This sound is……?

Right when we thought of getting fire up and entering the hospital……

“Onii-chan, can you not hear like a weird sound?”
“Did Saya hear it as well, it’s a weird sound that resembles a buzzing in the ears.”
“That’s right……KIーN? PIーN? Sort of sound”

Seems like Aki-chan is hearing it as well.

“I can’t hear anything though……?”

Sakura-chan is not hearing it……?
What’s this about?

“Jin-san, somehow this hospital is suspicious, let’s proceed cautiously”
“You’re right……Let’s make the zombie policemen advance first, we’ll huddle up and move along”

Exactly……what is going on……?

A couple of zombie policemen were made to take the lead, and we investigate the hospital.
The destination is, Sakura-chan’s father’s infectious disease department.

……As usual, an odd sound can be heard.
Furthermore, the closer we are to the infectious disease department, the louder it gets.
On top of that, there’s no sight of zombies inside the hospital.
Where did they go?

“Sakura-chan, what is wrong?”

Casually looking back, Sakura-chan has come to a halt.

“It’s, it’s nothing so……”
“Really? Sakura, you seem unusual”
“Sakura-chan your face is red? Do you have a fever?”

I placed my forehead on Sakura-chan’s forehead, at that moment.

“Jin-nii your face is clo……Nnhii!”

Sakura-chan’s body shook violently.
……Ah, she came.

“Haーa, Haーa, Jin-nii…….Somehow my body is weird……my body is aching, it came by itself……”
“Are you alright? Sakura-chan”
“Alright but……Somehow my body is weird after coming to this hospital……Right now, I want Jin-nii so so bad it’s unbearable……”

The s.e.xy yet cute Sakura-chan that’s blushing while breathing heavily is lovely.
I want to violate her small body, c.u.mming with all my strength and impregnating her right away but……
Calm down me, right now the hospital’s investigation comes first.

“Sakura-chan, becoming like this happened suddenly after coming to the hospital?”
“Un……Even though it was fine until just now……why?”
“……This sound……huh?”

Hearing this strange sound, Sakura-chan becoming weird, these happened when we arrive at the hospital.
It might have some connection.

But why only Sakura-chan?
From the looks of it, Aki-chan and Saya are fine.
They don’t appear to be s.e.xually excited.

“I think it’ll be painful now but……I will do you senseless later, bear with it”
“Un, you must, must okay?”

Sakura-chan has also thoroughly become an erotic girl.
Becoming this lewd.
It seems I ought to take responsibilities since I violated her and stole her virginity, un.
It can’t be helped, can’t be helped.

But wait……Since it seems she has practised f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o on a banana, was she lewd from the beginning……?

The hospital interior’s investigation continues.
According to the map on the wall, it seems that going down the stairway after turning this corner leads to the underground with the infectious disease department……
But why underground……
Not just Sakura-chan’s father, could this entire hospital also be connected to 『Noah’s Ark』?


What, what’s this voice!?
Besides, this sound of flesh slapping together.

“Onii-chan, this is ‘that’ right……?”

Un, it’s that isn’t it.
But what exactly is going on?
There’s nothing but an unpleasant presentiment……

“No choice……but to go”

The zombie policemen are temporarily placed on standby.
Probably, there’s no danger……
We resolve ourselves for whatever sight may come into our eyes.

……Let’s go!

The banquet of indulgence¹
Such a phrase exist.
There’s definitely no alcohol but it’s certainly people indulging in carnal desiresーーNo, that there is certainly the beasts’ banquet of madness.

The nurse l.u.s.ting for a p.e.n.i.s is riding the patient, swinging her hips vigorously and shaking the two large bulges.
The doctor pushed a female patient down, swinging his hips madly.
There are also patients that unleashed their s.e.xual desires among themselves.

It doesn’t seem like they lost their mind from the despair of this hopeless situation and turned into the incarnation of their s.e.xual desires.
The proof for that is their red eyes.
They seem to be indulging in their s.e.xual desires in zombie states.

Looking at the situation, Sakura-chan that has seemingly become s.e.xually excited rubbed her crotch on my leg.
……If it’s not my imagination, she seems to be wet.

“Sakura-chan, bear with it a little more, just a little more, okay?”
“Okay……I’ll bear……with it”

Saying that and distracting Sakura-chan, we head towards the underground infectious disease department.
The closing we move towards the infectious disease department, the louder the sound gets, the zombies that went mad with s.e.x also increases.

Sakura-chan, and the other zombies’ abnormal urge to breed.
Likely the cause is this sound……

But who exactly, and for what purpose?
Besides, why is it ineffective against Aki-chan, Saya and me?
Furthermore, the zombie policemen without feeling s.e.xually excited, loyally following my orders.
Is my ability stronger?

……Let’s give it a try.
Sakura-chan also seems to be in pain, let’s liberate her from the sound.

“Sakura-chan, there’s something I would like to try but is it fine?”
“Jin-nii? What? You want to try out a new position? Alright, it’s fine if you do it with enough force to break my body okay?”

Why did she get that idea.
Does it affect even the thinking, this sound.

“No, it’s not that……Sakura-chan, you will not get s.e.xually aroused from this moment on!”

Unlike previously which is directed to her mind, this is an order to her body.
If this sound that causes s.e.xual excitement is stronger than my ability, Sakura-chan’s body will remain s.e.xual excited but……?

“Sakura-chan, how is it?”

Sakura-chan’s face begin blushing again……
A failure!?

“No, Jin-san, I think it’s probably different”
“She said some pretty embarra.s.sing stuff, Sakura”

Aa, that……
Not s.e.xually excited, it’s embarra.s.sment……

“Wh, why have you not been using honorific on me since just now!”
“I mean it’s Sakura, not somebody I can respect like Aki-nee”
“What’s that! Kiiー! Not cute!”

To cover up her embarra.s.sment, Sakura-chan lashed out at Saya who wasn’t using honorific but, a quarrel started as it is.

What are they doing……

“Hey, stop quarrelling and move forward! If Sakura-chan isn’t here we wouldn’t know the room where Sakura-chan’s father might be, could you lead the way?”
“……We, well it can’t be helped! The room that Father is frequently in is this way!”

With Sakura-chan’s guidance, we head deeper into the infectious disease department.
It would be nice if there’s some sort of clue.

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