The Blessed

Chapter 2

(AN: Ray is still the mc of this story so don"t misunderstand, I"m just trying to tell the whole story in a different perspective of other people so don"t mind it so much they might not be that important in our main story or.... they might be idk, it all depends on how the story will run, I also put some side story in it just to make it sound decent at least, but after this chapter, we will get back on our mc so chill out.)


(New York City) 2:00pm

In some random park you can see a boy sitting on the bench while tapping on his smartphone, from his looks you can say that he was at least 14 years old, his name is Marc, he has a brown hair and brown eyes, he wears a hoodie, a blue short with a pair of black rubber shoes, while carrying a paper bag full of different kind of snacks inside.

"hehehehehe good thing I manage to make him agree on letting me play on his new game console just by giving him a bunch of snacks"

Suddenly while laughing like a villain that already conquer the earth he heard a notification from his phone.


[ Justin: you can come here now, my mother is gone already, and be sure to bring those snacks that I ask you, and also I hate cheese flavored.]

tap* tap* tap*

[ Marc: okay, I"m on my way wait for me :) ]

"tch d.a.m.n but some of it is cheese flavored "

"meh, I"ll just buy on the 7-11 nearby, good thing that mom gives me already my allowance yesterday or else I"m f*ck, I"ll just tell Mom that I lose the money she gave me and ask for another,

don"t know if she will believe that though, but I know she will still give it to me in the end cause there"s no way I"m walking from my home to school"


Buying the right snacks he proceeds to go to his friend"s house by taking a bus.


While waiting for the next bus to arrive at the bus stop, many siren"s of the police can be heard from his position and going north.

While wondering what might be happening there for so many police going outside with those sirens on, he heard a middle-aged man talking to another middle-aged man on his side, while waiting also for the bus.

"At this time, In the streets of New York, you can rarely see some police cars doings some patrolling outside, especially after the lunch break, they will become lazy b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who will just sit at some random fast food and take their time laughing at each other face, you will only see that many of them outside if some big incident happened or someone or something causing havoc or chaos somewhere in the city."

"and how did you know that?"

said the other man.

" oh, because I was one of them not so long ago, hahaha"

"why? you still look young though?"

The other man said, wondering about, why did he retire at such an early age.

The man stopped laughing and look at the other man with a plain face and pull his shirt upward to show his stomach.

The other man was shocked to see such a long cut from his chest to the lower part of his stomach, and it looks like it just got healed not so long ago.

" Here"s how. Some of my organs almost stop functioning and barely saved by the G.o.dly doctor that does my operation.... you ask how did this happen? well, let"s just say I got unlucky and got this while I"m on duty.

"oh, I"m sorry."

"Don"t be, well it"s a good thing cause now I have all the time in the world to just laze around and watch my daughter grow up, and also, kick the a.s.s of the boys who will try to get close to them, hahaha."


Marc is just listening to them talking to each other, suddenly something caught his attention and look at the sky.

"What is that"

This caught the attention of the two middle-aged men sitting at his side and look to where the boy is looking.

" What is that, fireworks?"

" I can"t see it clearly it"s too far for me I don"t have my, but yeah it looks like a firework,"

"Yeah, maybe a new type of fireworks cause it"s not moving it"s just there in the sky, how wier..."


Suddenly they heard something that startled them cause they don"t know where it is coming from, they try to look around while covering their ears to see where this is coming from but to their expectation, they found nothing.

After a minute the weird sound stopped, once it stops they look at the sky and see that the thing they thought was a "fireworks" is now nowhere close to be fireworks.

"it"s like a portal"

Marc says while looking at it.

"a portal? is it like the thing that you see in an alien movie or something?"

The man on his side ask.

"yeah it"s like that, it looks like the one I usually see in some games I play."

Marc answered.

" A portal? there is no such thing as that, what I care about is where the h.e.l.l did that weird sound come from! G.o.ddammit, my eardrum hurt so much!"

While trying to think of what is even going on suddenly they see that in the middle of the thing they called "portal", something is coming out from it.

"Look something is coming out of the portal"

Marc shouted in shock.

" What the h.e.l.l was that!?"

The other man on his side shouted while not believing in what"s going on.

"Jesus Christ!"

The only word of the other man can say while having a shock expression on his face and completely forgetting about his aching eardrum.

After another minute it completely got out of the portal and all the people who are seeing this have the same expression on their faces, Shocked.

Shocked by what they are seeing, they don"t even know how to describe the thing that is floating from the sky, they just stand there and look at it waiting for something to happen.

It is shaped like a diamond, and it"s all black but it has a glowing green like aura and it"s like it has a glowing ancient rune carved all over it, it is cut in 4 pieces in a cross pattern and it has a glowing green orb in the middle of it.

(AN: ugh... I"ll just leave it all in your imagination.)

"What in the world is that?"

"is that an alien s.p.a.ceship? have they finally come to attack us?!"

"Oh my G.o.d!!"

"Where is the army?!"


You can hear a lot of different outbursts from different people around while staring into it and some are already freaking out.


(AN: imagine it like Iron Man charging his beam.)

Suddenly the orb in the middle started to glow intensively and it looks like its sucking some blue particles into it, and the light it produces is starting to grow so strong that it started to look like a mini green sun, they can"t even look into it anymore.


(AN: I think it"s not good to describe it as "BOOOM!!!" cause it will just sound like an explosion so just take it as, Iron man releasing his Light beam but imagine it having an electricity sound into it... yeah it"s like that, or whatever sound that will come to your mind from reading the description.)

All the people nearby look into it and see that it release some kind of blue barrier that has some electricity into it but it keeps getting bigger and bigger and expanding wider and wider at a faster rate.

All the people who saw this started to run in all different opposite directions, but the field keep expanding at a much faster rate until it through all the people, all the people it through just get knocked down unconscious.

But on the other side, Marc and the other two middle-aged men just keep staring there at the whole time with full of shock expression on their faces, and when they see that the field is already closing to them they didn"t even run knowing that it"s already useless to do and it will just tire them out, they just stare at it as it keeps closing and do nothing.

But the man beside marc suddenly moves and tries to cover him to get in the way of the field to try and protect him, even if he doesn"t know if that"s going to work he still does it, and thought to himself.

" even if I cannot be there and protect my daughter, I can at least try to protect this kid, at least the last thing I did in my life is protecting someone"s life which is a pretty good way to die actually"

They just closed their eyes and wait for what is supposed to happen.

When the field through them they feel like their whole body got electrocuted by something and after that everything went dark.


The field keeps getting bigger and bigger and keeps spreading throughout the planet it"s like an unstoppable wave that cannot be stopped, it didn"t take long until it manages to cover the entire planet with a blue force field, only just then it stopped.



In some unknown s.p.a.ce, you can see a beautiful lady sitting in a chair wearing a long and colorful dress while sipping on his tea in a very peaceful manner.


Suddenly a bell chime can be heard echoing throughout the s.p.a.ce, hearing this a gentle smile can be seen appearing in her cherry-like lips while placing down the tea of cup she was holding and slowly standing up, she snaps her finger and all the things near her suddenly vanish while staring at the deep black void in front of her.

"Looks like it"s finished, now let"s start it already, shall we?"

(AN: English is not my main language so if you see something wrong in there, I apologize for that But it is not that poorly written right? and I don"t have much time to double-check this chapter so don"t get triggered so much ok? :)

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