The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter 13

My head quickly bowed downwards so that I wouldn"t be able to see their expressions.

The two males led me upwards onto a staircase before I was promptly deposited onto the floor of the giant office.

My legs had long turned to mush after all that running, and standing seemed like a pretty hard thing to do right now.

I could tell that the two guards couldn"t really wait to get their hands off of me since they immediately wiped their fingers on their pants right after.

From what I noted, everything in the room looked organized and clean.

In the back of the room was a giant expensive looking cherry wood desk that stood at the center with a fairly tall bookcase to the left. And right next to the bookcase was a small door.

My eyes trailed from the window to the small door and my head was whirling with escape routes that didn"t seem to be a smidgen possible, but it didn"t stop me from trying.

"The Alpha will be here soon," Beta Toren stated coldly, watching me carefully as if he somehow knew the thoughts that were running around in my head.

"If you hadn"t run, this wouldn"t have been a problem," Jared barked out at me, anger coloring his face red. I flinched backward in surprise at his sudden rage.

"As if I am going to just stay there and let you have your way with me," I said with an ugly snarl of my face.

My words and actions did not seem to faze him any.

"With your behavior, I might decide to chain you to my bed instead of giving you the freedom that I did. Like it or not, you will be underneath me by the time I am done," he stated as if he would be the one victorious out of all of this and, rest a.s.sured, that would never happen.

At his exclamation, my insides were burning with extreme rage and hatred.

I seriously considered leaping across the floor and punching the c.r.a.p out of his stupid face.

What a disgusting chauvinistic pig!

Before I could think the idea through or even go through with it, the large oak doors slowly opened.

I felt all the hot air and anger deflate into nothing until terror and fear started to build in the pit of my stomach.

If I don"t calm down I might just have the serious case of word vomit or even puke my guts out again, not that there would be anything left to puke out.

I was physically exhausted and starving when my stomach decided to growl out loudly, much to my dismay and embarra.s.sment.

Almost everyone in the room sent a rude glare my way.

It"s not like I could control this sort of thing.

"To what do we owe this surprise visit, Alpha Jared?"

A surprisingly deep and masculine voice reverberated like satin against velvet to my ears before I even saw the G.o.dly man walk into the room.

All the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I couldn"t help but tremble like prey before its predator.

Oh s.h.i.+t.

My eyes accidentally caught the Alpha"s eyes.

I could feel my heart possibly skip a beat or two from sheer terror or something else that I couldn"t name.

His electric glowing blue eyes were the first thing that I noticed.

They were rather hypnotic and mesmerizing at first glance, and I found myself having a hard time removing my gaze from his.

He had black charcoal colored hair that covered his temple from view while an arrogant jaw gritted and full lips pursed into a displeased frown in response to my blatant staring.

Shortly after my appraisal of his handsome form, I notice his tall aristocratic nose wrinkle in disgust, probably because of how bad I smell.

I immediately avert my gaze from this strange need to submit to the more stronger of our kind.

And I was actually scared he would kill me for staring him straight in the eye.

His frown deepened.

The sheer power and dominance of his aura had me almost keeling over when he finally took a seat behind the desk, much to my relief.

And the hard muscles that bunched under that masculine physique could have rivaled even Adonis himself.

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