The Antelope And Night Wolf

Chapter 30 – Hand In Hand on Mt. PaG.o.da

Chapter 30 – Hand In Hand on Mt. PaG.o.da
  Sender:Hana([email protected]),Sub-Forum:h.o.m.os.e.xual
  Topic:The World is So Small!
  Location:YanShan University A Century to Educate BBS
  YangYang as expected is my destiny ^_^
  Sender: Antelope (Little [email protected] Can Be Both Good and Bad), Sub-Forum: h.o.m.os.e.xual
  Topic:Re:The World is So Small!
  Location:YanShan University A Century to Educate BBS
  Let"s get married!!!

After hearing that person"s voice, LingYang"s face changed. He did not struggle,  but relaxed instead, allowing the other person to continue embracing him.
He sneaked a look at the expressions of the three people in front of him. XuXian was shocked, Night Wolf was frowning, and as for the other one…
Waves of despair crashed into LingYang"s heart.
The person behind him put his mouth to his ear, using an ambiguous voice that could only be heard by the two of them:
“Don"t turn around.”
LingYang flushed and smiled, he rubbed his nose as though embarra.s.sed and covered his mouth, using the same quiet voice, he replied:
“Are you trying to kill me, don"t you see T.Rex breathing fire over there?”
QiFeng"s smile became even more gentle, “Being burnt to death by T.Rex is still better than being bitten to death by a tiger.”
LingYang was silent.
“That…” The corner of XuXian"s mouth was twitching again, “YangYang, will you introduce him to us?”
LingYang was silent for a little while, he knew he could not run away from this, and thus introduced feebly, “Our guild leader, LuoMing Wind.”
Upon hearing this name, YeLang"s face immediately darkened.
LingYang then gestured towards them, “FlowerHouse, Night Wolf, and I don"t think I need to introduce that one over there.”
QiFeng c.o.c.ked his eyebrow towards YeLang, “Yo, love rival.”
YeLang suddenly had the urge to PK him.
“What is the relationship between the two of you?” YeLang had yet to speak, but T.Rex already opened his mouth, it was very obvious he was suppressing his anger.
LingYang did not know what to say, while QiFeng took it one step further, only giving a meaningful smile.

LingYang started swearing in his head: Even if explaining would only make it worse, but you still don"t have to smile so ambiguously and give people the wrong impression right!
“QiFeng, don"t think I don"t know, LuoMing Shadow is your account.”
“It used to be,” QiFeng nodded, “I"ve already given it to him.”
“You"ve never given your accounts away to anyone, you don"t even let me use your account!”
“That"s because you always use my account to scold people on global.”
“f.u.c.k, how many times must I say that they were the ones starting it!”
QiFeng frowned, “Angry, you"re being vulgar again.”

