The Antelope And Night Wolf

Chapter 20 – When Fate Meets and Looks Back

Chapter 20 – When Fate Meets and Looks Back
Sender:Antelope(Little Antelope, Long Legs),Sub-Forum:h.o.m.os.e.xual
Topic:Insider News, Tomorrow Terrorists Will Place Bombs at the Entrance of Cafeteria 2
Location:YanShan University A Century to Educate BBS
Everyone please don"t go near there.


Sender: Jyouousama (AKAME_Samuel"sIrreversibleDecision_RecruitCOSER), Sub-Forum: h.o.m.os.e.xual
Topic:Re:Insider News, Tomorrow Terrorists Will Place Bombs at the Entrance of Cafeteria 2
Location:YanShan University A Century to Educate BBS
Flying slap to the one above
Tomorrow at noon the anime club will have a recruiting event at events square in front of 
North"s Cafeteria 2, there will also be cosplaying activities there, we welcome all seniors, juniors,
tops and bottoms to join.
PS, you can also see OP"s long legs.


When LingYang came online he happened across his schoolmates FlowerHouse and Little Buckle chatting in the guild chat.

[Guild] FlowerHouse: I heard that someone trying to be a gangster was caught in the north
                                        zone of our school.
[Guild] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Ah! I heard about it too, molesting a senior under the light
                                                                 of the day, so daring!
[Guild] FlowerHouse: When escaping he was caught by over ten burly guys and beaten
[Guild] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: After that he was also forced to sell himself to the senior
                                                                 as a coolie, even his phone number was recorded by her!
[Guild] Bell: …………………
[Guild] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Ah, Master you"re here!!!
[Guild] FlowerHouse: Hi Bell (^o^)/~
[Guild] Bell: Hi Flower, hi Disciple, happy start of school, on such a happy occasion let"s stop
                       talking about punks.
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Master~~~ How were the results of your battle today?
[Whisper] Bell: Your master attended to this personally, what are you worried about?
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Eh? Master you were clearly not so confident yesterday!
[Whisper] Bell: Heihei, that"s because I met the lucky star in my life!
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: What? How lucky?
[Whisper] Bell: We changed our counselor this semester, with only a few words he dismissed
                             your butcher, so cool!
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: (⊙o⊙)! So skillful!
[Whisper] Bell: Yes, I really wanted to bow three times to him there and then, to express my
                             respect and admiration!
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: The three bows are not used like for situations like this!!!
(T/N: Bowing is to show respect, bowing 3 times is to show respect to people who are already dead.)
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: So I"m safe now?
[Whisper] Bell: We"re both safe now, at least for the next three months.
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: This is great! You have to thank your counselor properly!
[Whisper] Bell: That make sense, what should I do?
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Uh, what about treating him to a meal?
[Whisper] Bell: That"s inappropriate.
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Why?
[Whisper] Bell: Disciple I"ll tell you a secret.
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: I"m all ears!
[Whisper] Bell: I"ve known my current counselor for very long already.
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Oh?
[Whisper] Bell: In high school I was friends with his younger brother, when he visited him, we
                             got to know each other then.
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Uh huh?
[Whisper] Bell: He was one of my module teachers in my first year.
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Then?
[Whisper] Bell: I then discovered, ever since Year 1, his att.i.tude towards me, would always
                             be a little, it"s hard to describe, anyway it"s very ambiguous, you understand?
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Don"t understand.
[Whisper] Bell: Why are you so slow… It"s that I suspect he has a crush on me!
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: ( ⊙ o ⊙) Master you"re so imaginative!!!!
[Whisper] Bell: This is my keen intuition as a herbivorous animal!
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Then Master do you like him?
[Whisper] Bell: This…
[System] is now online.
[Whisper] Bell: Your master"s husband is here, won"t talk to you anymore.
[Whisper] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Master forgetting his disciple after seeing his love, so
                                                                       hateful >_<>
[Whisper] Bell: Husband~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Whisper] NightWolf: The tilde line has exceeded 1cm, you"ll be locked in the little dark house
                                         for 10min.
[System] has added you to his blacklist.
[Guild] Bell: Husband T^T
[Guild] MourningMo: Why is Bell crying? Old Wolf you"re here, I was planning on looking for
[Whisper] NightWolf: What happened?
[Whisper] MourningMo: You look at global.

