled with her whole body. She staggers aimlessly until her back collides with the wall. There was a sound of her body dragging against it as she fell to a sitting position on the floor.

「No, what is this……I"m, I’m, mn n~」

Every morning she would do a daily workout outside, running. It seems that she has returned home just now because she is still wearing her training shorts and training tank top.

She is pretty tall for a girl, approximately the same height as me.

As can be expected of a Track and Field club member, she has a thin and tight muscular body. Actually, I have heard the evaluation worried her, as a "jumping" compet.i.tor, recently is concerned if her b.r.e.a.s.t.s might grow larger.

「Watch from there, don"t interrupt me」


I give her a glare, not feeling afraid at all.

The face which was pale from anger until some moments ago was now starting to flush in a reddish hue.

She embraces her shivering body with both of her arms. Being in heat, both of her legs are shaking and squirming because there is no method to relieve the ache.

「Now then, Mayuha. Please exert yourself a little more」

「Eh?……Ah, eh? Ha~a uu!」

I lift her light body halfway up the sofa and make her lie face down suitable of an animal. With a new prey before me, I pierced her with my p.e.n.i.s. This time from behind.

「Nnnn~ Uuu~」

Her slender back tries to turn away while she struggles to breathe, I repeatedly thrust back and forth.

The sounds of water splashing "guchiguchi" and of our lower parts pounding together rise up in the room. Naturally, Yuuki should hear these sounds, too.

「Ah, no……neesan, don"t look……don"t look at me e~ e~」

「Ma, Mayuha~a」

Trampling on the love between an elder and younger sister is very fun.

Yuuki is watching the scene before her with captivated eyes. She can neither stop me or run away. She can only watch our actions, as she aches with unmanageable s.e.xual desire.

Yuuki who is crying from anger, fear, and l.u.s.t can only stare at her younger sister Mayuha who is being hugged tightly from behind with swinging hips.

「I"ll make you feel much better, Mayuha」

「Make, such……niisan, please. Forgive me……Niu !」

I"m learning more about s.e.x thanks to Mayuha"s a.s.sistance.

How long should I wait before pulling my hips, which way gives the most pleasure?

The relatively shallow place feels good when rubbed against me.

When poked with my p.e.n.i.s, which part of Mayuha will make her react the most?

I have already c.u.m twice, so it is possible to experiment and try a lot of things.

Like that, one by one, this knowledge is dug up, and it"s very fun.

「Noo……I hate it, so why? A~ n~ ku u」

The body and soul of Mayuha, which has had semed poured into her two times, is quickly blown away with pleasant feelings.

――however, it"s not enough yet.

(This time, I will go all outl)

This ability is to manipulate women freely, increase their urge to breed and have s.e.x.

In order to genuinely manipulate the target, one needs to ensnare them with pleasure to the point that they will faint.

I might have made Mayuha o.r.g.a.s.m a few times already up until now, but that was only light c.u.m. It"s not nearly enough. I need to impose such pleasure that her mind turns blank and she can only see a snow-white.

「Fu~hu, ya, ah……Neesan is watching. I hate iiiit~」

Her mouth was held by both hands and tried to suppress the lewd voice, the resistance was useless.

Mayuha"s body completely shrinks, and I"m not able to stop it. Rather, I happily follow after her.

「As you wish, Mayuha. You can feel good too. Here !」

「Nh, n, n, n, nh~……don"t, don"t~」

Every time I rhythmically enter her, the meat tenderly tightens around my p.e.n.i.s.

Whether she was aware of it or not, the thin, meaty, small waist began to move from a strong want of stimulus.

Only a short while ago she lost her virginity, and now that hole is dripping untidily and it"s sticky. It makes happy noises.

「Ah~ No……uu, ku, un, ah ahh」

She endures the pain to the best of her ability. Sniffling in tears, and without being conscious of it, pain becomes a pleasure.

「Hih a~ !? Fn~ un n n~」

With a little more strength in my back and forth rocking, an irresistible high voice leaks out.

This voice that could not hide the sweetness of pleasure that it contained and the wet sounds from where our bodies connect should definitely reach the older sister Yuuki.

「Mayuha, something like that……」

「Au~ ah, ah, ahh…… Neesan, don"t look, don~ o~ oh~」

Yuuki"s gaze is still locked in place. The fact that she can not divert her eyes means that she must keep on watching our actions.

