The Blessed

Chapter 1

(Tokyo, j.a.pan) 5:30 pm

At this time the Streets of j.a.pan are really busy and crowded, you can see some people just having fun some are just walking around or just pa.s.sing by and some are shopping and buying items for their family, friends, or just for themself.

In the center of all the crowd you can see a man is walking lazily along the street, he wears a grey jacket and a plain black shirt underneath it, and blue jeans with black snickers to pair on it, you can see that he has a gloomy, tiredness and a bit of irritated expression on his face, probably he is not happy of what happened to him not so long ago.

His name is Ray Williams, 21 years old, his height is around 185 cm, and when it comes to his face/looks he has a Korean like black eyes but he has a high pointy nose, a slender face, he has fair skin, black hair, and natural cherry lips, you could say that he is a good looking young man, even though he wears a gloomy face right now, it only makes him look like a cold, edgy and serious type of protagonist that you usually see in a manga.

He works as a Butler in a nearby 5-star hotel, he just got off from his work, he usually got to leave early since his work is 7:00 - 4:00, but because something happens in his work, he needs to get off late.

"d.a.m.n that fatso! That gay piece of sh*t if it"s not for the fact that he is a VIP there I would"ve...."

Some people heard him and look at him with a bit of startled face with his sudden outburst.

He got embarra.s.sed a bit because his emotion got ahead of him, he started to walk fast so he wouldn"t get so much attention, he hates being in the spotlight but he wouldn"t mind if it"s really necessary but in this situation, it will just get awkward if he stays there for any longer.

"ugh... why is this day so tiring *sigh*.... first I almost got late in this morning coz my alarm didn"t ring for whatever reason it is, so i have to run just to go there coz taking a train will just take much more time to get there cause it"s really not that far from my apartment, sometime i just wake up early so i can just walk it to there, and after I get there who would have thought that f*cking fatso pay so much money just to take me AGAIN as his personal Butler for my whole shift and still requesting an extend after it ,F*ck,Fu*k,F*ck, I wouldn"t mind if it"s a beautifull s.e.xy lady that will take me in their room and try to latch on me saying "I will take care of you if you just say "yes!"." and do this and that even though it"s wrong I will take the risk, but... if it"s with that guy, oh my gawd even now I"m shaking just by thinking about it, it even take all my mentality strength just to stay sane in that moment and keep my brain working just to find another pa.s.sable excuse for me to dodge his every action and reject his every wish or offer to me, I only did what a normal Butler will do, and it"s G.o.d.a.m.n stressful to do it all the time, next time I will not fall again for my boss saying he will double my pay just to make me say yes to escort him for my whole shift.... frick this day man just thinking about it all makes my head hurt so much, and I just realized this but who the h.e.l.l am I explaining this to?"

Thinking about it he just laughs at himself acting like an idiot, and suddenly he heard his stomach growling already.

"ugh... it must be because I"m hungry already that I"m starting to think about some weird stuff, I"m already hungry I should just eat outside today, I hope there"s a good restaurant nearby."

Suddenly he saw a restaurant that has many people eating there and the colorful decoration they have is quite alluring.

" that the new restaurant that my coworkers used to talk about I thought it was always full and there"s always a line of people waiting outside."

The restaurant has many people, but it"s not full, there"s still some table that hasn"t occupied yet.

"guess I still have some luck today huh?"

He enters the restaurant, orders some food, finds a vacant table, waits for his food to be served, and after five minutes it"s served, then he proceeds to eat the food he orders.

"mmmm....nom* nom*nom*"s good, it"s well cooked."

While enjoying his food he suddenly remembers his phone, he always turns it off when he is at work and opens it whenever his shift end, but today is just so stressful that he forgot about it.







Suddenly when he turns on his phone a sudden burst of notification greets him.

"mmmm? ... why are there so many notifications about my friends today like they keep spamming like there"s no tomorrow gosh."

When he sees the notification some of it are all videos and some are exaggerated reactions like "OMG", "OH NO!!!!" and many more, and the rest are all emojis,

then he clicks on one of the videos to watch it, cause almost all the video he sees are the same from the thumbnail, they just keep spamming it again and again until now.

"Mmmm ..... New York?....that"s the statue of liberty right....looks like it"s taken by some what is so interesting about this video?"

He started watching the first video that is sent to him by his friend, and after a minute it looks like the cameraman started to notice something and zoomed in the video to the upper part of the liberty.

