The Blessed

Chapter 3




huh.....what happened?

mmm, where am I?"

Slowly standing and still dizzy after waking up and somewhat confused about what"s going on, Ray found himself in the middle of unknown s.p.a.ce alone.

"It looks like I"m in the middle of s.p.a.ce, but, (Inhale.... Exhale), It seems I don"t have any problem in breathing, and wasn"t I supposed to be floating in here, but I seem to be standing on some floor,( tud* tud*) but I can"t see it, but I can walk on it, mmmm..... what is going on here? And how did I end in this place?."

"You are here because you are one of the chosen to be blessed by the G.o.ds"

While wondering what is happening and thinking of how to get out of this place he suddenly heard the voice of a woman that seems to echo throughout the s.p.a.ce.


"Holy cow!.... Please don"t do that will you?.... you will give me a heart attack for G.o.d"s sake, and where did you even come from, I didn"t see you when I look around here."

"I apologize if I startled you mortal, I didn"t know you have such a weak heart, and I am here from the very start you came in this s.p.a.ce of mine, I just didn"t reveal myself."

" Mortal? s.p.a.ce of mine? From the way she speaks is she a G.o.ddess or something?.... Oh yeah, come to think of it, from his appearance you can already say that she is not normal, and she may be the most beautiful woman I"ve ever seen in my entire life, she definitely surpa.s.sed any top model I"ve seen on magazine"s."

"well, I"m quite flattered about that, at least you act quite different from the others and didn"t prostrate or shake in fear and p.i.s.s yourself in front of me. And yes I am a G.o.ddess, The G.o.d of s.p.a.ce in this realm."

"Oh wow ..... uuhh so you can read my mind huh? hehe well, this is awkward.....

So I..... apologize for my behavior lately I know I act quite rude earlier so umm I apologize for that, I didn"t know you are...uhmm a Go..."

"it"s fine, I understand the type of behavior the mortals of your planet has no harm done, but just in case you meet G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses other than me, be respectful from the very start cause some of them look down on lower being like you and do not like to be disrespect, even us show respect to the G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses that have a much higher ranking than us, so keep that in mind."

"ohh so there"s a lot of G.o.ds huh? wait she said "on this realm" so there"s a lot of realms, and this is one of it? wow so much information coming in hot, it makes my head aches a bit."

"uh I will keep that in mind, thank you very much umm...go- G.o.ddess -sama, uhh can I ask you a question G.o.dde....."

"Emilia, Call me Emilia, I don"t like being called "G.o.ddes" all the time by the people in front of me it makes me so uncomfortable."

"Umm ok Emilisama, uh can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead"

"ok um first question Emilisama, you said earlier that I"m one of the chosen to be blessed by the G.o.ds, so I"m not alone? and if yes where are they? The second question is, what is exactly the meaning of being "to bless by the G.o.ds", what is that and why would I need it? where or what would I use it for? The third is, can you explain what is happening in this whole scenario, especially that thing back on Earth before I pa.s.sed out, that Sonic wave thing that through me, it hurts like h.e.l.l, fourth, can I still get back home after this and not getting sent to some battlefield as one of the p.a.w.ns of the G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses that blessed us? cause I"m pretty sure that I will not get that blessing for free. that"s all thank you for listening."

"mmm that"s a smart question you got there, not all the people I encountered ask me that but your not the only person who asks me that type of question, but I can answer all of that.

First, Yes your not the only one, actually there is so many of you that I have to separate and multiply my consciousness in millions just to entertain you all at the same time, they are in a separated s.p.a.ce room I created for them and in the same situation like you.

And let me answer your third question first before your second question so I can explain it clearly.

The phenomena that happen to earth is part of all this, I send one of my artifacts In earth, the "Decay Tome" it"s job is to scan the whole earth and take the job as the vessel of the "System" itself, the System is the one who will modify the body of the whole humanity on Earth and make them all stronger than they were supposed to, that"s why it hurts when it through you, cause it will modify and change your whole body and make it stronger, but don"t misunderstand you will not look like some alien species or something, you can just say that all the people in your planet is given by some boost or upgrade, why? so you all can have the cla.s.sifications and right to become "the player" the warriors of your planet, the one who will defend it, from what? you will know. But why right? G.o.ds and G.o.ddess called it as a "Test" it"s a test for every planet and the one who reside in it, yes it"s not just earth it also happen in a lot of planet in different realms, it happen when a planet is already reach the level where it can already be an independent planet, the G.o.ds will prepare to bring the "Test" to that certain planet to know if it has really the capability of being a independent already, and once it pa.s.s through the test the right of that planet will be awarded by the G.o.ddesses them self, being an independent planet means that, any G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses or any other higher beings will not be given any right to touch, control, or do anything on that particular planet, cause any G.o.ds can literally make any planet explode in just a snap of their fingers and yours is not an exemption to that, so earth is really lucky to finally have the chance to have the right to it so don"t waste this chance because once you fail it, there won"t be next time cause fail means, complete annihilation of the entire planet Earth and the people in it."


