I’ll take my older sister’s virginity as well

「No…… noo~」

She doesn’t resist even though she was shaking her head weakly in refusal from side to side.

No, rather, it"s more accurate to say that she was not able to resist.

What is demanded of me is clearly transmitted through the use of my ability.

「Yuuki, come here」

I gather her up in my arms in order to carry her and sit on the sofa. Mayuha is right next to us still completely limp and unconscious.

Yuuki was completely nonresistant as I put my hands on her clothes.

It was easy to take off her sportswear, and her underwear consisted of a sports bra, so it did not take a long time to completely undress her.

「wow~ You are beautiful, Yuuki」

「Ah, a~a……a」

Yuuki"s naked body was truly beautiful.

It was a healthy body that had been tightened from her club activity exercises, her limbs were long and well proportioned.

Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are probably around a B-cup. Although not as big as a gravure idol, it"s still bulging out softly compared to Mayuha.

At the root of her long slender legs is the embarra.s.sing place which is decorated with wavy body hair.

「Ah, aa……no~ don"t look so much」

Both arms are crossed to hide her face, my arm stretch outwards.

I rub the left and right b.r.e.a.s.t.s gently. The soft feeling that is transmitted through my fingertips is fascinating as expected. I"d like to keep touching them without growing tired.

I invited myself and brought my face closer. With my lips, I held the small pink nipple in my mouth.

「Fu~ ah……nn~」

The body that was forcibly made into heat by my power, as expected, started to feel very good and responded to my caress.

Thus, whenever I do this touching and licking, the toned and thin body wriggled back and forth and stifled sweet breaths leaked out. I was pleased that such a beautiful young woman had these sensitive responses from my actions.

「n, f~u, don"t……n~ u~」

I freely play with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and enjoy the feeling of their moist softness for a while. Then, next, I open the long and lovely leg in a curve so that my upper body can sneak into it.

(This, is this a girls p.u.s.s.y?)

When it came to Mayuha, I just wanted to quench my desires quickly, so I had no time to observe it at all. So, this time, I"ll check out Yuuki"s p.u.s.s.y properly.

Obviously, on the internet and stuff, I"ve seen them many times. But having the actual thing be right in front of me nonetheless got my heart racing.

To not act recklessly again, I suppress my feelings and gently touch it with my fingers.


Yuuki"s body tenses up while she kills her voice, but there seem to be no remnants of resistance left in her mind.

I try moving my finger a little, and the slit opens.

(There is the l.a.b.i.a majora, and this inner part is l.a.b.i.a minora……this one, is it the Urethra hole?)

Compared to looking at pictures, the real thing has a much more beautiful pink color, and it feels much more erotic. Is it possible to check her hymen? A little while ago, unfortunately, I plunged straight in and tore it.

I move my finger around in curiosity to explore the top of the v.a.g.i.n.a. Based on the knowledge from my stack of erotica information from the internet and movies, the c.l.i.toris was quickly found.

(Right, here is the most sensitive spot)

As a test, I brought my face near to give it a try.

I don"t really understand it, but, I get a smell of excitement from her sweat.

I stick my tongue out, as a payback for the b.l.o.w.j.o.b earlier, I"m going to lick the c.l.i.toris.

「Hah~ u, nk, uuu~」

Yuuki starts stirring and power comes into both of her legs.

While being held between her tights from both left and right, I let my tongue crawl around everywhere.

「No~ there…… nk~ ah, ahh~」

Yuuki who was so exhausted until just now reacts as if the limp body was just an act. What a nice reaction, it"s funny. I stick out my tongue fully and to stimulate her everywhere.

I lick the c.l.i.toris with more strength. I switch to lick the l.a.b.i.a, and other places are licked too while I peck at the c.l.i.toris with my finger.

「Fua~, no~, again I"m……」

Not wanting her to c.u.m yet, I remove my face and finger.


Yuuki was confused and let out a bewildered voice, and looked at me.

Looking back at her, I poured more "power".

「Ah, uu……Keigo, please. I……」

I guess it"s becoming unbearable for her. She should be ready to receive my p.e.n.i.s.

For this reason, I dare to suddenly move over to sit next to her on the sofa.

「I understand, you can"t help it and want it, right?」

「U, uu~……」

I lightly open my legs and the erect p.e.n.i.s is in full view.

「It"s fine like this right? Do as you please」

「Eh? That"s……」

How should I explain it to Yuuki who doesn"t know what is being suggested?

「What I"m saying is, if you want it inside you, you can put it in as you like.
    I"m already getting tired. Because I sit like this, if you want it, put it in yourself and shake your hips」

「Wh-that, that"s」

Again from her facial expression, it looks like she is going to burst into tears, but I know that she is not sad.

I want to enter inside this body which is in heat, one way or another, but her shame and ethics are a hindrance. That"s why I"m getting irritated and impatient.

(However, there are no other options for her)

To escape from here, for example. It is not the kind of situation where that is possible.

