Today’s lunch is meatless stir-fried vegetables, pickled plums that were lying in the fridge, and instant miso soup that was in the house.


Now, how’s the taste……?

“Oh, delicious!”

It’s supposed to be stir-fried vegetables without meat but……?
This is……tuna!?
Mixing in mayonnaise it’s extremely delicious!

This being like tuna mayo, goes well with rice!
The vigour of the chopsticks won’t stop.

“There was no meat but, there were tuna cans so I tried putting them in! Jin-san, how is it?”
“It’s extremely delicious! Aki-chan, make it again sometime!”

Sakura-chan and Saya continue eating in silence.
This is delicious!

And here, pickled plums.
Introduce a different taste to my mouth, and reset my taste buds!
This intense sourness goes well with the rice.
I’m glad I’m j.a.panese.

And now I’ll have another mouthful of the tuna stir-fried vegetables.
My taste buds have been reset, now I can continue eating!


Afterwards, maybe we should raid a supermarket and collect some tuna cans……
Being in this current situation is why we should look for some other enjoyment besides s.e.x.
Because humans are creatures that have a thirst for pleasure.

The us that have finished our meal, departed for Prefecture A.
Naturally, our surroundings are guarded by police vehicles.

On the way, Saya talked about a group calling themselves『Noah’s Ark』that brought forth this situation, but……

“What is it Sakura-chan?”

Sakura-chan thought of something.

“Noah’s Ark…… It feels like I might have heard it before somewhere, it also feels like I might not have……”
“Well that, it is a famous story from the Bible, I think you have heard it before?”

Noah’s Ark, a famous story.
The terrorist group 『Noah’s Ark』following the legend, stated in the video that, only the ones that were chosen by G.o.d will be able to survive in the new world.

The one choosing is the zombie virus.
The ones chosen are us unique individuals.
Everyone else is a zombie.

It’s also just a matter of time before the people at the shelter zombify.
Until when is this situation going to continue on……

“Not that……Unn…… I remembered!”

Sakura-chan that was groaning a moment ago clap her hands loudly.

“Father’s study! There was an envelope in my father’s study that wrote 『Noah’s Ark』!”
“EE! There was an envelope from the nature conservation organization left in father’s study, even though father should have had no interest in nature conservation and sorts why was it there? Was what I was thinking about when I recalled”

『Noah’s Ark』operated as a nature conservation organization right before they begin operating as a terrorist group it seems but.

However……Why is 『Noah’s Ark』in an infectious disease doctor’s study?
Zombie virus……Infectious disease……It can’t be.

“By any chance……”
“Onii-chan? What is it?”

The Saya that is concern about me is cute……
A true angel.
A dog ears angel is my favourite.


“Un, I know. Father probably, had some connections with the zombie virus”

It’ still unknown how connected Sakura-chan’s fatherーーAshino Morio was with 『Noah’s Ark』.
Which is precisely why it has to be confirmed immediately.

“Sakura-chan, do you know where your father is? Just a rough location is fine ”
“Unn, somewhere my father might be……Because he wasn’t at home when I went back to take my clothes……Hospital?”
“Hospital huh……”

If it’s a zombie movie, there’s a lot of case of it being a zombie overran h.e.l.lscape but, there’s absolutely no problem in our case.
We are all already infected!

“The hospital that Sakura’s father worked in isーー”
“National A University Hospital!”
“Alright, before we head to my room let’s go there, surely there’s something to learn about”

Even If he’s not in the hospital, we might still be able to get our hands on some clue.
I place my strength on the accelerator pedal.

“This is the hospital……”

We were able to get to the hospital quickly thanks to Aki-chan’s directions.
But that was bad, accelerating full force without knowing the location of the hospital.
Currently, the car navigation system is still working but……
There’s no telling when it might stop working.


Saya’s cute little hands grabbed tightly on to the hem of my shirt

“It’s alright, Onii-chan will be with you”

At the front of the hospital, there’s a number of ambulances left as is.
There’s totally no sign of any non-infected person.

From the bizarreness, the hospital that should’ve been ordinary seem like a hospital-themed haunted house.
It’s only natural that Saya became scared.

Even though zombies are not enemies and on the contrary, they can be treated as manpower, I would like to be spared from this.
Us siblings have no tolerance for horror.

But we have to go.
Now……Let’s fire up and go!

© 2024