The Blessed

Chapter 15

(A/N: Of course! As always, this chapter is not edited yet, I didn"t even do a second check so there might be a lot of mistakes but I"ll just edit them out tommorow after I wake up so just read this one until then, I might even do some changes tommorow if there is some unnecessary words that have been put there so you might wanna check them out again ..... or not, it"s up to you, now into the story.)

( Tokyo, j.a.pan )


"Ah sh*t, we"re surrounded."

Feeling hopeless in their situation, the officer can only look as the flood of monsters keeps getting closer to them but.




Suddenly a big muscular man landed in front of them startling the officer, the officer thought that it was a monster at first that"s why he aim his gun to it but when he notice that it was a person he put it down.

"Come here officer I will help the both of you get in there."

"I don"t have time to think I"ll just trust this guy for now."

"O-okay, thank you, come here Yui-chan this man will help us."


"Yeah, come on we need to hurry."

" ok "

"Hey, How will you get us there? Do you also have some kind of powers too?"

"Oh, yeah you could say it like that but don"t worry I"ll just carry the both of you and jump through there."

"Woah, so you are strong huh?"

"Yeah pretty much, so come on we need to hurry they are getting closer."

" Ok, come on Yui-chan"

The muscular man crouch down to and hold them both at their waste and lift them up like they weight nothing.


"You need to hold tight ok?"


"Here we go!"

The muscular man squat down and take a deep breath, then


He suddenly shot up trough the air, the military personnel inside the bridge who are watching this with awe as they see how the man rescue the both of them from jumping in an absurd distance, but they are the only one who are also watching this.

At the top of one of the buildings that is not so far from the bunker, A man can be seen sitting while watching the whole seen from afar.

"Sigh, Nice one muscle man, I was about to go and help them but suddenly you appear out of nowhere, but that"s good though, because I don"t want to go there, I"m pretty sure I cannot save them without using my blessings, and I don"t want to be question by the military at this kind of time, they will just use me, and I don"t want any attention on me right now."

Ray sigh in relief that the two got rescued and now safe inside the bunker, earlier Ray saw that the horde of monsters are going to their direction that"s why he decided to follow them just to make sure that they will arrive at the bunker safe.

"Well I guess I"ll just leave them on the military"s care now as I also need to do something for my self that I should have already done a couple of hours ago."

Ray stand up and look towards the streets full of running monsters.

"But still, that sudden increase if their number is really terrifying, where in the h.e.l.l did all of that come from, anyway I need to find somewhere safe first before doing all the things that I need to do."


Ray suddenly vanished on his spot.







In a place where a lot of Explosions, Gunshots, Monsters, Smell of blood, Wrecked Vehicles and People who are screaming for help, A man suddenly appear at the top of a certain building that is in the center of all the happenings.





" I admit *Huff* that was really *Huff* really tiring *Huff*, HOO!(blows a big amount of air)

But anyway I guess this is a pretty good spot."

In front of him was a big condominium building, it is located in center of the city.

"You might think that I"m an idiot for choosing a big condominium in the middle of the city where a lot of monsters are still roaming around the streets, well you can see it that way IF, if its a complete building already and some peoples are already living inside but no, there"s no such thing, as you can see It is not finished yet, the lower half of it are still under construction but the upper half of it are already finished, so that is what makes this place "perfect" it has no people in it that will lure the monsters in, the bottom part has a lot of fences to keep the people and monsters outside, and I can just cut off the stairs below so that no one can go up and lure the monsters if someone manage to get in out of desperation,

even though there is nothing in it yet, it"s really not a problem for me, it"s actually very favorable in my situation hehe. Well enough talking to my self and I should start doing my plans...I swear this has to be the drawback in one of my powers, it has to be strong that even the mind invulnerability can"t block it, *Sigh* I should go already."


Ray suddenly vanish at the rooftop and appears at the ground floor of the condominium building that are still under construction.

"Mmm, good thing that the fences are covered so no one can see what I"m about to do, Okay time for the Phase 1 of my Plan, I need to seal this area first so I can make sure that no one can come here and lure the monsters upstairs ... mmm....I can use the metal bars over there, okay let"s make this quick."

Ray suddenly float from the air and fly around the area and gather all the metal bars that he see, whenever he see one he will just levitate the metal bars from the ground and make their size smaller, same to the size of a normal human finger, cause Ray know that all the metal bars are so big that by just taking them all it will eat all the s.p.a.ce around him since he can only keep them in just a distance of five meters, since he is taking so many, it will only hinder him from moving freely, so he just decreased their sizes so he can take them all without a problem.