A body and soul filled to the brim with as much l.u.s.t as is possible should tease Yuuki from the inside and be building up an ache that is impossible to resist. Because that is the power from my 『Ability』.

「But I, what should I do……」

「Come here and stick out your a.s.s so you can sit on top of me.」

「A, aaa~」

Yuuki"s tears began to pour out in a reaction from having to deal with the situation, but, nevertheless, my words were obeyed.

She turns her back to me and pushes out the b.u.t.t, she gets up on top over my knees. She appears a bit bewildered by this unnatural pose.

Although I could tease her about not knowing how to do it properly, I was honestly not in the mood for it.

Yuuki is a healthy, beautiful girl with many friends, and she is great at sports.

She has all of the things that I wished for, which is why I can not stop these feelings of a complex towards a girl.

This time it is Yuuki who is going to be violated, therefore I am in fact unbearably impatient. So I decided not to be mean, and to help her out.

「Fu, uu~」

I adjust the position of my p.e.n.i.s so that when her back is brought near it is aligned with her entrance.

「That"s it, just come at me like that」

「A, ah~……scary, I"m scare~uuu~d」

No matter how much l.u.s.t, it is not easy to throw away something precious like a virginity, so while she trembles with fear, I grabbed Yuuki"s waist with both of my hands and forced her down pulling with all my might.

「Hig~uuuu, nnnn~!」

With our hips glued together, my p.e.n.i.s is deep inside Yuuki, and I feel a warm temperature all the way to the base.

I waited for a moment for the wild breathing to calm down while looking at her shivering back that was trembling while stiff like a statue.

「My whole d.i.c.k entered you Yuuki. Inside, it"s warm and wet. It feels great」

「Hahh~ a……haa~ haah~」

Finally, although she is still breathing hard, it seems that she has calmed down. When I move my hips slowly, the insides of her v.a.g.i.n.a "gyuu" tightens around the p.e.n.i.s.

「Hauu~ ah……ahh~uu~u」

I support Yuuki"s upper body by hugging her with both of my arms from behind. My right hand finds her left breast, kneading and rubbing it.

While listening to her disheveled breathing, I utilize the elasticity of the sofa and I push up from the bottom over and over again with small movements.

「Ukk, n~ uu~, hah~ a, ahh~」

In the beginning, it is intensely painful and tight, but it gradually softens. It was the same way with Mayuha.

But as I thought, the two girls felt differently inside.

Where one would think my younger sister"s body should be tighter because it was tiny, it was still a soft and tender stimulation. Yuuki"s perhaps is even tighter? Maybe because of the muscle she gained from training and sports.

While thinking about these things, my p.e.n.i.s received the feelings of pleasure, and 『gishi……』, I heard the sound of something other than myself move up. (SFX: sound of creaking)

「A……Huh? I, what happened?……eh?」

So she finally regained consciousness? Mayuha who had been lying on the sofa in a pose that had her back facing towards us sat up.

She turned her head over the shoulder and looked at us with a face of confusion.

「Eh……Oneechan is, why?」

「Aah, ku fu u~ Mayuha ~a a」

Not knowing what has happened, it was a surprise to her.

She was raped many times over without understanding what it was. But watching her elder sister be violated in the same way, it recovered her sense of awareness.

「Why! Why, niisan……!?」


I called her name in a booming voice that stopped her, and she swallowed the rest of her voice while freezing in place.

That is my 『Ability』.

A while ago, I thoroughly bound this child to me using 『Ability』 that penetrated and filled the gaps, after completely breaking the barrier which protected her body and soul.

When facing each other in this way, an experience like a string of power that connected me with Mayuha was felt. Like a doll that moves using threads, it was possible to manipulate her to my liking.

「Mayuha is my thing. Isn"t she?」

「A……yes. I"m……Mayuha is her brother"s thing」

Surprise, anger, sorrow. She swallows such emotions and responds with obedience while having a sour face.

Feeling satisfied with the result, I tell her:

「Then stop resisting, just accept it. Stop distrusting me, I will give you enjoyable pleasure when you are devoted.
    Because Mayuha is my thing, that is the price of happiness for Mayuha……it"s fair, right?」

What I am saying is just bulls.h.i.t, but with this, Mayuha should be even more under my control.

She was gently chewing her underlip and was silent for a while, but then she nodded with a 「Yes. I understand, niisan」

「N-no way……Mayuha, hu~ uu」

My elder sister was trying to say things she doesn"t need to say, so I raise my hips hard in order to make her shut up.

Yuuki who was recently deprived of her virginity, and now ruthlessly pounded in her v.a.g.i.n.a let out small shrieks and couldn"t speak.

「Good, so if you understood then do what I say.
    First, take off your clothes and get naked.」


While tightly squeezing that lovely face with hatred, Mayuha began to undress the clothes that had been disheveled earlier during her intercourse with me.

                      >> Chapter 6

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