Epilogue 1 of 2

Author () message: The story goes on, but it was completed last chapter…… I wanted to write more so I wrote it (lol). From here on it is just episodes of the life after, with no clear ending.

The public toilet in the corner of the parking lot at the prefectural Track and Field stadium is freshly cleaned. It was surprisingly beautiful.

「n, nn…… fu, a, ah」

Inside the men"s toilet room, I was having s.e.x.

The skirt was rolled up, the plumpy white a.s.s was exposed, I hold the firm waist with both of my hands and f.u.c.k it from behind.

「Fu ku, Keigo-ku~un…… an, ha~n, n u」

Each time that I swing my hips to stab; sounds of skin against skin colliding, lewd wet noises, sweet desperate panting, all of it is audible to the ear.

I get a bit worried, so as she is leaning with her upper body on top of the toilet bowl, I hang over her back, covering her like a mantle. I remove the wavy long black hair from her earlobe to let my mouth come near in order to whisper.

「If you raise your voice like that, mother, won"t they hear it outside?」 (TN: 義母(gibo)=stepmother, but Keigo p.r.o.nounce it as kaa. So 義母さん is basically stepmother-san but in this case, he is saying it like "kaasan")

「Hih~u, but…… but it"s because Keigo-kun is…… kya u n~」

I shake my head a little at the excuse, and with all my strength my glans" head is thrust into the interior of her v.a.g.i.n.a so that she shuts up.

「It"s my fault? That"s wrong. Mother, it"s not good to be naughty.」

「Uh, uu~……」

I"m making a beautiful woman way older than me wailing in this way. That is quite funny, and f.u.c.king her, too, is an extremely great feeling.

「It"s wet, and it"s warm, it feels really good. When I put it in, you get really happy right?」

「Ah, gu…… what」

She turns her head over her shoulder to look at me with a gaze like "I"m going to hurt you", but at the same time it is like "tease me more, I want you to make me feel unbearable", is what I understood of it.

It was mostly the latter, which I"m certain is my fault. But, as one would expect – like mother like child – she had inherently the same traits of m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t qualities like the daughter Yuuki. And I have manipulated those and strengthened them.

「Hey. It"s so wet down there, my mother wanted to have s.e.x all along right. So make it easy for your son and let him put the p.e.n.i.s in peacefully. Okay?」

「Un~, that"s……u n~」

The thing is, it became natural for me to start calling Asami-san 「mother」 after I awakened my power. Until then, I had too little guts and could not address her that way so easily. It was very difficult to not use polite speech with her.

It then became commonplace to call her like so, because Asami-san who gained pleasure from being f.u.c.ked, seemed to whimper when being made aware that it is a forbidden relationship. It stimulated the masochism even more.

(However, I could not predict that Asami-san would become so addicted to it)

Asami-san was certainly beautiful, but, I thought she was too old.

The first time we had s.e.x was certainly because of curiosity and desire, but, in the end, I thought it was more convenient to manipulate her like Yuuki and Mayuha to enjoy even dirtier stuff. (TN: I don"t understand what the author meant and gave up after a while…)

(That is, completely enjoying it)

Like the two girls, she thoroughly loved it.

She has a body that is not yet very deformed, big b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her waist and thighs are very soft, and holding them feels good.

Though I"m violating this gentle personality with a soft body, I feel joy to be embraced with her sweet acceptance.

「I"m feeling good too. I don"t want to return you to tou-san」

「A, ah…… stop i~t. I beg you…… n, fu, u」

I"m certain this is bad for my father. But even so, I can"t stop because it feels so good.

As a minimal atonement, everyone, including me, try to serve my father as much as possible the times he is home from business trips and to spend as much time as we can together.

It was taken advantage of by his non-consanguineous daughters like they had no honor, but as a matter of fact, it seemed to make my father happy.

In the evening I told mother firmly to give pleasure to dad.

So when he came back home to this, my father seemed to be having a lot of fun for the first three days, but when he had been back home for a few days it seemed like he was a bit tired every morning.

There was a ring from my smartphone, and when I looked there was a message from Mayuha.

『Onee-chan"s turn is coming soon』

Today we came to this Track and Field stadium in support of Yuuki who competes here in this prefectural convention and partic.i.p.ates as a high jumping compet.i.tor.

I wanted to kill some time until the start of the compet.i.tion, but it seems like we got too engrossed here for quite some time.

「It"s from Mayuha – Yuuki is about to compete」

「A, n n…… fu ku u」

It doesn"t seem that much like my mother wants to leave and suppresses her voice, and she wiggles her hips while clinging my p.e.n.i.s to the lower part of her body.

Of course, if she does such a thing I feel comfortable and it can not be helped. It"s unreasonable to stop mid-way.

「Hey, mother. Tighten up that v.a.g.i.n.a more so that I can c.u.m early, I"m already late enough to Yuuki"s contest as it is」

「S-such a thing…… n hi u, ha, hahh」

Even when exhaling a weak breath as if to complain, I can feel the clamping tightening more. The feeling of her p.u.s.s.y is strengthened, and a melting stimulation is transmitted to around my hips.