LingYang covered his mouth and gritted his teeth, “When you"re flirting can you pay attention to your surroundings, there"s still the three of us over here…”
QiFeng pretended to carelessly look behind him, his hand exerted a little force, pushing LingYang out of his embrace, “He"s turned around, leave quickly.”
LingYang who regained his freedom immediately leapt away, his left hand gripping onto XuXian, right hand pulling on YeLang, escaping outside without a single word.
Having been pulled away by LingYang suddenly, these two people were dragged away with no comprehension of the situation, and without the ability to express any doubts.
He JiaWei, baffled, watched as the person who was just embraced by QiFeng ran away while dragging along the two members of his guild– What the f.u.c.k was going on?
He was about to open his mouth and ask QiFeng, when he saw someone with an unfriendly expression approaching them.
“It"s you.” That person spoke.
He JiaWei did not recognise this guy, the “you” must have been directed towards QiFeng.
As expected, QiFeng nodded his head, “You"re here too.”
That person looked around, “Where"s LingYang?”
“If you want to see an antelope just go to the zoo, why did you come to a mountain?” QiFeng replied, his expression unchanging.
“You"re still pretending? I just saw him here, but he"s disappeared in the blink of an eye.” He looked gloomy.
“Oh, so you"re actually referring to Little Antelope, but too bad, you"re too late, he just left with his labourer.”
“What did you say?”
QiFeng smiled, “Don"t misunderstand, the words are exactly what I said.”
His forehead creased tightly, “I heard LingYang has been very close to you recently?”
“You heard? From where exactly have you guys been hearing this, how come I"ve never heard it before?”
They could tell that that person was on the brink of exploding, but he forcibly held it back.
“QiFeng, every time LingYang sees me now, he would run away, do you know exactly why?”
“I know.” This time QiFeng"s reply was very direct.
“You really know? Why?”
“He"s a herbivore, you"re a carnivore, isn"t it normal for him to run away when he sees you?”
The other party finally exploded, “Can"t you just speak properly!”
“Sure, if someone suddenly called me and scolded me viciously, I think I wouldn"t want to see him too.”
After hearing QiFeng"s words that person was alarmed, “How did you know about that?”
“Because I was there, oh, that"s not correct, to be more precise, I was the one who answered that call.”
“You answered??”
“Yes, at that time it wasn"t too convenient for LingYang to hold onto the phone, so I even helped him put the call on speaker-mode.”
“I"m really sorry, if I knew that you were going to be like that, I wouldn"t have put it on loudspeaker, ah, let me think, exactly how many people were present…”
The other party was clearly very agitated, taking him awhile before he calmed down, “Can you help me pa.s.s a message to him.”
QiFeng placed his hands into his pockets, “If it"s an apology then forget about it, if you want me to tell him you"ll never see him again I"ll be happy to pa.s.s it on.”
That person was silent for a bit, “I"m about to head to another place for internship, you let him know that he doesn"t have to put in so much effort into hiding from me anymore.” 
QiFeng nodded, “As expected it"s the latter, I"m willing to help out.”
That person walked away, He JiaWei who had became background scenery then reacted, “That person just now seems somewhat familiar, I think I"ve seen him somewhere before.”
QiFeng shook his head, “Can"t be, you must have remembered wrongly, his face is very common in appearance.”
While QiFeng was dealing with an un-welcomed party, XuXian and YeLang were still being tugged away urgently by LingYang.
“YangYang, why are you running?” XuXian followed behind LingYang.
“A big tiger is here, if we don"t escape we would be eaten up.” LingYang answered without looking back.
“What do you mean?” XuXian did not understand.
“It means we should leave quickly, don"t stay there and play gooseberries.” What a joke, that was the sports school"s T.Rex, a punch from him, a gaming novel could straight away become a rebirth novel.
“I say YangYang, that person just now…” XuXian felt something was strange. “You definitely know LuoMing"s #7.”
“Yes, we"ve met once before.” LingYang started spouting random nonsense as usual.
“To be so familiar after meeting once? Where he can just hug you like that? Could your once be that one…” XuXian suddenly remembered that YeLang was next to him, and stopped talking.
LingYang turned around and glared at him, to even dare to say this kind of nonsense in front of his husband, he was really seeking death.
If Night Wolf found out that Bell had been cheating on him behind his back, he would definitely be castrated.
A person was standing under a tree near their path, his back facing them, dressed casually in white, both hands in his pockets. With that jacka.s.s look, who else could it be but Little White Dragon.
XuXian was the first one to notice him, his big eyes blinking.
“YangYang, I realised you have many enemies.”
No need for him to explain, LingYang had also noticed his presence.
“f.u.c.k this, you always meet the ones you never want to meet.”
He pulled the two of them towards another direction.
“You"re not bringing us to jump off the mountain right?” XuXian asked helplessly.
LingYang suddenly stopped, using a pitiful expression he looked at XuXian, his lips quivering as though he was about to cry.
“Ok ok, I"ll help you settle it.”
“Flower, you"re really the best person on earth!”
“Please keep your friendzone card, I don"t need it.” XuXian swiped his hand away, and headed back towards BaiLong.
“You must not let him know you"re here to attend the meet-and-greet!” LingYang suddenly remembered and told him.
XuXian did not look back, “I know I know, I"m here on a weekend outing, ok?”
Finally only LingYang and YeLang were left, LingYang saw that near them was the wooden path down the hill, he headed towards it.
The crisis had been averted, LingYang"s steps slowed down as well, no longer rushing around like previously, instead he started taking his own sweet time as though deep in thoughts, people who did not know the situation would have thought he was taking a stroll. 
His thoughts had already drifted elsewhere, he was also looking at something in else, his expression looked very serious.
YeLang saw that he seemed to be contemplating, he did not disturb him, only looking down to see his hand that was still being held by LingYang, he was wondering if he should pull away.
Two guys strolling around hand in hand, it sounded just a little frightening.
There were two girls who brushed past them, they happened to notice their clasped hands and their eyes brightened instantly.
Only after a few steps, they heard two people behind squealing softly behind them.
That noise alerted LingYang to YeLang"s presence.
“Why are you still here?” LingYang questioned.
YeLang silently looked downwards.
LingYang looked downwards too, then he quickly let go, “Ah, sorry.”
YeLang shook his head.
LingYang was stumped, “Mr. Cool, are you so cool to everyone? We"re also considered familiar with each other, but you"re still won"t say a single word.”
YeLang frowned slightly, “This seems to be only the second time we"ve met.”
LingYang smacked his head, that was right, he was LuoMing Shadow now.
“Ah, that, uh, I"m referring to the game, we"ve fought before, don"t they say it takes a fight to get to know each other?”
YeLang nodded, “Maybe, I can"t remember it, but you"re not a max level character, I don"t think I would take the initiative to kill you.”
“Also you"re Flower"s childhood friend, I"m cohabiting with him, we should be good friends, don"t you think?”
YeLang nodded his head again, hesitant, in front of friendly people, he always felt a little helpless.
But what cohabiting… Should that not be co-tenants?
“Ah, right, your name is…?”
So this is how he came up with the name Night Wolf, LingYang understood then.
“Can I call you Brother Lang? Flower calls me YangYang, you can call me YangYang too.”
YeLang looked down, this person was really very out-going.
While YeLang was still somewhat expressionless, LingYang was bursting in joy.
He had originally came here with the purpose of teasing his ‘husband", but who would have thought there would be such a pleasant surprise.
Ever since he knew that the person he fell in love with at first sight was a heteros.e.xual with a wife, he was depressed for quite some time.
LingYang was not someone who was afraid of anything, but the only thing he was afraid of was someone with a wife, he met this sort of people once and died horribly, never again would he repeat that a second time.
Whereas this person in front of him, although he really was a heteros.e.xual, and also had a wife… But his wife is me! LingYang thought happily.
This was essentially a skeleton type elite boss downgrading to some random wild monster, no effort was needed to defeat him!
Thinking like this, LingYang cheered up immensely, his lips curved up unknowingly.
YeLang saw that this person who just had a solemn look upon his face, now beaming with joy, he completely could not guess what exactly was going through this person"s mind.
“You suddenly seem to be very happy?”
“Yes, I remembered something that cheered me up.”
YeLang was about to ask what it was, then he happened to see his left hand and recalled something.
“Your hand is fine now?”
The smile on LingYang"s face dropped, he immediately turned his head, his jaw dropped. He did not understand why the other party would suddenly ask him about this.
Could it be that he knew something?

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