The Black Card

Chapter 35 - Perverted Taste

Chapter 35 - Perverted Taste

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

The driver put on his jacket and he seemed to be smaller.

The previously bold and powerful man now appeared to be so fragile and vulnerable.  

“But now? Look at me, driving taxis, who the f.u.c.k even knows who I am? And I thought I was cool before. Then I killed someone, went to the jail, then I realised, f.u.c.k the underworld. In the land of China, there is no f.u.c.king underworld. Those kids are still bouncing around because the police were too busy to care. When they want to put you in order, they’ll make you regret within a minute. Bar is a good place; you can go there occasionally to vent and have a drink. But if you muddle in those places every day, something will happen sooner or later, just like what this boy said!”


The driver threw away his half-burnt cigar and a long strand of smoke escaped his mouth. He shook his head as he laughed, he seemed to be mysterious and his face wore the expression of unwanting to look back to the past.

 “It’s not me boasting, but if I walk into any of those bars just then, those red and green fur kids you talked about wouldn’t recognise me. But it their head saw me, he would call me Wei ge(1). The current so-called head that’s above everyone else was nothing more than subordinate to me in the past. Now he’s on the top, but one day, someone will overtake him.”

Shi Lei stared at the driver in a daze, unable to understand what kind of script this was.

Zhang Liangliang was dumbstruck and mumbled: “If you knew something was going to happen sooner or later, why didn’t you warn your subordinates? Whether they were good or bad, they worked under you.”

The driver laughed coldly, “If it was you, with hundreds of subordinates under you, would you listen to some old guy who had been to jail before? Plus, it might not be because he didn’t understand it. If he really wanted to clean his hands and quit, he might have been chopped by those youngsters who wanted to overtake him, and it’s possible that his corpse would‘ve been thrown onto the street. In that situation, he can’t escape unscathed. Little girl, from what I heard from him, you have a good family. When my gang and I meddled with those people, bullying was only one satisfying aspect of it. The point is that if we didn’t do that, we would have starved. You can have a good life yet are not living it, but meddling with these people, you’ll regret it one day. Brats like you watch too many Kong Hong gangster movies. If there’s anything correct about those movies, there’s only one thing: what goes around comes around.”

With that, the driver returned to the car and left.

Zhang Liangliang stared as the car disappeared, as if disturbed greatly.

Shi Lei was also confused. He only called for a taxi, how come he met a head of the underworld?

Suddenly, Zhang Liangliang turned around and pushed Shi Lei: “Don’t tell me that was an actor hired?”

Shi Lei rolled his eyes and said: “For you? Prepare this much for you? Do you really think that you are the sun and that everyone revolves around you?”

“If I wasn’t, why would he talk to me so much?”

Shi Lei was not bothered to talk to anymore and left her with one sentence: “What you said was right, I’m only your tutor and it’s none of my business. I saw you so I b.u.t.ted into your business once. Now that you are in front your place, whether you go home or go back to the bar and keep hanging out with those people is your choice.”

With that, Shi Lei put his hands in his pockets and left.

Zhang Liangliang chased after him and held his hand, said toughly: “You can’t leave!”

Shi Lei swung his arm and easily broke out of Zhang Liangliang’s grasp, “What? My responsibility only goes as far as this. Whatever you do in the future, even if I see it, I won’t b.u.t.t into it anymore.”

“No! You have to! If you are taking care of me, you have to do it until the end!”

Zhang Liangliang was obviously unreasonable and Shi Lei laughed out of anger: “Why? Is everyone in the world your Dad or something?”

Zhang Liangliang raised her leg and kicked towards Shi Lei. Subconsciously, Shi Lei raised his arms and caught her leg in his palms. Her skin was rather smooth and soft. This girl was wearing a short skirt, Shi Lei really didn’t notice it before.

Shi Lei’s heart thumped as he held the soft and delicate leg in his hands.

“Pervert, let go of me!” Zhang Liangliang felt something was wrong, especially this posture made her skirt fly up as the cold wind blew into it. She knew that if Shi Lei wanted to look, she would’ve being exposed.

Shi Lei didn’t let go of her leg and said: “Are you still going to kick? Do you want to send me to the hospital or what?”

Zhang Liangliang clenched her teeth but didn’t say anything. Shi Lei took two steps back, let go of her leg, then backed away another a bit more.

“I’m hungry, you have to treat me supper!” Zhang Liangliang glared at Shi Lei, sounding as if he should.

Shi Lei ruffled his hair and continued to roll his eyes: “Do I owe you or something? I only earned one lesson’s money from tutoring you and spent a lot on the taxi, why do I have to treat you?”

Zhang Liangliang yelled: “I don’t care, if you don’t treat me supper, I’ll call the police and say that you molested an underage girl!”

Shi Lei shrugged and said indifferently: “Ok, we can just go straight to the police station and see whether your mother and police believe you or me!”

Zhang Liangliang was furious but she couldn’t do anything and said: “Fine, then I’ll treat you to supper, okay? I’m really hungry. Plus, don’t you want me to change? If you do, then you have to keep your eyes on me and be responsible!”

Shi Lei really wanted to hit her on the head. Take responsibility my a.s.s! Fortunately, it was the middle of the night and no one was around them. If people heard it, they would’ve thought he had done something to her.

But thinking about it, he had already done so much. If it can really pull the girl away from the cliff, it is a good deed. The point was that Shi Lei saw nothing wrong with Zhang Liangliang’s nature, she was only rebellious because of her family’s issues.

“Fine, lead the way!” Shi Lei exclaimed, putting his hands on his back.

They found a restaurant nearby and Zhang Liangliang ordered a whole pot of seafood congee. She also wanted to order beer, but as Shi Lei glared, she shrank and gave up on ordering beer.

As Zhang Liangliang was waiting for the congee, she smiled mischievously and whispered into Shi Lei’s ears: “Dashu, why do you care so much about me? Don’t tell me you like me?”

Shi Lei didn’t how many times he had rolled his eyes today and said: “You are a brat who haven’t even gone through p.u.b.erty yet. Do I like that you are as flat as a washboard?”

Zhang Liangliang was furious and stuck out her chest. As she wanted to protest, but looking at her rather flat physique, she was rather discouraged.

“Maybe you are a pervert who only likes pure and young girls?”

Shi Lei almost spat his tea out. This girl, she really dared to say what she wanted.

“Don’t tell me you like my Mum? I heard that some guys at your age like mature women.”

Shi Lei almost lost control and smashed the teacup, thinking that what the h.e.l.l does this girl watch, please tell me she’s not a faithful reader of that old pervert author who has a fetish towards mature women? How come she knows everything?!

“If you talk rubbish again, do you believe that I’ll throw you into the pot and boil you with the congee?” Shi Lei threatened maliciously.

Zhang Liangliang laughed and said: “Are you going to strip me till naked or what? Do you want to tie me up? Dashu, you have pretty perverted taste!”

 Shi Lei’s eyes were filled with darkness as he realised he was having so much difficulty communicating to this girl normally. He said unhappily as she winked at him: “Hurry up and go to the bathroom, wash that red and green stuff off of your face!”

 Zhang Liangiang laughed and said: “I almost forgot that dashu likes the pure kind. I’ll go and wash it now.” And with that, she made a face and ran off.

(1)Ge: Bro

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