The Black Card

Chapter 36 - Nightmare

Chapter 36 - Nightmare

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

While drinking congee, Shi Lei asked casually: “Your mother was on break yesterday, did you guys anywhere to play?”

Zhang Liangliang replied in discontent: “Don’t even mention it, I’m so angry.”

Shi Lei put his spoon down and asked: “What’s the situation? Tell me about it.”

“I just said I don’t wanna talk about it. In short, it’s not something pleasant.”

“Then tell me your unpleasant things and let me have some fun!”

“Hey! Dashu! Isn’t that meme a bit too old?”

“You are calling me dashu, shouldn’t I use old memes to fit this name more?”

Zhang Liangliang acted as if she wasn’t bothered to talk to Shi Lei and drank congee with her head down. In the corner of her eyes, she saw that Shi Lei was still waiting, she stopped and asked helplessly: “Do you really want to hear about it?”

Zhang Liangliang sighed as Shi Lei nodded, and said: “I don’t know what’s wrong with Zhang Meimei yesterday. When I came out of my room, she actually made me breakfast. That was really the beginning of a nightmare. You don’t know how disgusting the breakfast was as it was made by someone like Zhang Meimei. Sometimes I really admire her. It’s just pan-fried eggs with bread slices and it’s soooooo horrible after being through her hands.” 

Shi Lei was speechless. He could see the image of Zhang Meimei attempting to cook for Zhang Liangliang. There was a devastated pan-fried egg and two slices of bread that’s as black as coal after being taken out of the toaster. 

“I couldn’t help it, so when she went to kitchen, I threw the egg and the bread away and only drank a box of yogurt for breakfast.” Zhang Liangliang’s expressions were as if there was no hope left in the world and Shi Lei felt sympathetic towards her for having a mother who could not distinguish the differences between the crops. 

 “Then, I was initially waiting for you to come and tutor me, but I didn’t know what Zhang Meimei was up to and said she was going to take me out to play. I thought about it and she must’ve called you and told you to not come. Plus, ever since I was born, I don’t have any memories of Zhang Meimei taking me out to play. Well, as long as she was happy, and I wanted to ask for money anyways. She transferred me 5,000 yuan so I pretended to be happy and went out with her. You definitely can’t guess where she took me.” 

As to this, Shi Lei really wasn’t in the position to talk. After all, he was still young and he had no idea where parents would take their children to play, so he could only nod and ask: “Where?” 

 “She took me to an amus.e.m.e.nt park. Honestly, although I wasn’t too happy to go out with her, but I was pretty happy when I realised that we were going to an amus.e.m.e.nt park. So we departed and went to Long Cheng because there is a famous amus.e.m.e.nt park, right? For an ordinary person, it will probably only take an hour and half to drive about 130 km. But Zhang Meimei didn’t know the way and didn’t know how to use the GPS. She couldn’t even find the highway after an hour had pa.s.sed. In the end, I had to point the way for her and finally got on the highway. But she ended up questioning me how I was so familiar with the roads. She even questioned me if I used the highway and went elsewhere to play. G.o.d, even if I really do go to places like the bar to play, but I’ve never left Wu Dong. I said that I just followed the GPS but she didn’t believe me. She said that the GPS even confused her, how could I ever know how to use it. At that time, my instincts told me that it was definitely going to be a nightmare. But then we were already on the highway, and I couldn’t get off, ya know?” 

 Shi Lei nodded silently and said: “And then?” 

 “Then, we arrived at Long Cheng and went to the amus.e.m.e.nt park. We left before 10am in the morning, by the time we arrived into the amus.e.m.e.nt park, it was already 12:40pm. Zhang Meimei said we should eat first, so I was like fine, because I didn’t have any more hopes up for this trip anyways, so we went to eat first. When we were waiting for the food to come, Zhang Meimei took out her phone and said she had to reply to some important emails, so she left me in the restaurant and went to get her laptop from the car. I waited for two hours straight and when she came back, it was already 3pm. Holy, you didn’t see the waitresses’ glares, they really wanted to kill me, you know? They were probably thinking, what’s wrong with this person, hurry up and and let us finish our shift, alright? Can you f.u.c.k off after eating?” 

Shi Lei could only shake his head to this. Zhang Meimei, a female lawyer, really didn’t seem too reliable. 

 “After she came back, she kept on apologising and promised that it will never happen again. Then we bought tickets. For places like the amus.e.m.e.nt park, obviously it was more fun to play those more dangerous and exciting rides. Who the h.e.l.l goes to the amus.e.m.e.nt park and take photos with those mascots?! But Zhang Meimei did. I said I wanted to go on the roller coaster, but she said she feels dizzy just by looking at it and it was too scary to watch it toss and turn. The same goes with the turbo drop, the flying swing that goes around 360 degrees and she opposed to all of them because she thought it was too dangerous.  So I could only suggest the flume ride, but she said she didn’t bring a set of changing clothes if we get wet. So I figured out that she never wanted me to play anything in the first place. Fine, I didn’t bother to argue with her. Then pirate ship would be fine, right? That’s really not all that dangerous, you know? But she still disagreed. She didn’t even let me go on the ferris wheel because there were incidents about how the ferris wheel couldn’t stop. Dashu, tell me, what could I play? Merry-go-round?” 

Shi Lei couldn’t help but to laugh. If he was in her shoes, he would think Zhang Meimei was boring too. 

 “Then what did you ended up playing?” 

 Zhang Meimei took a deep breath and sighed. Her furrowed brows were like a shar pei and said: “She suggested to go on the b.u.mper cars. I thought about it and fine, let’s go along with it. But after queueing up for ages, she avoided everyone after she got on the car. Even the five year old kids drove around and scared her so much that she screamed, and even complained that their parents weren’t keeping an eye on their children. Have you ever seen anyone who avoids all those cars in a b.u.mper car ride? How the h.e.l.l was that b.u.mper cars? That was obviously the ride between life and death? She suddenly accelerated to avoid a car, then pressed on the brake all the way down to avoid another. Ten minutes, I almost threw up after that, it was way more ‘exciting’ than that big swing hammer.”  

 Shi Lei laughed loudly. 

“The point was that after Zhang Meimei got off the b.u.mper car, she was moaning as if she just battled for three hundred rounds with a man. She even said that the ride was too crazy and wanted to look for other rides that were less dangerous than this.” 

People who were sitting on tables all turned their heads around and looked at them. Shi Lei’s face turned blue and glared at her: “You are just a brat, don’t talk rubbish! Do you even know what it means to battle three hundred rounds?!” 

 Zhang Liangliang twitched her lips and said in disdain: “What can you not see on the internet? Dashu, don’t pretend to be innocent!” 

 Shi Lei: “......” 

 “Zhang Meimei dragged me to line up for the sightseeing bus. This was something suitable for people from 8 months old to 80 year old, it really suited her. But since I already came, I wasn’t bothered to say anything and treated it as helping her to relieve stress. But when she was lining up, she started making a phone call and that call lasted all the way till I returned to Wu Dong, and she didn’t even notice that I left. Do you think I’m exaggerating? But I’m telling you, this is real. After Zhang Meimei noticed that I disappeared, her first reaction wasn’t to call me, but call the police and ask the police to call me. I said that I thought she was too annoying so I bought a ticket for the high speed rail and went back to Wu Dong. She scolded me over the phone and I was so angry that I gave my phone away to the taxi driver.” 

Shi Lei raised his bowl and toasted with Zhang Liangliang, and said: “Girl, I salute to you for being a man.” 

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