Even so, it is not enough stimulation to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e early.

(Well, guess I need to help her)

While I hang over her, covering like a blanket, I reach my hands in front and start circulating the bulging b.r.e.a.s.t.s with a little force in order to ma.s.sage them. From atop the clothes I can feel this softness that is very pleasant in my hands, the kind of volume of puffiness that her daughters can"t compare to.

「An, n, nn~ not so hard…… ah」

Even if she says so, every time when I twiddle them a bit hard she is delighted because she enjoys a little pain.

I reach my hands through the openings in her clothes and a little forcefully slides the bra away so that I can find her exposed nipples with my fingers. I pinch them hard so she gives out a sweet scream like 「Nkuuu……!」and the insides of her v.a.g.i.n.a that is wrapping my p.e.n.i.s got tightened hard.

「Nh, ow, hurts…… n, hah u~」

「It"s wonderful, it"s tight and pleasant. Doesn"t mother feel good too?」

「N-no way……, hia~, nkuu~n」

While I hammer away at her hips and grope her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, it feels so good that s.e.m.e.n is quickly starting to build up.

「I"m c.u.mming, mother…… hah, hah」

「Aa, ahhhhh…… again, inside……」

Even if she worries, I"m using my "ability" to adjust and make sure she doesn"t become pregnant.

But it"s more fun when they don"t know about it, so I haven"t told either my mother or my sisters.

My s.e.m.e.n runs through the urethra while pulsing straight into the depths of Asami-san"s womb, and I let go of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.


From Asami-san who was exhausted and leaning against the toilet, a cloudy liquid overflowed out of her p.u.s.s.y and slowly dripped down the inside of her white thigh.

「Ah, niisan! Hurry, hurry~」

At the Track and Field stadium"s spectators seat stand, Mayuha was standing on tiptoe and stretching her back to make herself taller while waving her hand. Like that she attract attention to herself, but it was not very crowded so I had already spotted her.

(Well, it"s cute so whatever)

It"s like a puppy that swings its tail in trying to attract its owner’s attention.

She looks adorable with the way the hem of her dress is swaying in accordance to her exaggerated waving.

She became much better compared with before. I have practically filled her up with s.e.m.e.n every day, and it was worth it because I was able to steadily manipulate the functionality of her body.

This "power" has also increased her charm and appearance, but more than that, as she became healthier, her complexion became brighter. All in all, she became a much cuter younger sister.

When I approach, she raised her arms to grip me as I took the seat next to her and sit down.

「A re? Okaa-san was not together with you?」

「Yea, she made a mess of her clothes so she is trying to clean it」

After I smile with my eyes, Mayuha says 「Ah……」and her face reddened with a blush. Then with an upwards glance with the purpose of a hateful face, she looked at me.

「Today, everyone should have been here to support Onee-chan」

「Yeah, true. Sorry, sorry. Look, I just thought there was more time」

「……Okaa-san, that sly little」

Still, she didn"t let go of my arm as she pouted while she spoke.

There was no choice, I stroked her head a little with my free hand, and her temper finally disappeared a little.

「Ah, look. Yuuki is about to jump」

「It"s true. Onee-cha~n, do your best~!」

Is it normal to be that involved with a countryside senior high school track and field convention event contest? There aren"t a lot of people in the audience, so a girl"s high cheer that reverberates like this – I"m sure even Yuuki can hear it.

She slowly built up speed, and the form of the curve of her approach, even to the untrained eye, can be understood as perfect. She crossed the bar.

「wow, amazin~g! Even such a height」

Like Mayuha who was clapping like crazy, I too thought it was amazing and applauded.

「How is it? Yuuki"s performance」

「Ah, okaa-san. Onee-chan is so amazing you know!?」

Asami-san showed up at that point.

The high-jumping compet.i.tors jump in turn in an order, while the height of the bar is raised, so it is not too late to support Yuuki who is part of the national team.

(Actually, this prefectural convention should be a piece of cake right?)

I have endorsed Yuuki with as much "power" sperm as I have Mayuha and using this I was able to increase her physical abilities.

Not only her muscle"s strength and explosive power, but her height has been stretched a few centimeters in the span of a few months.

As long as she herself doesn"t mind, for running high-jump the height is important. She will probably be about 175cm if I raise it to the limit, so she would be able to get even more outstanding results than now.

(Then, wouldn"t she be taller than me?)

I"m 172cm tall so it would be a visible difference.

It"s a sensitive spot, but I still wish for Yuuki to be stylish and cool. She is already bright, talented, and beautiful, and if it is a cool Yuuki, for sure, it would be a blessing. It will be very enjoyable when I, who is weaker, molest and torment her and look down upon that weeping figure.

「Ah, she did it again! amazi~ng!」

Next to Mayuha and Asami-san who were in high spirits, while watching Yuuki"s agile jump, I started to become excited about how I would like to bully her later.

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