The Blessed

Chapter 14

(A/N: Just to let you know, this chapter is not edited yet, maybe after I wake up.)


( Tokyo, j.a.pan )


"You ok officer?"

" Uh..... ah yes, umm what happen to the monst-.."

" you don"t need to worry about that, anyway you sh-..."



" you~... should hurry up and leave, the bunker is not that far from here."

"y-yeah you"re right, wait how about you?"

" I think you should worry more about her, look she is too scared she can"t even walk....anyway you need to hurry now befo-..."






Suddenly a four legged monster can be seen running towards them at a very fast pace.


"Oh Shhh"

When the officer saw this he take the gun from his holster and aim to the monster but.


"Ah F*ck!"

When he pulls the trigger of the gun it suddenly made a click sound meaning that it doesn"t have a remaining bullet any more, he tries to grab his remaining magazine but the monster is so fast that it already jump towards the truck and knowing that it was going to leap at them, he grabs the girl and try to take her out of the way but when he see the young man are still standing in the same position.

"Hey get out of there are you an-.."

Just like what he guess the monster leap through them but it was aiming for the young man since he was the nearest but, when it was close enough the young man suddenly wave his hand, then the thing that happen next left the officer"s mouth hanging.

The monster suddenly disappeared.

"W-w-what? how did th how did that happen?..... w-wait you, are you one of that Blessed persons that they are showing on TV? you know the one that is doing some magic and stuffs, are of them?"

"Yeah, you could say it like that."

"wow, this is my first time meeting one."

They where to impressed that even the girl that keeps crying like there is no tommorow suddenly stop and now looking at the young man in front of them with glowing eyes.

"Wait what happen to the monst-.."

"Umm, I think this is not the right time and place to ask questions, I think you should keep going already before the mon-.."


*SPISHH* (shattered


Suddenly 2 more monsters came out of the underground subway and another three came out of the building crashing down to the ground, it is far away from them but they got still noticed by the monsters as it run towards their direction.

"Look Officer, you already know that I"m capable of handling this kind of things right? so you should not worry about me and instead worry about yourself and the little lady right here, now hurry and run towards the bunker while I"ll handle them off....."

" y-yeah you"re right, come on let"s go." Said by the officer as he carry the girl up to his chest, but the girl suddenly look to Ray and said.

"T-thank you are.. so kewl." said by the shy little girl to Ray.

Hearing this, Ray"s eyes suddenly lit up in surprise like some arrow hit him in the chest.

"Ugk! that is unexpected that cuteness is unbearable!"

He never have a little sister to dot back at their home thats why he was so touched when the little girl call him brother.

" hehehe *ahem* yeah you are welcome little lady, now you need to follow the officer-san right here ok? he will bring you to a safe place and also help you find your parents, so be a good little girl and follow his instructions ok?"

"ok~ I will listen"

"Good girl....."

*Thug, Thug, Thug!*

Hearing the monsters are already getting close.

"Ok now Go."

" O-Okay, lets go little miss...Oh and.....thank you"

" you"re welcome :)"

Seeing them running away and now going towards the bunker, Ray sigh in relief.


"I hope they will be ok, and now.... you guys, it"s your turn now hehe... come here my pretty little walking exp."


They all jump towards Ray but they all just suffered the same fate as the other monsters that Ray encounters.


They suddenly vanish on the spot in just a blink of an eye, no sound, no effect, they just disappeared in the thin air.

Ray sigh in satisfaction as he eliminate 5 monster at the same time, he looks back to the direction of where are the officer and the little girl run off, but suddenly something caught his attention towards the direction of where the monsters are coming from.



In the side of the city you can see a Very Big Building build in the middle of the water, it is made by some kind of metal and there"s also a Giant bridge in front of it serving as the gateway if someone wants to go in or out.

This building is no other than, "The Safety Bunker", it was made by the government when they heard about "the test" that was going to happen, they don"t know what is the test exactly but they just build this thing just to make sure they where ready if something like this happens.

At this time the bridge are full of running peoples that want to go inside the bunker to seek safety and protection from the soldiers.

Outside the Bridge many military personnels that are equipped with many heavy firearms are trying to fend off all the monsters that are trying to get close to the bunker while they give way to the people that are trying to get inside.

"Come on keep firing at them, Don"t let them get close..."

"Major! they are trying to flank from the right side!"

"F*ck they are tryin-"

"Major we also detected some civilians coming here from that side of the city."

* Tch!....Those son of a bitc**s!

Call the Alpha Team and tell them to intercept the Hostiles before they get into the Civilians, And have the Bravo team Rescue the remaining civilians near the Area,

We need to make this fast because this things just keep increasing numbers as time goes by so tell them to move their quickly, NOW!"

""Yes Sir!""

