“Something important?”
“……My period didn’t come”



……Heh? Seriously!?

No but for this one week, every single day like monkeys, we have s.e.x and c.u.mming inside, naturally huh……

“Ah, of course, I only had s.e.x with Jin-san”
“Un I know”

The one who stole Aki-chan’s virginity was me after all.

“……Father, does zombification cause menstrual irregularity?”
“”……A precipitous mutation happens to the body, of course, there will be menstrual irregularity””

Is that so.
Well, I guess so.

“”Even so, you might actually be pregnant……I will ask just in case but what about the initial symptoms of pregnancy? “”
“None in particular……”
“”Fumu, well I guess so. I still can’t say anything yet but…… Aki-chan is a unique individual…… There might be various differences from the pregnancy of a normal female…… For the time being, it’s probably better to restrain from s.e.xual activities for a while””
“Muu…… Thinking about the child in the stomach then it’s natural……”

Aki-chan is a little dissatisfied that we can’t have s.e.x for a while.

“”Implantation doesn’t happen for the first half month after fertilization……That’s why I can’t say anything for now since it has only been a week currently, but as long as she’s a unique individual there might be differences from the norm, so for the time being it’s better to observe the situation””
“I see……”
“”It might just be menstrual irregularity but, just in case””

Th, that’s right!
It might just be menstrual irregularity……

I wonder what is it, this somewhat happy, somewhat disappointed feeling.

“Eh, my period didn’t come as well……”


“”Sakura as well? My my I would ask for you to decide on the name when I’m awake okay?””
“No but! It might just be menstrual irregularity……Something like a child between Jin-nii and me…… ”

Sakura-chan, aren’t you looking somewhat happy?

“……In any case, mine still hasn’t come yet”

Well, Saya is still an elementary school student……
……Speaking of which.

“Do you continue to grow after zombification?”
“”Mu? About Saya-chan? Aa. You don’t have to worry about that, she will properly grow, that’s why Saya’s period will come……as well. Probably””

No, please be a.s.sertive there.
But she’s a fused individual……there’s no saying what will happen……

After having talked for a while, Morio-san went back to sleep again.
Is the next time another week from now……

I head back to my room while I think about that.

“Then Aki-nee? Let’s do a.n.a.l development!”
“I don’t want it over there! It’s the b.u.t.t hole!? It’s dirty!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine, because in time that disgust will turn into pleasure! Furthermore, if it’s the b.u.t.t then it’s different from the p.u.s.s.y, there shouldn’t be any bad influence on the baby, you know?”

That’s some amazing talk.
The part where disgust turns into pleasure is probably from Sakura-chan’s personal experience.

“Even so I don’t want to! Jin-san, please help……”
“But I might want to see the Aki-chan going crazy with a.n.a.l a little”
“There! See?”
“Uuu……there are no allies……Saya-chan?”
“Onii-chan! Aki-oneechan is troubled! Cut it out there!”

Well, it’s not something to force upon, it can’t be helped.
Even though it’s a little disappointing.

“Furthermore, since Saya’s period hasn’t come yet you can c.u.m inside all you want, you know? If it’s the b.u.t.t hole’s first time then I can give it to Onii-chan as well”
“The one I thought is an ally was an enemy……! Sakura! Do a.n.a.l development on me! I’m going to have Jin-san’s a.n.a.l virginity!”
“Ah, sorry Aki-nee, I’ve already eaten up Jin-nii’s a.n.a.l virginity”
“Eeee! Wh, when did that…… ”

If I’m not wrong that’s ……two days ago?


In the afternoon that day, Sakura-chan suggested to me ‘Shall we keep it a secret from everyone and have a.n.a.l s.e.x tonight?’
Of course, there was no reason to refuse it so I readily accepted the invitation.
And like this, we came to the veranda when everybody’s asleep.

“Has everybody fallen asleep?”
“Aa, Aki-chan and Saya is fast asleep”

It took some effort to get them to sleep immediately without having s.e.x, getting out of the futon without waking the both of them who are clinging tightly to me was also difficult.