Night Wolf changed to the global chat and took a look, he found out what was different from usual.
“OO Guild recruiting people to fight together, above level 70, all very nice people”
“XX Guild, wants to form LinShan"s strongest Guild, recruiting all max level players, the raiding team is mature, many PK experts, report quickly!”
“OX Guild, LinShan"s guild with the most love, ratio of guys and girls 1:1, if you join we"ll definitely introduce girls to you, customer what are you still waiting for~”
“XO Guild, no brothers, not b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, accepting max level tanks and healers, once selected, the guild will prioritise your cultivation!”

[Whisper] NightWolf: Why are there so many guilds recruiting on global?
[Whisper] MourningMo: Apparently news about starting a new 25-man raid has spread, every
                                              guild is now looking for people.

Night Wolf immediately thought about LuoMing Wind borrowing Bell for a month, seemed like he had a direct channel to the developers" insider news.
By then Bell had already used the couple ability to teleport herself over, running non-stop around Night Wolf, not unlike a dog that had been ignored by his master.

[Whisper] NightWolf: What"s that got to do with us, we don"t have a lack of people.
[Whisper] MourningMo: We aren"t lacking doesn"t mean other guilds aren"t lacking too,
                                              every time this happens tanks and healers become very popular,
                                              today Big Bull had already left the guild without any notice.
[Whisper] NightWolf: What??

Pa.s.sionate Sword was created by students of SenLan as a school guild, the criteria to join was a little stricter, people who joined were mostly students of the school or friends and family, if they wanted to invite someone they met in-game they would need to be a guarantor for that person.
Big Bull was invited by some old guild member before he AFK-ed, his controls were skilful, in the raiding team of Pa.s.sionate Sword he was always the third tank. Most of the DKP of guardian warriors in their team was in the negatives, Big Bull was no different.

[Whisper] MourningMo: Apparently a new guild had asked him to be their main tank, he would
                                              have first pick of all the gears, over here he could at most be the second
                                              tank, to jump ship is normal.
[Whisper] NightWolf: But his DKP is still negative, how can he quit just like that? He"s very
[Whisper] MourningMo: There are many people like this in the game, Big Bull is also not our
                                              schoolmate, and also cannot be considered as friends or family, his
                                              guarantor already stopped playing long ago, even if you wanted to settle
                                              this you won"t be able to do anything.

Night Wolf angrily pounded the table, although the guild had other tanks to replace him, but for Big Bull to do this was too disloyal, everyone was still laughing and having fun together not too longer ago, who would have thought he would just leave like that, it really made one furious.
Bell had ran countless circles around Night Wolf, he now started jumping around in front of him, Night Wolf only treated him as though he was invisible, but in the eyes of others, this couple looked very loving.

[Whisper] Bell: MoMo, ask my husband to check his watch!
[Whisper] MourningMo: Eh? What watch? Why wouldn"t you tell him directly? Fine.
[Whisper] MourningMo: Bell wants you to look at your watch, what does that mean?
[Whisper] NightWolf: Nothing, we"re just playing around.

Night Wolf moved his mouse, releasing Bell from the little dark room.

[System] has removed you from his blacklist.
[Whisper] Bell: Husband~~~ T^T

Actually this time out of habit he had also entered a long line of tildes, but luckily his reaction was fast, removing them quickly, making sure it was less than 1cm before sending it.

[Whisper] Bell: Husband you"re so heartless, inside the little dark room is so dark so stuffy
                             I"m so scared(/TДT)/
[Whisper] NightWolf: Then you better behave yourself and stop fooling around.
[Whisper] Bell: I didn"t fool around at all!

The released LingYang stretched to loosen his body, then he again started his meet up plan that had been going on for half a month.

[Whisper] Bell: Husband, you"ve returned to school already, have you made a decision
                             about meeting up?
[Whisper] NightWolf: Why do you keep thinking about this all the time?
[Whisper] Bell: You see for us to meet in this sea of faces, I randomly bought an account and
                             became your wife, this is destiny!
[Whisper] Bell: Also we"re so near each other, isn"t it a pity if we don"t meet up?
[Whisper] NightWolf: Other than not being able to beat you up personally, I can"t see what"s
                                        there to pity.
[Whisper] NightWolf: Also, didn"t I tell you already, as long as you agree to my conditions, I
                                        will naturally agree to your conditions too.
[Whisper] Bell: You"re just making it hard for me, you can wear a military uniform, but I
                             can"t wear a girl"s outfit, that"s perverted!
[Whisper] NightWolf: You think you do very little perverted things?
[Whisper] Bell: So mean (┙>∧<>

But Bell"s words reminded Night Wolf, he really had to go to YanShan the next day for something.
Thinking of this he messaged his childhood friend who also studied in YanShan.

