I made my elder sister lick the p.e.n.i.s that was dirtied with fluids from my younger sister

Having had my third e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, the p.e.n.i.s finally calmed down a little and I pulled it out of Mayuha.

「Hau, unn~」

While it was dragging out of her, the glans was pleasantly rubbed on her inner walls. Even the unconscious little sister felt it, and her voice leaked out erotically.

I left the exhausted body of my sister on the sofa, where she lay motionless.

I walked over to Yuuki, who sat crouched near the wall.

「No……please don"t come here. ple~ease」

I can"t see any trace of the usually energetic elder sister anywhere.

Her tears had messed up the entire pretty face with wetness, and she looked up at me while trembling.

I stood in front of her while being amused by this new side of Yuuki.



Yuuki"s expression changed into one that told me she could not believe what I just called her.

「While watching Mayuha have s.e.x with me, you sit there and m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e」

「Ah, a~ a~……that"s not」

「It"s obvious. Because you"re just a b.i.t.c.h in heat」(TN: he calls her a female dog)

Well, the one who made her like this was me.

Yuuki was always above me in the house hierarchy. It was natural since she took initiative and was more energetic compared to the shy little me, not because of being the eldest.

It feels so good to look down on Yuuki as she sits there in heat, afraid and shivering on the floor.

While enjoying the miserable form of Yuuki, excitement rose again in my groin. It seems that having had my way with Mayuha is still not enough.

(I wonder if I was "awakened" when obtaining this ability – increasing my energy and stamina)

I was aware of my reckless behavior. I just can"t suppress it, so I don"t really feel like holding back.

Unlike Mayuha who is someone I want to embrace because she is adorable, Yuuki is a lively girl with lots of friends and the target of a complex to me who is shy and has few friends. This woman who had that kind of "power" that I could not reach, also seemed to look at me like the very bottom.

Just a little, some s.a.d.i.s.tic desires rough me up.

「Hey~, since how long have you done it?」

「Kya~ ?……aa, n-no」

When I grab her hair a little rough to raise her head, my p.e.n.i.s that swells up to erection is forced in front of her pretty face.

「Lick it and make it clean」

「N-no…… w-why should I have to……」

It seems that she still has remnants of her strong-willed mind. But, her eyebrows are raised and her tear-filled eyes lack in intensity.

However, the expression of her eyes was as if to flatter me into having s.e.x with her. From her appearance, it is broadcasted well that she is in heat due to my ability.

Despite wanting to resist, it was clear that her consciousness was heading towards thoughts of ways she could please this d.i.c.k.

「Come on then, lick. Because of your sister it has become this dirty. It is only natural that you, as her elder sister, should take responsibility and clean it」

「No way……hu~u!」

I pushed my c.o.c.k that is filthy with Mayuha"s love juice and my sperm onto her face.

Cloudy sticky bubbles were mixed in with the fluids that were rubbed against her and she let out a small shriek.

「Hey, f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o. Do you know about it?」

「Uu, uhuu~……nooo, I……I have not had my first kiss, yet.」

Now that she mentions it. Yuuki is excellent with socializing and a beautiful woman, yet I have never heard a rumor of her having a boyfriend.

「Is that so? Well then, Yuuki"s first kiss will be with this d.i.c.k, right?」

「Aa……such a thing, n~ uhh~」

「Good, good. "Lick it"」

It was too troublesome, so since I couldn"t wait anymore I used my ability into my voice and issued the command vocally. It has the same effect as when I pour power through my line of sight.

「A, ahh~ I"m, why is this happening……n~」

Did her mind finally break? Her tongue is stretched out and nervously touches my p.e.n.i.s.

「Nn, hah……stinks. disgusting taste……n, nn~」

I look down to see the muscles along her spine tremble lightly. Sperm condensed with large amounts of power entered inside her mouth. With this, her desire for me grows stronger.

「I, I don"t like this……n, n……why is this」

Her tongue tickles the surface of my p.e.n.i.s. It"s the first time I experience a b.l.o.w.j.o.b, I understand now that it"s a different sensation from having s.e.x.

「It"s strange……n~ ……it"s」

Yuuki"s tongue is licking up the remains from the s.e.xual intercourse, and make small gulping noises. Seems that the power from my ability works in my favor, her eyes appear drowsy, and the strength in her tongue increases.

Although she might not yet be completely broken into, she actively continues to bring her face near in order to use the tongue.

「Le~~……nh, still dirty. Mayuha and Keigo"s indecent fluids……」

Like eating a popsicle, she licks again and again with her tongue. It fills me with a feeling of satisfaction when this impudent Yuuki is resembling a dog. A nice view of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her tongue protrudes to crawl around my p.e.n.i.s. (TN: probably not even close to correct)

I want to experience more of this licking, but I also want to build up to another e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n.

From only being licked clean there is not enough stimulation, however.

「Yuuki, open your mouth」

「n~, eh? Nn~, ge~ bo~!」

It was unbearable, I grasped her head and thrust into the mouth.

It might have been a little too violent. Suddenly being stabbed into the depths of the mouth, Yuuki ended up vomiting a little and sc.r.a.ping her teeth, so I pulled my waist back a little.

