The Bible Story

Chapter 50

Manger lowly. 37 L.J.

Man wise in his own conceit. 504 G.B.

Man hasty in his words. 504 G.B.

My lines are fallen in pleasant places. 24 S.A.

Not slothful in business. 505 L.J.

Not by might, nor by power. 404 S.A.

Outer darkness. 246 L.J.

One having authority. 118 L.J.

Prophet without honor. 92 L.J.

Pride goeth before destruction. 502 G.B.

Philistines be upon thee. 177 T.J.

Pa.s.sover. 173 H. T.


Purple and fine linen. 257 S.A., 206 L.J.

Pitched his tent toward Sodom. 25 H.T.

Prince of demons. 171 L.J.

Pa.s.s by on the other side. 88 L.J.

Quit yourselves like men. 345, 505 H. T.

Rain on the just and the unjust. 110 L.J.

Rod of iron. 476 S.A.

Sounding bra.s.s and tinkling cymbal. 425 S.A.

Speak with the tongues of men and of angels. 425 S.A.

Salt of the earth. 106 L.J.

Stone which the builders rejected. 239 L.J., 141 S.A.

Sweeter than honey and the honeycomb. 31 S.A.

Sojourners in a strange land. 340 L.J.

Spirit descending as a dove. 69 L.J.

She hath done what she could. 230 L.J.

Sackcloth and ashes. 67 T.J.

A soft answer turneth away wrath. 502 G.B.

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. 365 S.A.

Sharper than a two-edged sword. 504 T.J.

Seat of the scornful. 19 S.A.

Shineth more and more unto the perfect day. 255 S.A.

Seed that fell on stony ground. 133 L.J.

Smite the Egyptian. 341 L.J.

Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. 264 L.J.

Son of perdition. 262 L.J.

The Sower. 133 L.J.

Take up thy bed and walk. 128, 167 L.J.

Tell it not in Gath. 426 H.T.

Tongues of fire. 325 L.J.

The twelve. 94 L.J.

Thirty pieces of silver. 248 L.J.

Tents of wickedness. 96 S.A.

The truth shall make you free. 194 L.J.

Turn the other cheek. 110 L.J.

Take up his cross. 504 H. T.

To thy tents, O Israel. 239 T.J.

They that go down to the sea in ships. 131 S.A.

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