The root of the evil remains.
Likely, j.a.pan is going to continue being in a divided state for a while.

I who have received the call from Usokawa, thought about that.
Former zombie hunter……currently, j.a.pan Kansai Alliance.
The top is the fusion individual of a tiger……it seems that he’s called the Tiger of Naniwa¹.

The same type of fusion individual that retains the same consciousness as before the infection like Saya and Saya’s biological father.
That man who has fused with a tiger……seems to extremely hate being under someone.
It took all we had just to somehow establish a non-aggression pact, Usokawa said in an exhausted voice.

As long as he’s a fusion individual, my ability doesn’t work.
Therefore, going to Kansai now is dangerous.
Since we might get a.s.saulted by the a.s.sociates of the j.a.pan Kansai Alliance……

“Fuu……As expected, just protecting the ones around me and myself is taking all I have……”

What I’m capable of, is just that.
I don’t want to lead the zombies into an all-out war, I also have no plans for that.

“What is wrong? Jin-san”

As I was sighing on the veranda, Aki-chan came.
She held in her hand a bottle of juice that we have gotten when we raided a discount store previously.
The juice in the plastic² bottle, is still drinkable because of the long expiry date.

“Jin-san, do you want to drink some?”
“Aa, sure”

I open the plastic bottle and drink it.
It has a lactobacillus type of taste……the recent soft drinks are excessively long lasting.
……But soon, it’s going to be bad.

Even if we raid the store……the things we can get are getting lesser.
They are already rotten or, frankly letting out a bad smell……
Edible food is gone.

Fortunately, there is still dried preserve food but……
Even so, it has mostly become tasteless.
I’m glad we made the zombie farmers work and produce summer vegetables.
There’s no immediately famine crisis that would lead to death.

“The culture created by humans are, undoubtedly going to be destroyed……”
“What’s wrong? Jin-san, you seem somewhat languid today”
“Aa, it’s just a little……”

“Is that so……”

I told Aki-chan what I’ve heard from Usokawa.
For the time being, the disturbance in j.a.pan will continue……
Like in the past, the peaceful……the peaceful summer break will no longer, come again.

“Well, after thinking about how those summer days will never come again……”
“Aa, that reminds me……Today is August 31 huh”

Aki-chan, Sakura-chan, Saya.
The three of them were able to get back their smiles.

“I have, we have lost a lot, that……doesn’t change”
“……Jin-san, but we are alive, though we are infected by the virus, we are properly alive, we are alive you know? We are”

Aki-chan smiles.
Just like the sun, a dazzling smile.
There are days when I’m saved by this smile.

“That’s why……let’s create our future? If the bright future is destroyed……then we’ll just have to rebuild it”

……That’s right.
Nothing will start by just moping about!


‘Pan’, I slap my own cheeks.
I snapped out of it.

“Aki-chan……from now on……will you be with me?”
“Yes, of course”

Let’s entrust it.
In our generation, j.a.pan probably won’t return back to the way it was.
That’s why……the next generation.

Those who have adapted to the virus, the children of the next generation……
Let’s entrust it to them.

Summer ends……as though the footsteps of autumn can be heard, that’s the kind of a night it was.

© 2024