" *Sigh* F*ck those things wherever they come from, They are giving me a ma.s.sive headache for G.o.dsake ugh!"

"Uh, I have some Meds here, they are really effective for headaches, do you want them sir?"

" NO! you G.o.dd.a.m.n idiot, get out of here you"re just making it worst."

" ah!...I-I"m sorry "



( one hour later )

"Sir! we detected a ma.s.sive number of Hostiles coming here in this direction from the middle of the city, they were way to many sir we can"t take that many we will be overwhelmed, I suggest for an Immediate Strategic Retreat Sir."

"Mmm, Give me the status of the civilians."

"Some of the civilians are now already inside sir but, we are still detecting many number of them inside the city, The Bravo team can"t reach them as they where encountering a great number of Hostiles, but everyone nearby are already rescued by The Bravo team as they are already inside the bunker now."

"hmm.....Ok good work, Order our men to fall back to the Bridge now."

"Yes sir!"


It takes for a whole 5 minutes before the whole soldiers are moved inside the bridge.

"Sir the Hostiles will arrive at anytime now."


"Control Tower, can you hear me?"



"Ok, Turn up the bridge now."







The bridge are now slowly rising up same as the electrical fences outside the bridge, it takes a whole minute and a couple of seconds until it completely finish going up, and also the fences outside are already set up, it prevents anyone and anything even going near the gate, it twenty meters tall so no one can easily jump through it or even thinking of climbing trough it as it was equipped by a 1000 volts of electricity running through it.


When they where about to leave and go inside the camp, one of the soldiers notice something outside of the gate and use his binoculars to see it clearly.

"Oh my G.o.d! Major there"s a Civilians Outside!"

"Huh? Give me that."

"He"s wearing a police officer uniform and also.... he is carrying a kid with him, Major."

"You don"t need to tell me that, I have eyes!... "

"What are we going to do major."

"Oh G.o.d...haaaayssss, Ok lets make this quick, Bring down the bridge and rescue them, Alpha team will serve as the guard and the Team Charlie will do the rescuing, we need to make this fast as possible cause we are lacking of time so get yourselves ready!"

""Yes Sir!""


"Tower can you read me?"



"Listen, I need you to pu-"

"Major we have a problem! We detected that the big amount of Hostiles are already close! It"s too close we can"t put down the Bridge and defenses we will not make it!"


" Major, Your Order?"

".....*Sigh* Leave them be we can"t make it, we will be endangering the thousands of people in our back if we do, go to your stations we will follow the previous plans, prepare for an unexpected Battle."

" But sir what about the.."

" I said let them be, I know how you feel but we can"t do anything about it, we can"t lower the gate, our helicopters are all destroyed and the only remaining are the ones who go to get the supplies but they are not returning yet so how are you going to save them huh? who can propose a plan come on say it..... no one?.....then go to your designated stations already, and just pray that someone will fly down to the sky and save them."

Many soldiers are feeling guilty over the fact that they can"t save the two people outside, they just grip their guns and pray for their safety.

In outside, the Officer just keep waving towards the bridge to signal them that there is still someone outside.

"d.a.m.n they put up the bridge already.....

Oh looks like they notice us nice.....

What? I thought they were putting down the bridge?...

Seriously? They will just left us here outside? Even the kid? At least let the kid in G.o.ddamit!"

"Officer-san, is this the safe place that Onii-san was talking about?"

"ah Yes this is the safe place, there is no monster out side and it is protected by strong peoples so no monster can get in."

"Then, will they let us in?"

"Yeah I"m pretty sure they will let us in, they might have some problems already that"s why they can"t let us in right away, let"s just- let"s just wait for a moment ok? ah here I have some candy in here, eat this while we are waiting."

" mmm, ok"

"Tch! now what? they are a such a heartless person how can they let a kid outside! good we can"t stay here for long, i need to think a plan, maybe I can go in one of the buildings, maybe we can hide there, but the food, ah dammit I"ll just think about it later."

" Come to think of it, I don"t know your name yet, can you tell it to me?"

"uhum, my name is Yui, I"m eight years old, My moth-"

"o-okay, okay that"s enough Yui-chan, now we need to get there you see the red building we need to get there, we will take something there before we let us get inside ok? we need to get there fast ok?"


"Ok let"s g-"

When they are about to leave suddenly.


An explosion can be heard far away from them but after that explosion, several noises of monsters can be heard everywhere until not that long, Many monsters can be seen bursting out and almost flooding the streets with different kinds of monsters.

"Ah Sh*t, we"re surrounded"


(A/N: And there you go! told ya I would post another one! I already edited the chapter that I posted earlier but I just finished this one and I"m so sleepy already so I"ll just edit this one tommorow so until then just read this one, I"m so sleepy as F already, Meh I"m out of here, I just hope you enjoy this chapter and...Peace out! :)

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