“Nn, Onii-chan……I love you……”

I get kissed sweetly by Saya as I wake up.
Occasionally I get a.s.saulted s.e.xually by someone when I wake up.
Today, it seems I’m being ridden by Saya.


I gently stroke the hair of Saya who’s staddled atop me.
Making sure to also stroke the dog ears of Saya that is twitching in happiness.

Aa, Saya is cute……

“Hey Onii-chan……let’s do it?”

Saya asked that but……
Indeed it will be fine to do it in the cowgirl position as it is.
But today is.

“Not yet, today is……the day I will be having Saya’s ‘First time"”
“Ah……! That’s right……un I understand”

Saya separated from me obediently.
That’s right, today is the day I have Saya’s backーーa.n.a.l’s first time.

Today is the day I make Saya completely mine.
Thanks to it being utterly developed, Saya’s a.n.a.l became capable of taking in a girthy a.n.a.l use toy.
It should already be alrightーーafter concluding it with Sakura-chan yesterday, it’s decided that today I’ll shove my superb c.o.c.k into Saya.

I, Fujiwara Sayaka, my former name is, Karasuma Sayaka.
My surname changed because I got married to Onii-chanーーis, not the case.

It’s because my mother……divorced that guy.
After that, I took on the surname ‘Fujiwara’ of my new father.
……Though Mother, New Father and that man, are all dead.

But it’s fine.
Because Onii-chan is around.
Gentle and cool Onii-chan.
The Onii-chan I love……

That Onii-chan is taking my ‘First time’.
I waited for Onii-chan on top of the bed in『That room』
I feel happy……but.

“……I wanted to give him the ‘First time’ here”

Not the hole at the back, the front holeーー
The place that man soiled.
……I hate it.

That man’s voice is……coming back.

“Sayaka” “Sayaka” “Sayaka”

I hate it……I hate it.

That man is.
Known as a full-time house-husband, he’s always at home.
Mother is a hardworking career woman and most of the time she isn’t home but, I love her.
I’m not really sure about the details but, my mother likes working so, it seems that that man stopped working and became a full-time house-husband for the sake of supporting that.

Then, the nights that Mother isn’t around.

“Sayaka, come now try saying it?”
“Un, I get it, Father erm……’Sayaka is a lecherous perverted loli m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic toilet, please mess me up!"”
“You said it well, Sayaka. I’ll give you Father’s c.o.c.k as a reward”

Saying that, that man pets my head……and then……
My first time is……

A certain day……

“That’s no good, isn’t it. Spitting out Father’s milk……! This calls for punishment”
“!……N,no……Father stop……I’ll do anything so, just not the punishment……”

He forcibly shoves it in and I was forced to service it with my mouth.
That man’s punishment was really painful.

To the point where it hurts, my b.r.e.a.s.t.s……my c.l.i.toris as well……was pulled.
There were multiple times when my tears wouldn’t stop flowing.

“Ahーah, Sayaka, you’re really a perverted m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t……wetting your crotch so much……even though pulling on your b.r.e.a.s.t.s and c.l.i.toris with the clothespin should hurt quite a lot”
“That’s not, that’s not it……”
“There’s no way that’s true! A liar needs more punishment……”

Afterwards, my b.u.t.t was also spanked.
Then I was told ‘You’re wet again’,’You’re a pervert’ over and over.

“Hey, try saying what I’ve taught you”
“I, I am, a perverted m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t……I’m born for the sake of being messed up by Father’s c.o.c.k……My p.u.s.s.y is exclusive to Father……Please give lots of your s.e.m.e.n, into my belly……”
“You were able to say it well Sayaka, that’s right you’re born for the sake of taking care of Father’s s.e.xual urges……Now it’s time for your reward……”

I hate it! No more!

It won’t disappear.
The sensation of his entering me and soiling me won’t disappear.
The sensation of the hot stuff pouring into me won’t disappear.
Being violated roughly and it pouring inside multiple times……
Each time, contrary to my heart, my body was pleased.

Soiled and messed up by the Father I loved.
That truth won’t disappear.

Those words are clinging to me as though it’s a curse.

“I’m a lecherous perverted m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic loli toilet. A lewd woman that loves c.o.c.k. Please mess me up”
“You’ve said it well……A lecherous perverted m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic toilet……that’s you, it’s Sayaka’s fate to become Father’s meat toiletーー”



Shiro barked inside me.
Th, that’s right.
I can’t just keep thinking about the past.


Shiro energetically replies with a ‘that’s right’.
……I keep getting saved by Shiro.
If Shiro wasn’t here, I……think I’d be in a rather bad spot.
Thank you, Shiro.

“Sorry, I’ve made you wait”
“Unn, it’s fine Onii-chan, I didn’t wait at all, it was something important wasn’t it?”

I don’t really understand but, it seems like he was talking on the phone with that Usokawa guy.
Onii-chan who has finished talking sits beside me.
Something about the zombie hunters and such.

“Important or perhaps I should say……well, we’ve decided on a non-aggression pact”
“Fue? What do you mean?”

