1. The first conflict and triumph, 17:1-19:10.

2. The second conflict and triumph, 19:11-20:6.

3. The third conflict and triumph, 20:7-22:5.

VII. The Epilogue Conclusion, 22:6-21 end.

1. Three-fold testimony to the truth of the vision. Angel, Jesus.

John, 6-8.

2. Directions of the angels concerning the prophecy, 9-10.

3. The moral of the book, 11-17.

4. John"s attestation and salutation, 18-21.

For Study and Discussion. (1) The vision of Jesus, 1:9 end. (2) The letters to the seven churches: (a) Which churches are given noting but praise? (b) Which nothing but blame? (c) Which both praise and blame? (d) What is commended and what condemned in each. (3) The twenty-four elders, four living creatures, sealed book and the Lamb, Chs. 4-5. (4) The sealing of G.o.d"s servants, Ch. 7. (5) The little book, Ch. 10. (6) The measuring rod and two witnesses; 11:1-14. (7) Each of the seven mystic figures, Chs. 12-14. Describe each. (8) Mystery Babylon, Ch. 17. (9) Song of triumph over Babylon, 19:1-10.

(10) The judgment of Satan, 20:1-10. (11) The description of the general resurrection and judgment, 20:11-15; 22:10-15. (12) The description of heaven, Chs. 21-22. (13) Verify the following points of similarity in the seven seals, seven trumpets and seven vials, (a) that heaven is opened and a preliminary vision before each series, (b) that the first four in each series refer especially to the present natural world, while the last three in each series refer more particularly to the future or spiritual world, (c) that in each series there is an episode after the sixth which is either an elaboration of the sixth or an introduction to the seventh. (14) Compare these three series again and note, (a) that they portray the same events in similar language, (b) that the victory of the righteous and the destruction of the wicked are portrayed in each, (c) that the victory of the redeemed predominates in the first (seals) while the destruction of the wicked predominates in the last (vials). (15) In the series note the progress in the severity of punishment, (a) one- fourth afflicted in the first (seals), (b) one-third afflicted in the second (trumpets), (c) all are destroyed in the third (vials). (16) From the following scriptures make a list allowing how nearly the same thing is affected in each of the seven trumpets and vials, (a) 8:7 and 16:2, (b) 8:8 and 16:3, (c) 8:10-11 and 16:4-7, (d) 8:12 and 16:8-9, (e) 9:9-11 and 16:10-11, (f) 9:13-21 and 16:12-16, (g) 11:15-18 and 16:17-21. (17) The contrasts and resemblances of the trumpets and vials.

Trumpets. 1. Hail, fire blood cast on earth, one-third of the trees burned.

Vails. 1. The Vial poured out on the earth, affliction upon the followers of the beast.

Trumpets. 2. One-third of the sea made blood, one-third of its creatures and of its ships destroyed.

Vails. 2. The whole sea made blood, and every soul therein destroyed.

Trumpets. 3. One-third of the rivers made bitter, many men destroyed

Vials. 3. All the rivers made blood and vengeance upon all men.

Trumpets. 4. One-third of the sun, etc., smitten, one-third of the day darkened.

Vials. 4. The whole sun smitten, men are scorched, they blaspheme and repent not.

Trumpets. 5. The stars of heaven fall into the pit; locusts sent forth; men seek death.

Vials. 5. The throne and kingdom of the beast smitten, men suffer and blaspheme and repent not.

Trumpets. 6. One-third of the men destroyed by the armies of the Euphrates; men do not repent. Episode: G.o.d"s two witnesses witness for Him and work miracles. War against them by the beasts.

Vials. 6. A way prepared for the kings beyond the Euphrates. Episode: The dragon"s three unclean spirits witness for him and work miracles.

War by the world at Armageddon.

Trumpets. 7. Voices in heaven, judgment, earthquake, hail, etc.

Vials. 7, Voice in heaven, fall of Babylon, earthquake, hail, etc.

(18) The benedictions and doxologies of the book. (19) Things taught about Jesus. (20) Things taught about Satan.


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