"What is that?.... is that some electrical surge or some sparks?... no that"s impossible it"s in mid-air there"s no wire in there or anything."

Suddenly the sparks in the sky get aggressive it looks like it"s expanding in a circular motion.

" How is this happening? it"s not like its fireworks or anything cause it keeps going on and on like there"s no end, and the way it moves is peculiar like it"s forming some circle, and instead it dies down as time goes by it keep getting stronger and bigger"

Suddenly the circle is much getting bigger and bigger at a faster rate and the people in the video are staring there with awe cause some of them thought it was some new type of fireworks and some are thinking that someone is filming a new movie there.

"I"m getting more like.... a doctor strange vibe here...coz it looks like it"s forming a portal ....."


Suddenly a strange yet creepy noise can be heard in the video, it"s so loud and sudden that the people in the video get shocked and scared by this cause they don"t know where is this coming from, it"s like it"s coming in all directions, even the man holding the camera almost drop the camera but manage to grab onto it.

" ugh! ....G.o.d! was that! "

(AN: Rip earphone users!)

It keeps going on for like a minute until it died down...Suddenly in the middle of the circle appear a black s.p.a.ce and expand till it occupies all the s.p.a.ce inside the circle.

" right, the only missing ingredients so it can already be called a "portal" now, and here I thought some giant lion would jump cross into it.... oh something"s happening..."

After a minute something is appearing from the portal although it is far you can still see it cause the portal is ma.s.sive.

He is so excited about what is going to appear in there he can see the tip already of whatever is going to appear in there...Suddenly...

"customer? will you still be ordering something?"

"Ah...Sorry no, no, no I"m not ordering anymore I"m just too focused on watching this video I forgot about the time, I"m sorry I will leave now... and thank you, your food here was great I truly enjoy it."

"no worries, and thank you for your appreciation we are truly glad you like it and please come again."

He bows in appreciation and proceeds to leave and after he got out of the restaurant he thought for a sec.

"too bad I didn"t see that part *sigh* meh I"ll just watch it after I got home."

Then he looks through the sky and sees that it"s almost dark and when he looks at his watch he sees that it"s already 7:00 pm.

"wow I truly did take my time huh?

..... wait why I have a feeling that I forgot something?"

"OH SH*T I forgot that the ******** anime will be showing tonight omg." (browse to the phone) .."YES! I still have time, if I run from here I can still make it."

Not caring about having appendicitis he was readying to run and leave that place full of dust but something caught his attention.

He sees the people around looking at the sky.

"wtf was that?"

When he follows their gazes he saw that the sky in the far west has a different color, cause it"s already night time so it is supposed to be all dark already but the sky there is color blue not like a blue like a sky but blue like there"s some wavy feeling into it like there some electricity crawling into it and the weirdest thing here is, it keeps getting bigger like it"s coming to them, and when it is close enough he see that"s it"s not only in the sky but it covers the whole from the land to sky, it"s like a big tsunami that you usually see in a sci-fi movie but it"s not water but like a force field that has electricity in it and it pa.s.s-through structures, when he sees that the building it through is unharmed he sighs in relief, but when he saw the bunch of people running to their direction that keeps falling when that thing pa.s.s through them, then he gets alarmed.

(AN: your familiar in PUBG right? yes yes that"s it, it"s like the "radiation zone" the blue like a force field that keeps getting smaller and smaller and when it gets to pa.s.s through you your hp will decrease continuously, yes it"s like that.)

"Oh sh*t!"

Getting into realization he started to run in the opposite direction as fast as possible and keep looking back and saw that "thing" is keeping up with them.

"Is this it? is this the time where I will die? it"s so sad that I haven"t got to do everything I want in my life... *sigh* well it"s a good thing I"m not dying as a virgin at least and manage to have a one night stand with a beautiful, famous and s.e.xy supermodel, it"s that time when she check-in in our hotel and got drunk in the bar, well lucky for her that she has me as his Butler that she manages to have a

good "NIGHT" sleep, hahaha what am I even thinking in my last moment I"m such a..."

Looking back, he saw that it"s already close to him, as he was already feeling tired he just stand there and stop running and watch it continuously getting closer to him, and before it pa.s.s through him he just closes his eyes, and suddenly he feels like he got electrocuted hard and because of the shock he just falls there and manages to mutter a single word before losing his consciousness.

"aw... it hurts!."

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