「Suck it with your mouth. Don"t bite.」

「N~gu, un, n, b-waib a little……nh, ~bu」

「It"s a b.l.o.w.j.o.b, after all, you have seen it and heard about it, too, haven"t you? Here, show me」

She tried to pull her head away to separate her mouth from me, but when I grasped her hair harshly and restrained her, she, as if giving up, lost strength.

「So, first of all, tighten your lips, then suck with the mouth……uu~, yes. And move your tongue」

Ah, it feels quite good.

I had always yearned for a b.l.o.w.j.o.b, so of course, I"m very happy to experience it.

s.e.x with Mayuha, inside her v.a.g.i.n.a it felt very good, but this is certainly exceptional. It"s a slightly different kind of stimulation on my p.e.n.i.s.

「The tip, also, lick it there. Ah~ yes~. It feels good」

「nn, nbu, ~uun」

Inside the mouth, there is a pleasant sucking feeling, and the tongue is licking on sensitive spots. My glans is rubbed against cheeks and the upper jaw, it was a good feeling that was different from the insides of a v.a.g.i.n.a

Best feeling of all was that below me it was Yuuki that was doing this to me. The sense of conquest I feel is amazing, that she is the one that is doing such an indecent service.


Suddenly Yuuki is touching her lower body.

While watching her sister being f.u.c.ked a while ago, she was masturbating. Her excitement is still gaining in strength and she should have become even more aroused.

「Okay, Yuki. Want to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e?」

I guess it was spot on. Well, I already knew it.

「You don"t have to hold back. While you give me a b.l.o.w.j.o.b, you can also play with yourself」

「Fugu~……u, uuu」

Carefully, her hands head to between her legs.

「N, n n n~」

Even if it was a touch from above her clothes, it seems she was more sensitive than I thought. Still having me inside her mouth, her body shook and she let out a voice. I"m glad she did not bite.

「W~wh, why is it…… so frustrating, guu~ u」

While still crying, she kept going and it seemed like she could not stop.

She began to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e from underneath her sportswear trousers while clinging to my p.e.n.i.s more aggressively than before.

「Uu, nkk, nchi~ f~ ah n, n~」

「It"s good isn"t it? Do your best」

I"m excited by the stimulation given to my p.e.n.i.s, but, best of all, to the miserable form of Yuuki I get excited by this superiority over her.

「Un~ f~ umu~ n, n bu~ u」

As her head is shaking and the tongue entwines my p.e.n.i.s, I feel the stimulations.

This b.l.o.w.j.o.b has no sure technique at all, it"s just a bunch of sucking and licking. Still, it"s my first time and it feels incredibly good.

「It"s going to come out soon, so, swallow it, ok?」

At my words, her shoulders twitch. However, she does not stop sucking.

「n~……n, n ju~s, hmm, n~」

Rather, as if in a daze hoping to chase it out, her lips tighten and the sucking becomes stronger.

Indeed, she seemed gone. I had her ensnared by this ability both from my eyes, my voice and from my s.e.m.e.n. It should have made her only think about breeding. Right now, with her soul and body throbbing with desire, her sense of reason is nonexistent.

「Uu, it"s coming……k u~」

「N bu~ nnnn~!」

s.e.m.e.n surge out of the tip of my glans and heads straight inside Yuuki"s mouth. Even if I had e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed how many times already, it was still fierce enough that even I was amazed. It was a large quant.i.ty of s.e.m.e.n that gushed out.

「Fh~ gu, phu~ ha~ aa~」

I was surprised by the force, so my mouth opened partly.

「Ah……n-no, kya!? no~……. 」

I pardoned the p.e.n.i.s from her mouth but grabbed her hair so that she could not turn away.

It continued to pulse while shooting s.e.m.e.n pa.s.sionately against her inherently handsome face.

Somewhat almond-shaped eyes nervously stared from atop Yuuki"s beautiful face that tightened sharply. That"s where my s.e.m.e.n lands, painting her black hair and white skin with speckles of cloudy liquids.

「No, filthy……eh? No way, no, no~…… ah, ahh, ahh ?」

Suddenly, Yuuki"s body crumbles together and she trembled tremendously while panting.

After that, all strength leaves her body and she falls in a heap on the floor.

Her hair was sliding out of my fingers smoothly as my grip was weakened.

「Ha~ a……wa~a, wa~a, noo~, it"s a lie, a lie……u~ u u u~」

Her body lumps together, and she begins to weep.

While watching this Yuuki who is drenched in tears and sperm, I ask her:

「Did you also c.u.m?」

「Uu~ huuu~ uu uuu…….」

My word wasn"t really a question, more like a confirmation.

Because she knows that I know, Yuuki does not try to object, she just lies there sobbing while stifling her voice.

In a miserable, pathetic, erotic form.

「Yuuki. That isn"t the end, you know?」

She who convulse with sobs, like a small child, my hand slowly reached out.

I might not be able to translate the next chapter on time for tomorrow… We"ll see, at worst case it will be done by Sunday… Sorry!

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