The Antelope And Night Wolf

Chapter 31 – Autumn Days, Falling In Love on Second Meeting

Chapter 31 – Autumn Days, Falling In Love on Second Meeting
Sender: Antelope (Little Antelope Has Fallen In Love On Second Glance), Sub-Forum: h.o.m.os.e.xual
Topic:Little Antelope"s Spring Has Returned
Location:YanShan University A Century to Educate BBS

Lalalalala, life is so beautiful ~(≧▽≦)/~
Sender: Hana ([email protected]), Sub-Forum:h.o.m.os.e.xual
Topic:Re:Little Antelope"s Spring Has Returned
Location:YanShan University A Century to Educate BBS
What, again???!!!
Begging for an eminent monk to deal with this demon!

LingYang was not sure exactly what the other party knew, he could only pretend, “My hand… Why?”
“Little Xian said your finger was broken.”
LingYang looked down, sighing in relief, luckily he had not exposed himself, but why would Flower mention this to YeLang?
Also if he mentioned this, who knew what else he had mentioned? What if he said something that was not supposed to be mentioned…
No, he would definitely have to copy some notes from Flower when he went back.
“Oh, that, it was healed long ago, it was only a small injury, strictly speaking, it also can"t be considered broken, it"s just a fracture.”
“A fracture can also be considered a type of break.”
“Uh, it"s not that serious, really.”
“Little Xian said you injured it while ice-skating?”
This ice-skating word flashed across LingYang"s mind, he then realised something.
Night Wolf had also asked Bell this exact same question, he was definitely suspicious of me!
But why would he be suspicious, was it because of Little Antelope and LingYang?
For the first time, LingYang felt that he had made a mistake using this name online.
“Yes, I fell while ice-skating, and ended up fracturing my finger against the ice.”
“Why would you choose to do such a dangerous sport?”
“Is it dangerous? Should be fine, it was only an accident, what"s more ice-skating is a compulsory module in our school.”
“Then you have to be more careful in the future.”
LingYang nodded, “Of course.”
“Why did you run away just now?”
“I…” LingYang had already forgot about it, with YeLang"s reminder, he again thought about it.
As expected, he came, was he here to look for me? Don"t know if I was seen by him just now, if I was, QiFeng should help block him right? As teammates, that person is still more reliable.
The reason why he did not want to attend today"s meet-and-greet was to avoid these two people. If not for Night Wolf"s words, he would also not have come here despite the risk, and nearly got caught.
But luckily with the help of others, he had managed to avoid the danger, he really had to thank his two benefactors later. 
YeLang watched him falling into contemplation again with no warning, he could not help but ask, “Are you ok?”
“Eh?” LingYang became alert. “Ah, sorry, I was distracted again right?”
He saw that YeLang was about to prod some more, LingYang hurriedly changed the topic.
“Right, Flower said that you"re the MT of Pa.s.sionate Sword?” During a first meeting of two players, this should be the most common topic.
“So impressive!”
“It"s nothing.”
“I admire MT the most! One person protecting the whole team, so awe-inspiring!” What a joke, having spent so much time with Night Wolf, of course he would know what the other person liked to hear the most.
“Ok.” YeLang"s reply was very controlled, he was definitely the type to be cold on the outside, but full of pa.s.sion on the inside.
“Ah, I think it"s really tough to play a warrior, having to withstand so many attacks, especially in the case of the MT, following behind the MT really gives me the greatest sense of security!” This opinion was really held by LingYang"s and all other healers, every time they saw the shield carried by the person in front of them while in a dungeon, they would feel very safe.
“You"re a shadow knight, shouldn"t you be behind the boss? Why are you behind the MT?”
“Uh,” LingYang thought, cursing his current ident.i.ty, “My control isn"t too good, after a few turns I"ll faint.”
“Then you"ll have to practice more, most of the skills of the shadow knight should be used behind the boss.”
“…… Yes!”
“How long have you played this game?” Since this path was blocked, he would change to another one.
“About half a year.”
“Max level?” Eh? This seemed obvious.
“… Of course.” The corner of YeLang"s mouth twitched.
“Married? Ah I"m referring to the game.” The topic was changed very naturally ok!
The other guy"s steps paused, then continued on as though nothing happened, “Married.”
“Ah, so what"s the name of your wife?”
“Sounds pretty… Why didn"t she come with you?”
“She"s shy.”
Shy your a.s.s! Having lived for so many years I don"t know what is shy!

