=5.= Cite the word of the Lord as given through modern revelation regarding the att.i.tude of members of the Church toward the governments under which they live.

=6.= What has the Lord said as to His judgment concerning those who are effectually prevented by their enemies from a strict compliance with His requirements?

=7.= Give a modern instance of an abandonment by the Church, under pressure of secular law, of a Divine requirement.

=8.= Show that secular authority is recognized of G.o.d as necessary to the government of mankind, and that the officers of the law are therefore to be obeyed.

=9.= Summarize the declarations of belief regarding the duty of the Church toward the law of the land, as formulated by Joseph Smith, and as adopted by the Church.


Practical Religion.

=1.= Give James" definition of pure religion.

=2.= Show that religion is not theological formula, but practical application of recognized principles of right.

=3.= What is the teaching of the Church regarding man"s relationship to G.o.d?

=4.= Show that benevolence is enjoined by scripture. (Give, 1, instances from the teachings of the Savior; 2, those of His apostles; 3, those of modern requirement.)

=5.= Specify the means of donation for benevolent purposes, provided by the Church today.

=6.= Outline the modern Church plan of, 1, free-will offerings; 2, fast offerings as a modification of the foregoing.

=7.= Explain the advantages of fast-day observance, and fast-offerings, among members of the Church.

=8.= What is t.i.thing?

=9.= Cite biblical authority for the observance of the law of t.i.thing in ancient times.

=10.= State the requirements made by revelation for the t.i.thing of the people today.

=11.= What is meant by consecration and stewardship?

=12.= Give scriptural instances of G.o.d"s people having lived in the United Order. (Cite, 1, from Pearl of Great Price; 2, from Bible; 3, from Book of Mormon.)

=13.= Explain the United Order, or the Order of Enoch, as provided for the Church through modern revelation.

=14.= Show that individual freedom is provided for in the plan of the United Order.

=15.= Cite scriptural instances of the Lord"s denunciation of the idler.

=16.= What is the teaching of the Church regarding the propriety and necessity of marriage?

=17.= What has the Lord said through revelation of those who forbid marriage?

=18.= What is Celestial Marriage?

=19.= Show that the authority of the priesthood is necessary in the making of contracts that are to be of effect after the death of the parties.

=20.= What does the Church teach regarding the enormity of the sin of unlawful a.s.sociation of the s.e.xes? Cite the declaration of Alma in this connection.

=21.= State the provisions of the revelation known as the Word of Wisdom.

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