[Whisper] NightWolf: Are you free at noon tomorrow? I have to go to your school.
[Whisper] FlowerHouse: Yeah, why are you coming?
[Whisper] NightWolf: Helping the swimming club to get the doc.u.ments for the sports festival.
[Whisper] FlowerHouse: Sure, call me when you"re here, we"ll have lunch together.
[Whisper] NightWolf: I don"t eat at Cafeteria 2.
[Whisper] FlowerHouse: What are you saying, coming to YanShan how can you not eat at
                                              Cafeteria 2? No need to be polite, I"ll treat you, just order whatever
                                              you want~!
[Whisper] NightWolf: …

SenLan Technological University where YeLang studied was very close to YanShan university, how close were they exactly? Exiting from the west gate of SenLan, cross the road, walk for three minutes, and you would be at YanShan"s east gate.
Actually these few schools were all near each other, no other reason, the government decided for YanShan University to be the center, and formed a college town around it. SenLan was previously not located here, they were only moved here by policy in recent years, the school buildings were all brand new, compared to YanShan with a hundred years of history there was a very obvious difference.
The biggest building in the college town was this literature school of YanShan, this did not include the nearby YanShan"s affiliated medical school and the fine arts school.
The second biggest was SenLan, a school that focused only on science and technology, a resource that the school deeply lacked in was girls, so students from SenLan often visited the arts school and the music school.
Next was QianTang Military School, its name clearly describing what it was, it was located the furthest away, the school strict, YeLang had still never found the opportunity to visit it.

Finally were LuoMing Sports Inst.i.tution and LuShan Music College these schools of specialties, these five schools were gathered closely together, all sorts of relationships were confusing and complicated, many inter-school activities, after awhile it was as though there was a little difficulty in differentiating them, the college town was also referred to as HuShuo City"s education"s mothership.
This was not YeLang"s first time at YanShan, he had already visited XuXian here in his first year, and walked around the entire campus then.

YanShan was definitely a century old school, not only was its campus huge, walking from the east to the west would take about half an hour, there were old trees along the path, with quaint Chinese architecture.
The most eye-catching executive building in the school was actually the ancient building with glazed roof tiles, when YeLang saw it for the first time he still thought that was an exhibition hall or a tourist attraction.

YeLang collected the doc.u.ments he needed, then gave a call to XuXian, they both headed towards Cafeteria 2 while discussing news in their schools, their conversation soon moved to games. Originally YeLang was playing with his cla.s.smates, he thought it was pretty good so he asked XuXian to join, both of them had played for more than half a year.
As they walked along, XuXian suddenly slowed down, staring at a figure not too far away, and said doubtfully:
“Eh? That person, looks very familiar…”
YeLang saw the person that XuXian was pointing at, but at that moment his thoughts were, is this time travelling…
Today in year 20XX, there was actually someone wearing a blue and white Taoist robes, a gold crown on his head, his long sleeves floating in the wind, very elegant.
“Yang, Yang, Yang…” XuXian kept repeating the word Yang, just as YeLang thought he was going to say “Hang YuanXiang”, XuXian immediately yelled: “YangYang!”

That YangYang immediately turned around, when YeLang looked upon him it was as though a frame was refreshing in front of him, just like watching a slow-motion high definition film, all he heard was his own breathing and heartbeat, and even the wind seemed to stop blowing.
As that person turned around, his eyes were looking down, turning around halfway, his eyelids slowly lifted up, exposing his black and bright pupils, from YeLang"s angle, the entire process looked like he was flirting with him.
In this fresh autumn afternoon, a LingYang wearing Taoist robes, his face shining, his eyes mesmerising, exchanging looks with YeLang from afar, he smiled breezily.
After a smile, he looked away, tilting his head up slightly, his eyes gazing at the sky, silent.
The sunlight upon his face, the light wind tousling his hair, he looked like an otherworldly immortal.

The author has something to say:

Thanking student [AnAn] for the two landmines, the drops from killing the author are usually [Cafeteria 2"s buns], [Antelope"s Autographed Photo] or [Brother Wolf"s Shoes], other unique loot only has a 0.000000000001% chance of dropping!
It"s again another ten chapters, today"s guest to answer questions is Brother Wolf, everyone please ask any questions you might have, but I won"t guarantee that he"ll reply, this person"s temper you all also know about it, so next we"ll invite student Night Wolf~~~~~~~~~~~

Night Wolf: Stop fooling around.

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