The Blessed

Chapter 6

( Tokyo, j.a.pan )

******* Hospital ~ 10:45


In one of the rooms, you can see a man who has just awaked and slowly getting up.

what stomach-san? you"re already hungry?, is it that tiring to sleep?, well good thing that they haven"t take my breakfast yet, let"s eat first before we think of the things we should think, well.... itadakimasu.(tnx for the food)"

After eating his "breakfast?", he slowly stands up and checks his whole body and does some stretching to see if there"s any problem.

"wow .... for someone who sleeps for a whole month my body feels fine, it really like what the doctor said, my body didn"t get weakened during this past month instead it become much more strong and healthy...speaking of my body *sniff*, *sniff*, mmm I wonder if I can take a bath already, meh I"m sure it"s fine."


"waah that was refreshing, it feels like I am reborn"

After taking a bath Ray to sit back on the bed and start to do the things he needed to do.

"mmm let"s see, the timer that is displayed yesterday should have been over by now, "


[ Initializing...]

[ Establishing Connections to the System ..... ]

[ Connection Successfully Established ]

[ Requesting Access Permission ]

[ Link ..... Access Granted ]

[ Requesting Permission to Scan ]

_______[ Yes / No ]_______

" uuhhh..... yes..? "

[ Permission Granted ]

[ Initiating Scan ]

[ --------------- 55% ] -

( Scanning.....)

[ --------------------------------100%]

( Scan Complete )

[ Host are now fully scanned ]

[ Properties Detected ]

[ Host Information Detected ]

[ Blessed Link Detected ]

[ Host"s memories Received ]

[ G.o.ds Blessings Detected ]

[ Integrating.....]

[ Applying ....]


[ All necessary actions are Successfully implemented ]

[ Host"s system is now fully functional ]

[ Opening System ]

[ ---------------------------------100%]

[Access Granted]

[ Welcome Host ]

[ The system is now fully functional, you can now access some of the features in the system, some of it are still locked but you will be noticed once it"s already accessible, just ask me if you have any questions regarding about the system.]

[ Displaying System Features ]



[ No ] ( Recommended)



" huh... I thought there were only three? ... ah right, I guess that"s the features of the blessed ones huh, and no I don"t want my information to be shared in public, alright let"s see my status first "



Name: Ray Williams

Age: 21

Job: Hotel Butler [+]1

t.i.tle: The Blessed

HP: 100/100

Level: 1

Fatigue: 0


Strength - 32

Vitality - 38

Agility - 36

Ability - 40

Sense - 22

Intelligence - 23

Charisma - 32

Luck - 42 (545)


Physical damage reduction - 8%

Remaining Points - 0


« Equipped Items »


(Hospital Clothes)Long Sleeve - (Def: 2)(Durability:86/100)

Pants- (Def- 3) (Durability- 92/100), Sandals - (Def:5)(Durability: 72)

« Skills »

Singing: LVL 3

Dance: LVL 4

Precision: LVL 2

Sneak: LVL 3

Adaptability: LVL 4

Communication: LVL 5


(The blessed)

-The one who is loved by the "system".

{"you are the one who is the most unfair of all the chosens"


( Hotel butlers are the one who looks after the needs of guests within their rooms, such as unpacking luggage and ironing clothing, and also responsible for any guest requirements outside the room, generally restaurant reservations and booking shows or tickets. )


[The Description for this Job is Unavailable]

[The Host will be noticed once this feature is already available]


"Holy mother of Jesus! I don"t know what the other means but I guess I"m good but that "t.i.tle" is OP as f+ck, you mean all the other blessed ones are this OP!?, and what do you mean "loved by the system"? from what the G.o.ddess said, that there are almost a million who are going to receive blessings at that time, that means that this system loves all of them as well? heh, well I gue-..."



[ The t.i.tle "The Blessed" is a unique t.i.tle that no other than the Host can have such t.i.tle unless the Host dies, even if you died no one can claim such t.i.tle only the system can decide, the ones who received the blessings from the G.o.ds are called "Chosens", but they are called by many beings as "the blessed ones" just because they are receiving Blessings of the G.o.ds, many years have pa.s.sed even the G.o.ds decided to just call the "Chosens", "The blessed ones" after thousands of thousands of years have pa.s.sed that even a single t.i.tleholder have yet to appear that even them almost forgot that such t.i.tle is only given to a single being that is truly blessed and loved by the system itself, so don"t misunderstand such things Host.]

" oooh, so that"s the reason why are all these things are a bit messed up, I get it...wait is it me or does the system looks like angry?"

"Ok I"m sorry ok, I didn"t know, cause that G.o.ddess didn"t explain everything to me that"s why I don"t have any knowledge about this stuff geez ~ "

"ok I think that already explain everything, and that skills tho hehe I guess I got that sneak skill cause I like to sneak throughout the storage of the hotel just to get food hehe, and that singing and dancing is the skills back since I was at high school, and the precision.....I think maybe cause I love playing darts¿ But I"m not good with it though, I just throw it aimlessly and let batman handle all the outcome, well I guess that"s that... now let"s see the other features"

"mmm let"s see... News!"

[ Acces denied ]

[ Host will be noticed once this feature is already accessible ]

" I see, I can"t access it too, well can"t do something about that let"s try the others."

" Store! "

[ Acces denied ]

[ Host will be noticed once this feature is already accessible ]

" Sigh* I wish I can access the last one since I didn"t see any of the blessings I got, it must have been displayed there, now let"s see."


Knock* Knock* Knock*

"Huh, Who is it? "

*Door sliding sound*

" Hi Mr. Williams, how are you? did you sleep well last night?

"Oh nurse-san, yes I sleep well last night, I"m comfortable on this bed it feels like home hehe~"

"oh that was great to hear.. oh yeah, I came here to bring your lunch here and also I cant accompany you today cause today was really busy and they"re asking for extra nurses so you know hehe I gotta go, so would you be fine by yourself here today or do I need to call an extra babysitter?"

" yeah I would be fine and no I don"t need any molester here again I don"t feel safe at all. "

" Who are you calling a molester huh? I told you it was an accident ok, AN ACCIDENT!"

"Hai, Hai, an accident it is, I believe you"

"Humph!...anyway ill be taking my leave I"m here for too long already, I"ll just place it here, just take it if you"re hungry already and don"t do anything reckless while I"m not here ok?"

"Yeah yeah it"s not like I"m going to make the whole hospital explode or anything, just do what you need to do good luck."

"ok I"ll be leaving now, just take care of your self ok"

"Yeah, sure"

"ok bye"

"bye, and thank you for your effort"

"you"re welcome"

*Closing sliding door sound*


"I"m not hungry yet, I just ate my supposedly breakfast an hour ago, I"ll just continue what I"m doing."

" Ummm where was I again ... ah right the fourth feature, ok let"s see."

" Blessin-... "


"Ugh!! you gotta be kidding me, Its Open!"

*Sliding door open sound*

Suddenly Four-man wearing black suits and came in and close the door

" Wait who are you guys?"


(A/N: hahaha sorry for the super delayed chapter guys, I"m just being super lazy this day and also super distracted, I don"t know you guys if you played League of Legends or not but I"m series to masters this past day"s and I"m having a hard time hahaha that"s why it takes so long but, yesterday guess what? Big Update and it takes so long to finish and suddenly something hit my mind, and then yeah why don"t I write a new chapter since I"m still waiting, and there you go hahaha no worry guys, tomorrow I"ll get to masters and try to update this trash novel of mine more frequently, so with that see you on the next chapter suckers..jk, and also I hope you like it Enjoooyy~)

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