One week has pa.s.sed since then……

“”……Mu? Here……doesn’t seem to be the hospital?””
“You waked up, Morio-san”

We carried Sakura-chan’s fatherーAshino Morio from the hospital to Sakura-chan’s house.
If it’s here, unlike the hospital is close to my room in the apartment, so we can meet him anytime.

“”Aa, Sakura…… It’s good to see that you’re so lively””

Because he was adhered to the ground, transporting him a considerable amount of effort but, I’m glad we brought him along.

“”Sakura, how long has it been since then?””
“About a week? Leaving that aside Father, there are lots we want to talk about”

“”I see, regeneration ability with flying ability……It’s quite the troublesome foe isn’t it?””
“Yes, I’m glad I was lucky and defeated him”

I reported what has happened to Morio-san.

“But……Why did Saya and Saya’s biological father retain their senses?”

That’s the mysterious part.
Usually, the intelligence of fused individuals decreases.
Not only on the net, even the blue file from Morio-san as well, it wrote ‘Fused individuals’ intelligence decreases easily’.

“”It’s probably that kind of consanguinity””
“”Aa, the rampaging infectees……no I guess calling them zombies would be easier to understand, are infectees that have their brain functionality destroyed by the virus thus decreasing their intelligence, but there are rare cases of people who brain cells don’t get destroyed””

That is……unique individuals.

“”That’s right, we know that one of the requirements to becoming a unique individual is the gene, let’s temporarily call it the unique gene, whether this exists or not determines whether one becomes a unique individual, as well as the special characteristics. But the disposition of the unique gene defers from person to person””

Speaking of which, that red unique individual seems to have low intelligence.

“”Those that don’t really regain their senses……those that are equipped with high regeneration capabilities……those that have no particular abilities……and those that can rule over other infectees””


“That’s right, becoming the Infected Emperor or not depends on the disposition of the unique gene, Saya’s father’s pedigree is one that retains their senses even after fusing with other lifeforms, that’s the kind of disposition it has”
“……That means me being able to talk to Onii-chan like this even after fusing with Shiro is thanks to that s.h.i.tty father……? Somehow I have a complex feeling…… ”

“”……This guy is””
“Not an Infected Emperor, is that right? Father”

This time we have him look at the guy on the television.
He’s probably not an Infected Emperor but, it’s ‘probably’ after all.
I want concrete proof.

“”Aa, that’s right. I had not met the person directly but, the Infected Emperor『Noah’s Ark』found in j.a.pan should be a female””

As expected.
『Noah’s Ark』had confirmed the existence of Infected Emperors other than me.
Otherwise, they wouldn’t say on the video something like ‘The Infected Emperor exists!’.

“As expected this Usokawa guy is a fake……”
“”Aa, but there’s no doubt that there’s an Infected Emperor near this guy””
“Morio-san, how many Infected Emperors are there beside me”
“”Fumu…… considering the entire population it’s safe to say that there are about ten people, it’s rather shocking that within that there’s two of them in j.a.pan. By the way, the first confirmed Infected Emperor was an American male, he should have no consanguinity with you””

Every human that has consanguinity with me turns into an Infected Emperor…… is apparently not the case.

“”A foot soldier like me has only read about it in the doc.u.ments but, if I’m not wrong the female Infected Emperor is in this j.a.pan””
“And she’s cooperating with Usokawa……? Is that the case? Father”
“”Aa, that seems to be it. What on earth is their objective for working together is still unknown though……””

“Jin-san, I have something important to talk about”
Aki-chan who has been unusually quiet since the morning opened her mouth.
What on earth is it?

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