The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter 97

Call me cold-hearted if you want, but I"m not willing to dig up that part of my past.

I guess I never believed I would be loved. And if I were to love someone, I was scared that I wasn"t good enough, that they would leave me behind like all the other people in my life.

But Eros patience and love was slowly corroding away my state of mind on the matter, making me realize that he was worth me loving wholeheartedly.

And, in my heart, I knew he wouldn"t abandon me the way everyone else had.

I never realized it before but I was fairly lonely before meeting him.

For over a decade, it"s always been just me.

"You have me now, Emira," Eros murmured, kissing my temple delicately with a hint of empathy in his actions.

"That"s right. I have you now. And you have me." I smiled, kissing the underside of his chin with my eyes half-lidded.

Recently, I"ve gotten a lot better at reading Eros.

Even if he doesn"t say a word, I could tell by his expressions.

Every wrinkle of his brows, every downward curl of his lips or every twinkle in his eyes meant something.

Like now, there was a little pinch between his eyebrows and his nose was slightly wrinkled.

I could tell that Eros was bothered by the scents that probably stuck to me from meeting all of his pack members.

Although I was careful not to touch anyone, I am sure that their scent must have transferred in one way or another.

"I"m going to take a shower," I said, untangling myself from his arms and hopping into the bathroom before he could suggest taking one together.


I walked into that once.

I am not going to do that again.

Tossing the bathroom door closed, I could hear Eros deep chuckle like hot molten chocolate to my ears.

Ignoring him, I quickly stripped down and took a shower.

As I got out, I was stunned by the reflection in the mirror.

It was weird to know myself, yet not know myself.

Same face.

Same eyes.

Same hair.

But something was different.

To put it frankly, I think I have started to age.

I don"t look quite 30-years-old anymore.

In fact, I look like I am in my mid-2os.

This is a lot better than looking like a teen forever.

I wonder if Eros ever thought that he was sleeping with a minor because of my youthful features.

Does that bother men?

Pus.h.i.+ng that strange thought aside, I noted that this change started after Eros and I mated.

Perhaps, I"ve started aging the same as him.

Who knows?

My face seemed more mature, cheeks sharper, lips more full, and chin more defined.

Not only has my face changed, but my body has too.

Especially my b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

I feel like they have grown fuller under Eros constant fondling of them.

My waist is more tapered, booty rounder, and legs more firm.

If I"m not mistaken, I think I"ve grown a tiny bit taller.

My rather thin pet.i.te frame was replaced with a more vivacious figure, without the use of any surgical procedures or exercise.

Unless you count exercise in the bedroom.

Okay. I"m not going to go there.

But I can"t help but wonder if anything is changing with Eros.

I"m going to have to thoroughly inspect him, from head to toe, to make sure.

My throat went dry in response to that last thought and my cheeks burned with warmth while my lower abdomen clenched.

And there it is again.

The rather strange urges that I can"t control lately.

Like this morning, I woke up straddling Eros" waist with my tongue in his mouth.

The most embarra.s.sing part was that my treacherous right hand was down his pants.


You read it right.

I was fondling Eros" goods while I was sleeping.

It didn"t look like he minded, in the least, but I couldn"t fathom why I was so h.o.r.n.y all of a sudden.

And it"s not just a day or two.

It"s been like this for at least a week.

He hasn"t said a word or teased me on the matter but waking up and finding myself molesting him, while asleep, is making me mind blown.

What in the world is causing this?

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