After taking every metal bars he sees around the area, he proceed on barricading all the four sides of the building in the ground floor using all the metal bars he gathered. After he finished barricading the ground floor he cut off the stairs that is leading to the first floor, after that he also did the same on the first floor, he barricaded all the sides of it and cut of the stairs after he is done, he repeated the process of barricading until the fifth floor since he runs out of metal bars already.

" Oh well, I think that should the trick, now time for the Phase 2."

Ray suddenly vanish again and now can be seen flying outside while looking in every direction, but while he was flying in the air he sense something coming towards him, Immediately turning his head to look at it, he saw a several bone-spikes flying towards him at a very high speed.

It might look very fast for a normal person but not for Ray, Equipped with the Perception Eyes that can percept anything combined with the Thought Acceleration you need to be at least in level of speed of sound if you want to at least touch him.

"Mmm! Not fast enough!"

Ray extend his arm forward and make the Bone-spikes stop when it pa.s.s through his domain.

"This time you attack the wrong person, Now let me send you to where you come from."

Ray adjust the position of the spikes and position them towards the frog-like monster that has a spikes poking out all over it"s body, then the moment he snap his finger the spikes that is floating around him suddenly shot out towards the frog monster in a much very high speed that it doesn"t even have time to react, the monster just exploded on the spot since it is a bloated type of monster.

" Woah, disgusting....Oh, where was I again? Oh right, the Phase 2."

Ray resume his flying around the area while looking for something, after a minute of flying around he manage to find the place he was looking for.

"Oh there"s the supermarket, now let"s start the phase 2, gathering supplies.

Back when the whole system is announce to the public, the whole government increase the security for every establishment all over the city because the government finds out that some of the blessed one"s has a feature to their system called "inventory" that is really really threatening since you can simply just go to some supermarkets or any store and make all the items you want go disappear and transfer it to your inventory that"s why the government increase all the security to all the establishment in every city.

"Mmm? looks like the Supermarket are still closed when the test started, Hahaha Sigh* Oh well, First camp first serve!"

Ray immediately fly towards the roof of the supermarket and teleport from there to the inside.

"Whoa! Perfect"

Ray didn"t waste anytime Instead of putting them to his storages one by one he just stop the movement of the shelves so even if it turns upside down the contents it has will not fall down, then next he make it smaller up to the size of a coin and just let it float around him just like what he did to the metal bars earlier, He repeateadly do that to every shelves he pa.s.s through until he swoop clean all the shelves in the food section, he also grab some necessary stuff in other sections until he think that it"s already enough, now he has so many small boxes floating around him, before he get out of the market he decided to make a quick trip to the Appliances Section and grab some necessary Stuff that he might find useful for his new "home"‽.

Felling satisfied already he finally decided to leave and quickly go back to his self proclaim house.


After he go back he just put aside all the things that are floating around him and quickly open his inventory.

Suddenly Ray can be seen taking out some piece of paper that look like a Talisman from his inventory.

" The Mark of Dune, since this is my base now I guess I need to put this thing now.....right? how do I even use this thing? it just said that I need to drop some blood in it, maybe i need to post it out on the wall, ok let"s try that out."

Ray put a small cut on his finger and drop some of his blood at the talisman then suddenly when the blood hit the surface of the paper it glows.


After a couple of seconds it stop glowing.

" That"s it? it didn"t even change, it still the same but, I guess the bonding is successful since somehow I can feel a connection to it, I can"t explain how but.....I just know..... anyway maybe I need to stick this on the wall, yeah lets try that."

Ray put the Talisman on the wall after putting it nothing happen but it somehow stick on the wall, then

"Oh! wow, this is so weird, I can feel the whole building, it"s like I am a part of it, I can even feel the c.o.c.kroach in the 3rd floor, this is very useful."

It takes a whole minute after Ray finally get used to the feeling of Sensing the whole building, After that Ray goes in to one of the rooms and sit there at the ground.

"Okay I"m already finish of doing all the necessary things I think that should be enough.... now it"s time to check to most important thing of them all."



(A/N: Here"s the new chapter, You"re all welcome, I hope you like this chapter then if you do? drop some stones will ya? ok I"m sooo sleepy as F already, I"m out of here see you tommorow, peace out. :)

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