「P, please Keigo. Ne, because I ask nicely, so, please stop」

The intense angry look that was staring at me, in the beginning, has already disappeared. Tears streamed out as she nervously attempted to reason with me.

「That child has a weak body. So please, forgive her and let go.」

「There is nothing to forgive though……」

When I smack at her a.s.s with one hard "zun", Mayuha gives a sweet shriek like 「hi~an」.

「See? No problem, because this girl is feeling good」

「Such a……」 「Nn, ah, neechan…… hu~in n」

Every time the p.e.n.i.s is rubbed inside the soft meat, a pleasant numb sensation is transmitted to my waist, Mayuha also feels it and tightens up and raise her voice.

It feels really good to do this. s.e.x with women, the kind of s.e.x where I can have them do whatever I want, with whoever I want.

I will transmit these pleasant sensations of excitement from having s.e.x, into my eye and using my ability, pour it straight into Yuuki.

「Hiu~, a, ahh! ?」

Her body goes "gakugaku" and trembles more and more.

The only thing that remained when the trembling stops, was a feeling of wanting to become pregnant that was much stronger than before.

「No, I"m…… this is a lie…… Fwa~ n, n, nnn~」

I do not allow her to avert her eyes. Yuuki finally yielded to the strong l.u.s.t and put a hand between her legs, all the while "poroporo"  spilling tears.

“mozumozu” her hand is creeping about in the closed thigh, although it is a small movement, it"s clear for all to see.

「N~k, strange…… uh, my body is, wier~rd」

「Oneechan…… oneecha~an」

While feeling satisfied that she started – although it is on top of her clothes – slowly masturbating, I further strengthened the movement of my waist.

「Haa, ah, n, ahh !」

Deep inside Mayuha it started to twist and swell, I have no doubt that my younger sister is now immensely excited.

I felt my limit quickly approaching so I"ll do my best to rub the meats with my p.e.n.i.s with more waist movements.

「Fuu~ a~, no…… no, this is……」

I was informed by listening to Mayuha"s clumsy cries that she was in a desperate situation.

「Are you c.u.mming? Mayuha」

「Noo~ I don"t know……」

With a lovely voice, my little sister responds.

「I don"t know…… uhu~ This, I don"t understand…… a n ah~」

Is it confusing with the suddenly pleasant sensations that appeared, so that she don"t understand anything any more?

An irresistible delight wells up inside me at the miserable state of the lovely Mayuha.

「That"s how it is before you o.r.g.a.s.m. When you c.u.m, say "c.u.mming~" properly ok?」

「Noo~ ah, phu, uu~」

The trembling inside her body grows bigger while the soft meat ma.s.sage my p.e.n.i.s, squeezing it tightly.

There is a place inside her body where she feels it the most. When I aim in that area with my glans, she trembles more, and puffing her breath like in gasps.

「Watch, Yuuki. From this point on I can not stop Mayuha, so I"ll let it out inside.」

「Eh?……Don"t. Such a thing… forgive her already!」

A girl who while watching her sister being f.u.c.ked, is not very persuasive.

「When I"m done here with Mayuha, it"s Yuuki"s turn」

The final push is made to my younger sister"s body while I stare at Yuuki.

My waist is moved with full force to stir up the insides, and at the same time I roll one of the nipples that had gotten hard with my hands.

「Iyah~ aa, aa~ c.u.mming…… noo, I"m c.u.mming, n a, a ~a ~a ~a! ?」

I pulled the whole pet.i.te body which was trembling with my arms, and with a "gyuu" her v.a.g.i.n.a wrapped even more tightly around my p.e.n.i.s.

「Me too, I"ll let it out inside you again!」

With that last push I ended up deep inside the warm and tight womb, where I let loose my best e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n by far.

"Dokut, Dokut……"

While pulsing as much s.e.m.e.n as I could into the back of her room, I felt my power rooting itself into the little sister"s body and soul.

Riding the waves of pleasure and the blood which flows along to our heartbeats, the power is spread throughout the entire body of Mayuha, completely binding her to me.

「Ah~ Ahh……ah~」

Does Mayuha feel it or is her head blank? All I heard was a weak sigh of despair that leaked out of her mouth.

「Ahh, stop it, e-even though I told you to stop…… Mayuha~a ~huu」

Yuuki was not allowed to avert her line of sight, and was forced to watch her younger sister be raped and creampied.

However, this girl, simultaneously with the younger sister, had tiny quivers on her body. I did not fail to notice that.

                              >> Chapter 4

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