In the end, we went several rounds after that.

“Aki-chan, come to think of it, what birthday present do you want?”
“Heh? Me, really?”
“Yes, Aki-chan’s birthday present, it’s your birthday soon, right?”

I ask Aki-chan the question while we are in the middle of pillow talk.
Now then, what does Aki-chan want?

“A baby with Jin-san?”

……An immediate answer.
Well, since it’s Aki-chan……I thought so.

“No, erm, a baby is, not some we make but something we are blessed with……”
“I understand that much……but it’s true that I want it, you know?”

Un, erotic.
Even just her tilting her head is cutely erotic.
But still, I can’t get it up immediately after going several rounds……Well, give it some time and I’ll be able to go again though.

“Then……what do you want besides a baby?”

I try asking Aki-chan again as I’m stroking her long silky black hair.

“Uーn……that’s right……If I have to say something then, a s.p.a.cious kitchen?”
“Yes, the current kitchen is a little small……It’s fine if it’s just me but, if it’s cooking with Sakura or Saya then it’s a little……”

Well, I guess it can’t be helped.
Originally, this worn out apartment is a one person apartment for students.
The kitchen isn’t meant for three people to cook together.

“I see……I get it, I’ll try to do something about it”

The next day.

It’s said that there are various hidden meanings behind a woman’s words.
This time around……

“According to what I’ve seen on the net……if I’m not wrong,『Wanting a new kitchen = Wanting a new ‘my home’』right?”

I walk the streets along with the zombie policemen under my control.
I’m just staggering about without an objective as I consolidate the thoughts in my head.

“It’s true that the room is small……maybe we need a new home”
“That might be soー”

Besides, if we made a child, it’ll be impossible to live in the current room.
A s.p.a.cious house is needed.


“Sakura-chan!? Why are you here……”

Sakura-chan who’s carrying a backpack is there.
Of course, she’s changed out of her pyjamas.

“Too bad, you were planning to stealthily leave the room but……Jin-nii, it’s very obvious?”

It’s obvious huh……
Since it’s a birthday present for Aki-chan, I wanted to prepare it secretly.

“In any case, it’s the birthday present for Aki-nee, right? Surprise?”
“That, was my intention but……if Sakura-chan is here then……”
“Un, Aki-nee knows as well? She said ‘I’m looking forward to what kind of a present it is"”

Muu……it’s obvious huh.

“Well then, the present is a house?”
“Un, I was thinking that a house might be good if we’re thinking about the future and children, ah, of course, I have the intention to give her other presents as well”
“Hou……leaving what kind of presents aside……what are you going to do about the house? Plunder a suitable house?”

Live in a house that had occupants residing in it?
Majority of the houses are occupied by zombies that are following their habits before the infection.
If we chase out the zombies living there, we could easily get our hands on a house but……
No, somehow it doesn’t feel right.

Since we are getting one, a new house would be better.

“Plundering someone else’s house is……”
“Then, how about having the zombies built one?”

Have zombies that were carpenters build it?
……A house build by zombies huh.
It’s uneasy in its own way.
What should I do.

Incidentally, a certain shop enters my sight.
……This is?

“A realtor……”
“That seems to be it”

There leaflets of various residence pasted in the shop.
Looking at the leaflets that writes『We support your new life!』or『To a new life from April onwards……』or so on, it feels like time has stopped since the zombie uproar.
Even though It’s already September……

I call out to the shop owner who’s inside the shop standing still.
Now then, are there any good houses?


We follow the realtor zombie who’s leading us.
It seems like we are lucky because apparently there’s a new house that completed its construction at the end of March.
Originally, it would probably already have people residing in it but……

“Jin-nii, isn’t it quite a good house! But what about the inside?”
“We won’t know unless we try going in”

We enter with the key we received from the realtor zombie.

“Oo, lucky! There’s no one living in it!”

It’s a little dusty but……it’s a beautiful room with not even one furniture.

“There’s also a park nearby, it’s slightly far from the train station but, there’s a bus stand nearby……and it’s quite a large two-storied building……”
“Isn’t it a great house!”

The location is closer to the shopping district that the Ootsuchi mother and daughter are in than the worn down apartment we are living now.
There won’t be any problem when it comes to shopping.
It’s a good house in a good location……but.

“However……that’s all”
“Aa, that’s all before the zombie uproar”

It’s still a well-built house but, the location……there is almost no bus stopping at the bus stand and the shopping district isn’t operating.
Occasionally there are buses driven by the zombie drivers stopping by but……
A normal person probably can’t board it.

“For the time being, let’s try this house out!”
“We’ll have to move the furniture later as well”

Well, I have the zombies as infinite manpower so it’s no problem.

“Hey……Jin-nii? Do you have interest in outdoor s.e.x……?”

On the way home, Sakura-chan came up with an attractive proposal.
I do, I do, I definitely do.

“Shall we do it……in that park?”

In the park near the new home huh……
Come to think of it, it’s the first time I’m doing it under the blue skies……!
Though there’s no longer the thrill of hiding from people since the surroundings are only zombies……
Even so, s.e.x with a sense of liberation should be fresh.
Even though we had s.e.x in the discount store and inside the police station……
Both of it is indoors.
This is outdoors!
Exposure s.e.x!

“Shall we do it, outdoor s.e.x”

We took a seat on a bench that’s in the park.

“A, and……here, Jin-nii this”
“Oh, lotion……eh that means?”

I took out the small container of lotion from the backpack Sakura-chan was carrying.
It’s the one we often use during a.n.a.l play.

“My b.u.t.thole……feel free to play with it? Of course, forcefully shoving your c.o.c.k and filling me up is fine……okay? My b.u.t.thole and my p.u.s.s.y……are for Jin-nii’s use……!”

……I can’t take it anymore.

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