Non-aggression pact?
I wonder what, could it be with some other country……

“Usokawa and Iーーwell, the j.a.pan Reconstruction Board is in charge of Kantou²”

Recently Tokyo was also successfully recaptured.
Majority of the zombies were placed under Onii-chan’s control and it was able to be taken back quickly but……
That’s right that’s right, the experiments for returning the senses back to a zombified person is still continuing……is what the Usokawa guy said.

“But Kansai³ーーOsaka and Kyoto and such are being governed and controlled by the zombie hunters’ j.a.pan Kansai Alliance”

The zombie hunters who uploaded the video were from Kansai.
Then it seems that they placed the Kansai region under their control as it is……
Though a fusion individual who retained their senses like me is operating as the leader……

“Those guys don’t seem to want to receive directions from anyone……basically it’s a disagreement. To make matters worse, Shikoku⁴ and Kyushu⁵ also have different groups and there are also disagreements there……”

Onii-chan smiles bitterly.
There’s nothing that can be done.

“We don’t have to intention to fight, but the other sides have reacted rather excessively……”

The real ruler of j.a.pan is me!……Is how the kind of person the Kansai Alliance’s leader feels like.

“The non-aggression pact was enacted as a result of the discussion and it wrapped up without an immediate war, that’s what the call was about”

Uwaーsomehow there are disagreements with unknown places……but there isn’t a war immediately.

“O, Onii-chan……stop the s.e.xual hara.s.sment when you’re talking about something serious”
“Nn? But it seems like Saya’s nipples want it done more?”

Onii-chan’s hands are touching my b.r.e.a.s.t.s gently……unlike that man, it’s gentle.
Because that man left it all to his desires and touched using all his strength……it feels amazingly good.

“Onii-chan……let’s do it?”
“Aa, shall we do it, Saya”

I have Onii-chan pet my head.
Even though it’s just that, it feels extremely blissful.

I seduce Onii-chan in a pose with my b.u.t.t stuck out.

“Onii-chan……Saya’s b.u.t.t is……unn, not just my b.u.t.t, my entire body is exclusive to Onii-chan”

That’s right, ‘Saya’ is Onii-chan’s exclusive perverted m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic loli toilet.
Be it Fujiwara Sayaka, or Karasuma Sayaka, I am me.
‘Sayaka’ as well, ‘Saya’ as well, is me.

Me being a pervert……probably, doesn’t change.
If that’s the case then, I’ll be Onii-chan’s exclusive pervert.
I’ll please Onii-chan with that.

That’s what I want to do.
The fate I’ve decided on.
This is me.


The cold lotion is entering me.
After a slight while, Onii-chan’s warm finger entered as well.

“Ah, ah……!!!”

Onii-chan moves and turns his finger.
Slowly, slowly, my b.u.t.thole spreads open.
I can feel my b.u.t.thole turning into ‘Onii-chan use’……!

I was made by Sakura-san to be able to feel good with my b.u.t.t……!
Noo, it feels gooddd!

“It’s amazing, Saya……the fingers have gone in so far……besides, the tail is amazing as well”

The number of finger increases, I’m being expanded by Onii-chan……!!!
Aa……Onii-chan! Onii-chan!!!

The tail is also moving on its own!
It’s shaking in great joy!!!

I, I want……!

“It’, it’s already fine so……O, Onii-chan’s, ple, please……?”

I’m about to c.u.m with my b.u.t.thole.
But I don’t want to.
Not with the fingers……with the c.o.c.k.
I want Onii-chan’s large c.o.c.k……!
I want to c.u.m with Onii-chan’s……!!!

“……I’m sticking it in, Saya, Saya’s ‘First time’, I’ll take it……!”
“Un, come……come, haーa! O, Onii-chan……!!!”

It’s here.
Onii-chan’s is.

The c.o.c.k that that man can’t even compare with.

It’s hot and big.
Onii-chan’s throbbing thing is.

“Guu……u, I’m moving……”

Onii-chan’s starts moving, slowly.
Onii-chan’s becomes as big as it can be.
It is spreading my……b.u.t.t……!!!
Noo, cu, c.u.mming……!!!!!

“Ah, aaaaaaaa!!!”
“Uo……Saya amazing, you already came?”
“Un……because Onii-chan’s is, Onii-chan’s iss!!!”

Though I’m already c.u.mming, Onii-chan and I can’t stop moving our hips.
I want to feel even better.

More, more, more.
Gradually, the movements are getting rougher.


I can understand.
Onii-chan is about to c.u.m.
Because the c.o.c.k is jerking.
Because the hand stroking my hair is so gentle.
Onii-chan’s scent is, filling my entire nostrils.
There’s, only the scent of Onii-chan.

“Onii-chan, Onii-chan, Onii-chann!!!”

Onii-chan’s hot s.e.m.e.n is pouring into my b.u.t.t.
My b.u.t.thole is hot and it’s melting……

“Ah, Onii-chan……”

After finished c.u.mming, Onii-chan finally took himself out from the inside of me.
Since it was a long e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, Onii-chan is enjoying the aftertaste.

“You’re cute, Saya. With this, Saya is completely Onii-chan’s”

I kiss with Onii-chan.
Un, blissful.
Onii-chan, I love you.

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