The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 533: 533

Chapter 533: 533

When pouring water, accidentally splashed?

Following Lin Jiage"s words, s.h.i.+ Yao suddenly remembers that before she left, Lin Jiage was burning hot water

Could it be that he accidentally spilled the wet ma.s.s on his chest when he just poured hot water? And the red on the wrist is scalded by hot water?

Think, when Yao"s eyebrow frown more severe: "that you pour water?"

"No, I"ll help you find the key first . . . " Lin Jiage said, turning over the things on the porch cabinet one by one .

"I"ll pour water for you first, and I"ll find the key later . . . " s.h.i.+ Yao said and went to the restaurant .

"No, I can do it myself I, I found the key, you . . . "

Lin Jiage"s words have not finished, when Yao has walked to the door of the restaurant .

Then she looked at the picture in the restaurant and suddenly stopped .

The kettle is open, the boiling water is still steaming, the gla.s.s is broken all over the floor, the pieces are splas.h.i.+ng everywhere, and the table is full of water

So, all her guesses were right . She left for only two or three minutes, and in those two or three minutes, he made himself and the restaurant look like this

When Lin Jiage saw Yao, she didn"t speak . She took the key she had just hidden and went to her: "the key has been found . "

The girl didn"t answer . She was still staring at the restaurant .

Lin Jiage sent the key to s.h.i.+ Yao again: "it fell on the ground . "

s.h.i.+ Yao moved her eyes and recovered .

She dropped her eyes from the restaurant to Lin Jiage"s palm, but instead of looking at the car keys, she looked at the red on his wrist .

Although the scald is not serious, s.h.i.+ Yao"s heart suddenly softens when she thinks that his right arm can"t move . There is an unspeakable feeling of heartache and guilt .

If he didn"t show up in time, she and nuanwan still don"t know what it would be

It was because of her that he was hurt, and it was also because she beat those people so badly . He was afraid that she would be scared when she saw the b.l.o.o.d.y scene, and he covered his eyes

He didn"t want to worry his family, so he lived alone in his apartment .

If she didn"t see the bag he was carrying scattered all over the floor, she sent him upstairs, and the sheets were covered, what would he do?

And when he brushes his teeth, when he screws the bottle cap

With the small details that just happened, when Yao"s heart pa.s.sed by one scene after another, she suddenly became more remorseful .

She was careless . He couldn"t move his right hand . He wanted to send him home alone and go back to school by himself

When Lin Jiage saw Yao staring at his wrist, he kept silent for a long time . He could not help but open his mouth again: "Yao Yao?"

With his voice, s.h.i.+yao"s eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyes fell into the restaurant again .

Lin Jiage followed her eyes . When he saw the broken gla.s.s on the ground, he said: "Oh, that I"m used to using my right hand . Now I can"t move my right hand . I"m a little uncomfortable . I didn"t pay attention to it just now . I accidentally broke it . . . "

When Yao Wei pursed her lips, she still didn"t speak . Instead, she turned her head and looked at Lin Jiage"s house, which was four or five times bigger than their home .

Then, when Lin Jiage began to call her "Yao Yao", s.h.i.+ Yao focused her eyes on Lin Jiage"s face: "that Do you have any extra bedrooms? "

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