I have no idea why but, Sakura-chan is putting some distance between us.
It’s not in the afternoon but, it’s obvious at night.
To begin with, she isn’t sleeping together with me.
She yields sleeping beside me to Aki-chan and Saya.
Always sleeping alone in the bed.
Why is that.

Today, there’s also the purpose of asking about the reason.

“Sakura-chan, aren’t you putting some distance between us?”
“Th, there’s no such thing? Un, I’m not hiding anything!?”

It feels like instead of hiding, she wants something to be noticed.

“It’s an order, say it. Everything”

What a pain!
I will forcefully make her reveal everything with this ability!

“U, ah…..”

Sakura’s mouth slowly starts to move.
Sakura’s body is a normal zombie.
Because of that, her body priorities my orders instead of Sakura herself.
That’s why Sakura can definitely not disobey my order.
……I want to respect Sakura own will so, I won’t order something that Sakura doesn’t want but.

“Because I’m…… not the first¹”
“……What do you mean?”
“The one at Jin-nii violated at the very first is Aki-nee. Your first kiss is with Saya, then what about me? What is my first with Jin-nii? ……There’s nothing, isn’t it! Even so, I also love Jin-nii the most²!? But the one Saya loves the most is Jin-nii as well, the one Aki-nee loves the most is Jin-nii as well…… Is it fine for me to be near Jin-nii!? It feels like I’m just being loved in the meantime while you’re at it…… I feel like such me shouldn’t be near Jin-nii……”
“There’s no such thing!”

Who is the number one³ to me.
Even now I still don’t have an answer.
That’s why as far as possible I intend to love them all equally.

……But is it no good that way.
That’s why it became like this.
I made Sakura say such a thing.
But I.


I stole her lips as it is.

“Sakura, I love Aki-chan, and I love Saya. Even so, right now the one I love the most is Sakura. I’m only looking at Sakura now. Sakura, do you love me?”
“I love you!”

Sakura replied instantly.

I can’t choose.
In the end, I won’t choose.

Choosing would mean abandoning the ones that weren’t chosen.
I’m a greedy man.
I can’t abandon any of them.
All of them.
I’ll have all of them.

“Sakura, it’s all of them for me. I love everyone”
“Un, I know. Being loved in the meantime, even there’s no such thing the thought crossed my mind for a moment.”
“Aa, sorry. I made you worry even for a moment”
“It’s fine, I don’t mind”

We kissed again.
A kiss is something nice no matter how many times it is.

“I, think I will get mad at if I say this but, I think I’m glad that society’s common sense collapsed because of zombies ”
“Nh? Why?”
“Because I think Jin-nii will probably get married to Aki-nee, that’s why if it isn’t under these circ.u.mstances I think Jin-nii won’t lay his hands on me”

Might be true.
Saya is……my sister.
I thought she would definitely get together with a better guy of her same age.
I see Sakura as a being like a sister.
Not as a woman.

Probably if common sense hadn’t collapsed, I would go out with Aki-chan……and get married.

“That’s why, even if it’s a one-time relationship, even if it’s like a disposable s.e.x sleeve, I wanted to be embraced by Jin-nii ”
“……That’s why a.n.a.l development?”
“Un, boys like lewd girls right? That’s why……”
“Sakura, the one I like isーー”
“The girls that like Jin-nii right? I know”

Sakura finally smiled.

“Sakura, be my first, will you be the very first girl I violate with a.n.a.l?”
“Un, okay. Just like when you stole my virginity, this time my a.n.a.l virginity……okay?”

I get it, I will not hold back.


Sakura grabs onto the veranda railing and stuck her b.u.t.t out.
The smallish and cute b.u.t.t mesmerizes me.

The position is naturally, Sakura’s favourite doggy style.
……Now then.

The biggish a.n.a.l plug was already inserted into Sakura’s b.u.t.t hole.
I just have to remove this and drive my c.o.c.k in.
Being fully prepared is just like Sakura.

“Alright, I’m going to remove this okay?”