“Hahaha, what a cute personality.”
“But you mentioned Bell…” LingYang pretended to think about it. “I think I heard something about her previously, I don"t know if it"s just the same name…”
LingYang asked cautiously, “There seems to be people on global saying that she scammed both money and point cards?”
YeLang shot a glance at him, “You heard about this too? Her account was stolen previously.”
“Oh,” LingYang nodded. “The account thief is so evil.”
“But those people who were cheated are also really unlucky.”
“I"ve already helped her return the money.”
“Eh? You"re also not the scammer why did you have to help her return the money?”
“Because I"m her husband.”
“You"re really deserving of being called a good man.”
“I ought to be.”
How touching.
“But… How do you know the other person really got her account stolen, and she"s not cheating you?”
“I trust her.”
It"s because of your trust, that"s why you got cheated so badly!
“What if… She"s only lying to you about her account being stolen, actually she got close to you because she wants to scam you of your money, or what if she"s actually a ladyboy?”
YeLang frowned, “What are you trying to say?”
LingYang waved his hand, “Don"t be so serious, we"re just chatting.”
“I"ve never considered that question.”
LingYang looked up towards the sky, “I can tell that you really liked her previously.”
“What about now?”
The image of someone dragging a line of tildes appeared in YeLang"s mind.
“Actually it"s only a game, there are somethings that don"t have to be taken so seriously.”
LingYang stumbled and YeLang instinctively reached out to supported him, “Careful.”
LingYang quickly shuffled through plans on turning Night Wolf gay.
Seducing him with his real ident.i.ty? The other party was a heteros.e.xual, to do this seemed a little difficult, also, he already had this sort of experience, he truly believed in once bitten twice shy.
Using the ident.i.ty of Bell to seduce him? This plan seemed more reliable, people always said, first come first served, in the novels that he had been reading, many heteros.e.xuals were also turned gay in these online games.
Thinking about this, LingYang made up his mind.
“Although it"s only a game, but feelings are still real, I think your wife also likes you a lot.”
YeLang was stumped, that person liked him? Thinking about it made him somewhat fearful.
Although that was what he said, but nothing he said had ever been the truth.
Just like this matter where he said he was the disciple of Little Antelope…
“LuoMing Shadow… Is that your only account?”
“Yes, why?”
“I heard what you guys were talking about just now, that account was given to you by LuoMing Wind?”
“Oh, that"s right, he asked me to play together, I told him I can"t be bothered to level a character, so he gave me an account.”
“Aren"t you from YanShan, how did you meet him?”
“We met online on a forum.”
“What forum?”
LingYang was about to mention the school"s BBS, but recalling that his BBS nickname was Little Antelope, and that YeLang was also a student of the college town, it was likely that he would go on BBS as well, just only not on the h.o.m.os.e.xual forum. He quickly mentioned another forum to cover up.
“Oh, it"s a local forum for travelling companions.”
YeLang paused for awhile, “If you dislike levelling, I can help you.”
“Really? It"s a promise!”
The both of them chatted, they quickly reached the lake at the bottom of the hill, there were many couples hanging out there.
There were also hawkers selling fish food and dove food by the lakeside, the koi and doves here were all fed till they were very gorgeous — because they were all too fat.
(T/N: 沉鱼落雁- ChenYuLuoYan means to be so gorgeous that it made fishes sink and geese fall.)
“Let"s go feed the doves.” LingYang liked all sorts of birds, he would be very excited every time he saw them, unconsciously he again grabbed hold of YeLang"s hand, signalling him to walk faster.
YeLang silently watched as they held hands again, he felt this person really liked physical contact…
“You like doves a lot?” YeLang studied those fat creatures on the ground, he really could not see the need to feed them, he had always thought only children would like feeding doves.
“I like all birds.”
“Because they can fly.”
LingYang bought some dove feed, and started feeding the doves in excitement.
YeLang found a stone table nearby, hooking his thumb in his pocket, he leaned against it, watching LingYang feed the doves.
LingYang sometimes crouched on the ground, luring the doves to eat from his hand. The doves here were not afraid of people, they all came and fought for the food; then sometimes he would sprinkle the feed outwards, the doves chasing after, fluttering their wings, surrounding LingYang.
LingYang wore a t-shirt today, paired together with a white shirt, with the b.u.t.tons unfastened, he was dressed exactly according to YeLang"s type.
His clothes fluttered in the wind, looking as though he was dancing together with the doves.
LingYang stood up, holding out his palm full of feed, a dove immediately landed on his hand. From afar, it looked like he was having a conversation with the bird.
Who knew what the dove told him, he suddenly turned his head, discovering that YeLang watching him. His eyes curved into crescents, his mouth smiling faintly, that exact smile from their first meeting, and there were the snow-white doves flying around him.
YeLang was struck dumb.
The author has something to say:
[ScentedSleeve] has thrown a landmine! [lugifer3110] has thrown landmine x2! The author has stayed up till they"ve vomited blood, pretty much only a will can be dropped. 

LOOT: [Mona LiYang"s smile] accessories. When worn: Charm +2. When used: Charm +100, effect lasts for 60 seconds, cooldown 24 hours. An effective weapon to turn heteros.e.xuals gay.
(T/N: Yes, the author made a Mona Lisa pun here.)
A new character profile has been unlocked, Little Antelope is part of it!

(T/N: I"m looking for editors to go through both Love Stops Rumours and The Antelope and Night Wolf chapters. Email me if you"re interested in trying it out!)

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