The Bible Story

Chapter 49

Dan to Beer-sheba. 339, 342 H.T.

Doorkeeper in the house of G.o.d. 96 S.A.

Delivered out of the hand of the Egyptians. 143, 357 H.T.

Draught of fishes. 307 L.J.

Earth thy footstool. 343 L.J.

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard. 502 T.J.

Ebenezer. 249 H.T.

Eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. 110 L.J.

Earn thy bread by the sweat of thy brow. 20 T.J.

The ewe lamb. 432 H.T.

Every good and perfect gift. 427 S.A.

Faith hath made thee whole. 140 L.J.

Fishers of men. 94 L.J.

Flight into Egypt. 45 L.J.

Faithful unto death 506 H.T. 461 S.A.

Flesh pots of Egypt. 192 H.T.

Friend of publicans and sinners. 154 L.J.

A far country. 203 L.J.

The gra.s.s withereth, the flower fadeth. 284 S.A.


Gathered unto his fathers. 59 H. T.

Gallows fifty cubits high. 70 T.J.

The hills melted like wax. 502 T.J.

High calling. 504 H.T.

Half hath not been told. 481 H.T.

He that trod the sea. 148 L.J.

He that ruleth his spirit is better than he that taketh a city. 502 G.B.

His enemies shall lick the dust. 88 S.A.

Hearing of the ear. 231 S.A.

Ishmaelite. 395 H.T.

Job"s comforters. 197 S.A.

Kill the fatted calf. 204 L.J.

Kick against the goad, kick against the p.r.i.c.ks. 458 L.J.

Loaves and fishes. 147 L.J.

Love is strong as death. 239 S.A.

Leaven in the lump. 439 S.A.

Law of the Medes and Persians. 207 T.J.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates. 503 H.T.

Let another man praise thee. 504 G.B.

Let your speech be yea, yea; and nay, nay. 109 L.J.

Looking for a sign. 92 L.J.

Man of sorrows. 288 S.A.

Mighty in words and works. 341 L.J.

A merry heart is a good medicine. 503 G.B.

Mighty man of valor. 352 H.T.

More than conquerors. 508 H.T.

Man goeth to his long home. 245 S.A.

Macedonian cry. 396 L.J.

A mother in Israel. 54 T.J.

Man shall not live by bread alone. 70 L.J.

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