I caress around her a.n.u.s that has swallowed the a.n.a.l plug with my fingers.
Sakura’s body jerked with just that.
Even though I only caressed her…… This is something to look forward to.

I slowly remove the a.n.a.l plug.


After removing the a.n.a.l plug, Sakura’s a.n.u.s remains spread gaping wide lewdly.
Somehow it wasn’t able to go back to how it was before so it’s gulping.

“It’s stuck open, Sakura’s erotic a.n.u.s is”
“Un…… My a.n.u.s is lewd and only for Jin-nii’s use you know? So can Jin-nii thurst his c.o.c.k in here……? ”

Sakura seduces me.
……I can’t hold it anymore.
I wanted to tease her a little more but, I myself am at my limit.
My son is erected to its limit.

Spreading on it a thick layer of lotion, and onwards to the erotic a.n.u.s in heat.


Without any warning, I thrust it in.
Inside the a.n.u.s that has a different from the structure of a p.u.s.s.y, the intestinal wall trembles, wrapping up and tightening around my superb c.o.c.k.

“Ah, ah, aaaa, Ji, Jin-ni, this, amaz……!”

The bowels are originally specialized in letting things out.
It’s different from the v.a.g.i.n.a that’s for inserting and extracting.
But even so, it got used to having something inserted inside, the thing called a.n.u.s is so helplessly erotic!
With just one’s s.e.xual desire, it’s able to become so erotic, the human body.
The change is on a whole different level when it borrows the power of the virus.


The inside of the wriggling intestine is as though it’s trying to wring me out.
Being inside such a place, I’m a step away from blowing my load.

“Huh? Is it coming out? Nfufu~Even though It’s fine to let it out?”

Sakura who has a slight composure say and provokes me.
I can’t see her face but, I could somehow imagine it.

“Is that so, then shall I let it all out……with aphrodisiac effects!”
“Heh? Don’t tell me……wait, I changed my mind, not inside! I will break……!!!”

I went into the last spurt and vigorously shake my hips.
This is bad, I can’t hold it anymore.
……I’m c.u.mming!


Inside Sakura’s intestines, I inject the aphrodisiac milk that’s created from the ability copied from Aki-chan.
Absorption through the intestine.
This will be effective.

“Ah, aa, ahii……!”

Sakura’s body starts convulsing.
Even after my e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, Sakura’s body continues trembling.

“This is bad, I got hard with the s.e.m.e.n I let out myself……”

This aphrodisiac is also effective to me it seems……
Thanks to that, I got hard again even though I just came.

“……That’s right”

I temporarily took out my superb c.o.c.k, and inserted the a.n.a.l plug in again.

“Sakura, I’ll use it as a stopper so that it doesn’t leak okay? With this, your a.n.u.s can slowly drink my s.e.m.e.n right?”
“Ah, aa……”
“This time I will inject my baby juice into your p.u.s.s.y okay? So get pregnant alright?”
“U"n"I gyet itt……”

Sakura nods as she becomes slightly incoherent.

Now then, to make a child with Sakura it’s time for the baby-making hole.
Oo, getting aroused over and over again made her love juice drip all the way to her thigh.

With this, there’s no need for foreplay.


Sakura took in my superb c.o.c.k as she raised an inaudible voice.
While the inside of a v.a.g.i.n.a in heat gives me a different pleasure from the a.n.a.l, it moves to wring out my s.e.m.e.n.

“This feels good, Sakura……I’m c.u.mming!”

My superb c.o.c.k that has become sensitive with the effect of the aphrodisiac finished immediately.
But it revives immediately so there’s no problem.

“I will c.u.m as many times as I can……”

Sakura lets out a voice that’s similar to a beast as she services my superb c.o.c.k.
Whispering that to her ears, I once again start moving……

Such a thing happened……
It was amazing.

After that incident, Sakura stopped placing a distance between us.
Because of that, the girls sleeping beside me is on a shift system.

But, I’m glad.
The next time it might also be nice to do it with Aki-chan or Saya.
Fufufu, the joy of being able to choose is unbearable……
No, I might as well gather the three of them……

Fufu, the dream is expanding……

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