"Oh sh*t, this is a lot to take in"

"But don"t worry little one this is where you and the others will take in, you see whenever a planet will undergo for a test, many G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses who favored on it is making sure that the people in it will not fail and go extinct, they will pick a lot people in that planet and choose them as their own personal champion, but sometimes some unlucky planet doesn"t hold any favor towards the G.o.ds and really have a hard time going trough the test, so Earth is really lucky cause so many G.o.ds and specially the G.o.ddesses favor earth so much for some reasons, Let me give you an example, in a word you can easily understand, for example, there is a team of gladiator who will fight against a bunch of monster bare handed, and there is this one program that if a certain gladiator gets in, they will get an instant boost up, like at the start they will be equipped with a sword, knife, bow, cannon, gun or any type of useful items that will give them an advantage than others and you have a ticket to send your favored gladiator on that program, will you use it?"

"So I"m one of the lucky guys who got the ticket huh,?"

"Yes and many other mortals called the chosen ones "The Blessed"

(A/N: roll credits) "

"ok so that"s how it is, wait if there are millions of us that mean there"s a million of ..... wow we are favored huh?"

"But don"t get this into your ego cause every test is different in every planet, especially on your planet since you are living in a technological advance type of planet so always stay vigilant cause it"s not easy, remember that it never has."

"Yes thank you, Emilia -sama I will always remember that!"

"Good, now does my answer to your question satisfy you already?"

"oh.. yes thank you for your time explaining everything to me Emilia sama."

"it"s fine, I will tell this to you anyway even if you didn"t ask,

so with that let"s start already shall we?


"First let me start by explaining what is a blessing?

the phrase "blessed by the G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses" doesn"t mean that you are literally being blessed by them for example, me, I am the G.o.ddess of s.p.a.ce doesn"t mean that you will get a power of s.p.a.ce or something just because I pick you as my champion, No, it only meant that I or the G.o.d or G.o.ddesses who choose you, permit you to partake in this event to be "blessed", so do you understand?"


" ok so it"s not that complicated about what type of blessing you will have from a different type of G.o.ds or G.o.ddess, may it be weapon, power, artifact or anything that will help you to be stronger."

Suddenly the G.o.ddess wave her hands and a giant roulette with a lot of colors in it appears in the direction she was waving her hands at.

"This is how we determine what blessing you will get, told you it"s not that complicated, just spin it with all your strength and whatever it pointed to that"s what you gonna get but remember that every blessing in this roulette is unique, you will not get the same as the one on the other side, once you get it, it will be yours and will not appear here unless you die, so it"s all unique some of them might be identical but it"s all different, but first let me tell you how this roulette work and the colors in it, first, you see every color has a designated grade of blessing in it, so the better color grade the better blessing it has, this is the grade of every color in it, look."

Suddenly a holographic screen appears in mid-air and displays some text in it.


Gold - S Grade

Red -A Grade

Orange -B Grade

Yellow -C Grade

Green -D Grade

Blue-E Grade

Violet - F Grade


" so after you get your designated color, you will see 5 chests will appear at the bottom of the middle part of the chest, select one of it and that"s what you will get, now step forward and go to the side of the roulette and pull it as much as you can."

" wow it"s so big I wonder if I can make it move at least?"

" don"t worry about its size, even though it"s that big it"s weightless so pull it as much as you can."

" o-ok .... well here goes nothing."


Grabbing the handle and pulling it down as much as he can it suddenly spin faster and faster.


It continues to spin for about a minute...until suddenly.....



The whole roulette started to shine so brightly even the G.o.ddess himself can"t look at it, but they can hear that the roulette is starting to slow down.







Suddenly the blinding light vanishes at the moment the roulette stop, slowly opening their eyes to see what color it stopped to, the moment the G.o.ddess sees the color it stopped, she was shocked.

"umm, Emilisama what color is that? it looks like it is mixed like.... a rainbow? is that also a part of the roulette?"

"I don"t know"~(G.o.ddess)



Suddenly a Platinum colored chest appeared at the bottom of the roulette.

Ray is still confused about what is going on he slowly walks to the chest and checks the chest.

"its beautiful, like it is made by some kind of gla.s.s, mah~ Idk anymore."

"Uhm Emilisama ....should I open the chest?"

The G.o.ddes who is still in her deep thought suddenly awaken by the sudden question.

"Oh yeah, I"m sorry if I s.p.a.ce out, yeah go ahead let"s see what did you get."


Putting his hands on the chest, feeling its smoothness, he slowly opens it and sees what"s inside, he slowly reaches what"s inside and brought it out.

"come on tell me what did you got?" ~(G.o.ddess)

"Umm a piece of paper?..."


"Ah..! Something"s written in the back of it, it"s kinda small though."

"What did it say?, Read it hurry."~(G.o.ddess)


"F-Free.....Ten... Spin.?....huh?"

"WHAT!?" ~(G.o.ddess)


(A/N: hey guys hope you all doing well... I did not post the chapters this last two days coz I need to pack my stuff and go to my mom"s home and stay there for a while since this whole Coronavirus thing is starting to spread, now our government issue a lockdown in our place and I can"t have my self in my apartment locked for a whole month alone so I pack my clothes and go to my parent"s house and stay there, and with all that maybe I can upload another chapter tomorrow so see you all in the next chapter and stay safe guys.... lab ya..peace)

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